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Everything posted by Okehsoul1952

  1. Just happened by accident, to come across the above artist on Sky Arts last night....he was playing live.....admittedly, never heard of the guy....but after a few minutes, i was hooked by some of the material he was coming out with! Have done a bit of research on You Tube...but, to cut to the chase, has anybody on here bought any vinyl/cd's by him, that you would strongly recommend? Many thanks in advance!!
  2. The place looks idyllic.....could imagine you having loads of fun in a setting like that!
  3. Beautiful, panoramic pictures from all of you....it's cheered my evening up...immensely....
  4. Entirely agree with you there Steve, so when are you going?!!
  5. Brilliant photo's guys....luv 'em!!
  6. Nice pics again....can't get over that bluey sheen on the Swallow! Do you regulaly trespass on MOD property and scare the shit out of Peregrine Falcons whilst endangering your life?!!!!....just being facetious Steve!!
  7. Beautiful photography, as ever!
  8. If you get the opportunity to read 'Fame without Fortune' - the Al Cleveland story.....it's an interesting inside story concerning a songwriter's experience working for Berry Gordy and writing huge hits, notably Smokey Robinson and Marvin Gaye. It goes on to describe how Gordy wasn't paying him, royalties not being paid and regular IRS raids as a direct consequence of Gordy's intervention. The book starts off pretty well but loses its way a bit as you go along.....you finish the book thinking what a control freak he was, and was prepared to walk over anyone, at any cost.
  9. Wud sooner go camping Ed!!
  10. Nice Reed Warbler photo.......guess Thomas dosen't take too much shit off of you?!!!!
  11. Magnificent photos as usual....a delight to see!
  12. A wonderful array of photos, once again.......keep 'em coming Dave!!
  13. Despite your exertions....photography is delightful.....as always!
  14. I've never bought them from anyone else...very reasonable and with free postage, as mentioned! Delivery is normally next day, aswell.
  15. Wasn't too long ago...on Pat Brady's auction site....i was leading the bid on The Jades....thought i had it in the bag only to be notified by Pat that that i had lost out to a 'stronger bid' from a Japanese buyer....at the very last second!!!! Draw your on conclusions on that!
  16. What a lovely kind gesture......you dont see this too often!!....and a belter of a record, aswell!!
  17. That's brilliant....love it!!......the little fella has some serious equipment!
  18. Mine would be...Interplay-Derek & Ray....We go Together-August & Deneen....Theme from Joe 90-Ron Grainer.....and i guess a controversial pick....Country Girl-Vickie Baines....quack quack!!!!!
  19. Remember Richard Searling saying on his BBC Manchester show some time ago, can't remember what venue he said he was at, but he played the Adorables and it cleared the floor. He ended up giving the record away. Likewise, i would never part with it.
  20. Beautiful photography!
  21. Wow.......just can't believe what i've just seen......didn't expect to see that on TGD! Another useless dancing prick ridiculing this exclusive scene of ours....Giovanni...suggest you DO get dancing lessons!!
  22. Please and thank you come to mind......!!!!
  23. So it's a freebie?....good value for just £2.70 postage!!!!
  24. Exus Trek for me too....and great memories of the Torch!!

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