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Everything posted by Joesoap

  1. I'm not all that keen on 'Wrong Side of Town' myself. But the other one, 'One Picture's Worth a Thousand Words' - I think that's a very good record judged on its own merits (ie not just the standard of 'good for a 'tailor-made'). One of the few of the kind that I own. On the odd occasion I stick it on at home am always surprised at how good it is.
  2. Spin off from the thread someone started about 'Footsee'. Most 'tailor-made' Northern records were a bit iffy but there are some good ones. So I thought I'd start a thread. What are the decent / best ones? And what were the worst? '24 Hours a Day' has got to be in there as one of the best. Also David Rhodes, 'Hung Up In Mid-Air'. Was that one? I can think of a few more and some talking points. But for now, over to you. Hopefully a bit of fun to pass a bit of time while we're all stuck at home. Was gonna suggest a 'worst tailor-mades' thread but just post 'em all here, good and bad, and we'll sort it out that way!
  3. One I've always wondered about.... Wigan's Chosen Few, with its lovably daft, quintessentialy 70s sound effects, has got to have some kind of a claim as an early 'remix' (albeit of a very primitive kind and not the level of technical sophistication pioneered by Tom Moulton or King Tubby). Earliest British-made remix maybe?
  4. Good record and no idea. I'll be surprised if he tells you as the 'breaks' scene is extremely competitive to my knowledge, but good luck and let us know if you find out!
  5. Just had a google around and funnily enough, this is all explained in some detail on Wikipedia. So with ref to own knowledge and Discogs, the sequencing was: 'Picture Me Gone' 7 first released UK (plus Holland and Germany) 1967. UK recording. Original release. Tapes then sent to USA and 'I'm Gonna Make You Love Me' promoted / released in US (with 'Picture..' as b-side) On Mod (10,000 copies?) first, then wider release on US Phillips. (Highest chart position, April 1968) 'I'm Gonna Make You Love Me' then released UK after it was a US hit. (1968). Supremes + Temptations smash hit version of, 'I'm Gonna..' was in late 1968. Funnily enough, I found a mint UK copy of 'Picture Me Gone' (for 50p!) a couple of years ago in a local charity shop in amongst a few Dusty Springfield 7"s. Always wondered how they got there... '
  6. As Chalky says, it's not all that rare and also its been played for the best part of 50 years. So I doubt a decent, properly-done reissue for folk to play at home or, dare I say it, at a local soul night is going to destroy the scene, such as it is. (Or affect the inflated current price for an original if that is the worry). And I don't get what the problem is with the price for this reissue at all... (Edit. Comment on the article. Thought this was originally Blackpool Mecca, not Cleethorpes?)
  7. I'd have been given it by a distributor to promote orders so a promo rather than test press. Never saw Kent comp white labels when I did that job and I was responsible for buying those but I guess those may have gone elsewhere. Records were commonly promoted this way at the time. You used to be able to pick up all sorts of promo white labels with inserts like this in non-specialist second hand music shops around Soho. Just about anything on 12' aimed at club market scheduled for UK release could be got that way for pence ahead of its release.
  8. Not sure what info you are after...I had exactly the same Margie Joseph white label and insert. I would have been given it by the distributor when it came out 1988 and I was a buyer for one of the high street music retailers. I think it might have come with a repro of the artwork. I first heard 'One More Chance' off that LP. Picked up the 7" shortly afterwards (would've been a £5-£10 record back then).
  9. TSU Toronados 'Getting The Corners' came out as one side of a 7" included (I think) in a boxset. The b-side of Bobo Mr Soul, 'She's My Woman, She's My Girl', the instrumental track sounds exactly the same as the Archie Bell version on Ovide. Some of the LJF productions on Archie Bell, not released on Ovide, also came out on UK. Further question: Does anyone know if Archie Bell 'Love's Gonna Rain on You' on UK President / US Glades (1974) is the same recording as 'Love Will Rain On You' that came out on Atlantic in '68? I've not got the President / Glades one. The ones on Discogs / YouTube show the Atlantic release but the label on the 74 release(s) state 'An original Glades recording'...
  10. Sold my original about 6-7 years ago for tuppence ha'penny bcos I'd lost heart and fallen out of the loop, didn't think prices had gone up that much since I bought it in the 80s and didn't think anyone rated it. What an idiot! A source of regret!
  11. Just remembered this one too. All sorts going on here in terms of where his sound came from and who it would go on to influence...
