IMHO its value relates to its rarity and the fact that it's collectable because it's Motown and because of its legendary status.
Quality-wise, come on... it's good but far from the best record ever made, it's far from the best record played on the scene, it's not the best record from Motown and it's probably not even the best record on Soul.
No disrespect but if it had got released and flopped and copies were available would it really have this special status?
Ironically, converse to its rarity as a withdrawn release it's now the 'go to' for the know-nothing media and any old assorted div that wants to spout off about 'Northern Soul'..
Saturday evening peak time TV for a family audience is nothing to do with the rare soul scene as I remember and treasure it. In fact, wasn't that part of the boring, rotten old world we were trying to escape from?
Anyway, these are just my views. Rant over. No offence intended.