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Everything posted by Joesoap

  1. This got reissued on Soul Brother last year then apparently withdrawn. Sales also blocked on Discogs. Assume with it being an established reissue label they put it out believing they had the licensing, etc then withdrew owing to some kind of mix up or dispute over that? What's the story here then? And assuming my guesswork is correct how do we categorise releases like that - (ie not put out as a bootleg but withdrawn for copyright / legal reasons)?
  2. Don't get out much so I don't know if this ones ever been played out much or been and gone or whatever. On a CD-only comp about 20 years ago and on vinyl I believe for the first time, couple of years ago. Absolutely top drawer. Love this:
  3. There's three copies on Discogs. Just bought one myself - thanks for the tip!
  4. Thanks - that pretty conclusively deals with that one then! Edit: Hang on though, maybe not (from the report linked to the thread quoted)..
  5. What's this one then? Listed as a promo for a 'forthcoming licensed release' which release appears to have never emerged. Is it really that? Or is it just another boot? And any idea of the quality?
  6. What is the correctly pressed up release (ie not the instrumental of Living Color) like?
  7. As to who they were, both records are credited to B. Durham, L. Cox and M. Davis. Discogs identifies these as: https://www.discogs.com/artist/102463-Mark-Davis-2 https://www.discogs.com/artist/562378-Billy-Durham https://www.discogs.com/artist/6864380-Leamon-Cox So presumably these guys? The other release listed on Penthouse and the other release on Madhatter (which are both quite nice) also have these credits. I've never heard of the Mystery Men record before this but it sounds like an odd release - like an unfinished outtake or something and very dated for 1975. Could it have been put out for UK NS market? When was Living Color played?
  8. Superb. This one likewise - also previously originally on a comp and out shortly (due I think, week after next) on a 7"...
  9. Great record. Was in fact, 100 Club anniversary 7" in 1998 and I think, played there before that.
  10. It also came out on a (Gilles / Baz Fe Jazz) jazz dance compilation LP in 1988 and the Billy Hawks 'Heavy Soul' LP was reissued around the same time. (Edit: I see someone else just posted this too)
  11. I don't bother with eBay but anyone else noticed the increasing number of Discogs sellers who won't ship to the UK? That's presumably as a result of all this palaver....
  12. Sad to hear this. May his memory be a blessing.
  13. In partial response to the OP, pretty sure this is an oldie from the early days - Wheel or Pendulum or somewhere like that.
  14. How did the Canadian version of the Right On label come about then? Couple of collectable releases (Sammy Gaha; Ms Dolly Gilmore) that didn't appear on the UK imprint...
  15. All of the above. Also seem to remember this from the Stafford / early 100 Club era.. There's also a good one written by Bunny Sigler/Ron Tyson ('I'm Comin' Home in The Morning') on his charity shop staple 'Tears on My Pillow' LP but amazingly, it's not on YouTube.
  16. This is really superb. Gabriels 'Love and Hate In A Different Time'. Out on a limited 12' in December but pre-orderable now.
  17. According to Discogs, the one on Fee with 'Taking My Mind off Love' appears to be a variant or reissue of the identical Grapevine 2K release. The original also of course, came out on both Fee and (original series) Grapevine, both in 79. Always used to go for same price. How come it came out on both labels both times?
  18. Could be same track mixed differently - they'd already recycled it once. But it's definitely two different singers. You can hear that from the first couple of lines. Different timbre - Ester has a huskier undertone, Rita more 'breathy'. Perhaps the second one used the first one as a 'guide vocal'? They did it quickly for the b-side and just got her to copy the earlier vocal to fit the pre-existing backing? Or maybe they were disappointed the Ester Byrde didn't break through and wanted another shot with it and just did it the same? It's an excellent record after all.,,,
  19. ....couldn't remember what is was called earlier but this came first, I believe.
  20. Sounds like a different backing track and vocal to me. Both very similar but different recordings. I've got an old Black Music with a little article on Esther Byrde. Think she was a singer / actress in a West End musical around the time this came out (or something like that).
  21. Yes I did watch and quite enjoyed the first series but lost track after that. As a matter of fact the radio station I mentioned above is WWOZ New Orleans which you can stream online. Been listening on a daily basis since lockdown. You might enjoy that if you liked Treme. Lots of obscure soul amongst an eclectic selection of great mainly black New Orleans music.
  22. Okay, this is only intended as a lighthearted post but I heard this on a US radio station recently. Brought a smile to my face so I thought I'd share. Definitely a dancer, got a bit of 'Tighten Up' about it.. Good times music. You've got to love this?
  23. My copy of Garland got stolen about 30 years ago otherwise so would mine be!
  24. So I have found a record and trying to work out if anyone knows it.... It has the same backing as The Staple Singers 'Trippin' on Your Love'. It's not same recording but was recorded in Memphis in the 70s and actually came out before the Staple Singers. Different song. Bit of a left field find / artist but I think it's a really good record. .....Anyone know what I'm going on about?
  25. Also a shout for this one which I can't see mentioned here:

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