  12. On a slight tangent, after success of 'Tighten Up' (I assume) there were a few Ovide / LJF/ Skipper Lee Frazier productions that came out on Atlantic. Off the top of me swede, and in no order, thinking about the ones I've got or am aware of, there's: Mark Putney (both labels) Tighten Up (both labels) TSUs: 'What Good Am I?' (both labels). 'A Thousand Wonders' released as TSU Toronados on Ovide and as Archie Bell & Drells on Atlantic LP. TSUs : 'Got to Get Through to You' (Atlantic only) Plus a few great Archie Bell & Drells b-sides: 'You're Such a Beautiful Child', 'Love Will Rain on You', 'Just a Little Closer'. Then two TSU Toronado(e)s on Volt which I assume was part of the same arrangement: 'I Still Love You' and 'Play the Music Toronados' (the latter the same instrumental track as James Taylor: 'Love With Hope' on Ovide) Are there any others? Couple of supplementary questions: How come the TSU Toronado(e)s couldn't make up their minds about how to spell their name and how many variants are there? One that has always bothered me: what the hell is a 'drell'? Sorry if a bit off topic..too much time on my hands for some reason.
  13. Sad news about Bohannon. Very underrated these days considering how prolific he was and how unique his style. Love this one he did with Caroline Crawford:
  14. It's been paused by the BBC temporarily because of the pandemic / lockdown. Not sure why they've taken that decision Instead, Richard is posting a new 2 hour show on Mixcloud every Saturday (6pm, I think). Also his weekly 2 hour show on Solar is unaffected.
  15. Had a delivery from New York (to London) today, posted on 8th April. So just over two weeks. That feels pretty much like normal delivery time.
  16. Right on. And just to add to the above the book is awesome and a thing of beauty. Probably the best of its kind I've ever seen. Was available in those remainder book places a while back. And I think there was also a paperback version. But the hardback is the one to get.
  17. J Jocko 'I'm Gettin' Over'. Superb record. I think it's got more than one drum track -like a phased drum track or loop that you hear from the intro, then recorded live over that including the drummer playing along. Hard to explain but anyway, around 3.11 to the end, definitely sounds like there's a second drummer who keeps coming in and out, going out of sync with the main drum pattern.
  18. In London am getting things trickling through very slowly (ie weeks) from UK sellers. 'Shipped' notifications from US sellers one or two shipped from European sellers with comms acknowledging delivery likely to be slow Have avoided buying from worst-hit countries in Europe. I see no reason to worry about things not turning up. They will eventually. You can get a good idea of track record with online sellers and they aren't gonna suddenly turn dishonest for short-term gain. Mail services will clear backlog and return to normal eventually. (And let's face it, most of us BITD have sent cash in an envelope to the USA in hope that something may arrive 2 or so months later! ) Only mickey-taker I have had so far is some fella in London who claimed because of the crisis he didn't have time to get to a Post Office but suggested instead, me and him each spend two hours walking (he insisted on walking) there and back, breaking social-distancing instructions so he could hand over a record in person...Heaven knows what was going on there!
  19. As Amsterdam Russ says above, was played by Keb, mid-80s. Would have been 100 Club, possibly Stafford, Leighton Buzzard, assorted soul nights, etc. Seem to remember he only featured it fairly briefly, few months maybe but that's where I first heard it. Played as by both 'Micky Valvano' and CODs in those confusing, bygone days!
  20. Interesting...I've had a few of the Drizabone 7" (not Bryan Adams!) out of charity shops around London over the years. Before seeing this, I'm not sure it is something I'd still have bothered to pick up in recent times as I'd assumed it was low value these days. (Then again, my knees can't take looking through records in most charities these days anyway..Why do they always put them on the floor?)
  21. He's posted a previously unaired 2 hour show on Mixcloud this evening and is on Solar from noon tomorrow as usual.
  22. Great idea. All the best with this. I look forward to listening in.
  23. Have always thought Brooks Bros, 'Looking For a Woman' is very similar to 'Satisfaction'...Maybe not as obvious as this one, though!
  24. Sad news. Definitely an overlooked talent. He owned record shops in London in the 60s, wrote hits for the Small Faces and had many a showbiz shenanigans with Brucie, Tarby, etc. What a life! Found this one in a local charity earlier in the year. Not bad at all... Also, behind this one: RIP legend.
  25. Pure speculation but these were licensed from Ollie McGlaughlin, not originated at Atlantic, so wouldn't he have had the tapes? There were, I think, 4 LPs came out in the early/mid- 80s (Detroit Gold 1 and 2, Deon Jackson, Barbara Lewis..maybe one by the Capitols making it 5?). One or two of these had previously unreleased material on. I think they were sourced directly from McGlaughlin, not Atlantic.

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