Had a situation a few weeks ago with a guy from France advertising a particular record as NM- on Discogs, wasn't a particulaly expensive record. On receipt of record, i was massively disappointed, certainly not as described, although it did play ok. Label had a lot of ring wear, mutiple fine scratches, vinyl had a dull appearance and a drill hole to boot!! I contacted the seller and voiced my concerns, he responded to his credit, pretty promptly with an offer of a refund, which i thought was fair and duly accepted same. Had it been a sound worth considerably more ( ie hundreds of euros ) i sometimes wonder if the outcome would of been as satisfactory!! I've bought a fair bit of vinyl off of Discogs when i haven't had much luck with 'Wants Lists' on SS, and that was the third time that i have been let down. From all my dealings on SS i have never encountered such problems....i find people to be more upfront and honest on this site...may it continue!!