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Marco Arreghini

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Everything posted by Marco Arreghini

  1. Marco Arreghini

    Rochdale Soul Club

    Across the board Northern, Modern and Rare Soul, Ska, Reggae, Motown, no bootlegs, OVO. DJs: Marco Arreghini, Clarence Bennett The dancefloor is polished, clean, and talc-friendly. £3.00 a pint / Carlsberg and Cask Ale Sunday offer: £6 for 2x drinks (pints, bottles, double up) or 3x shots. FREE POOL & FREE DARTBOARD Free entry, EVERYONE is welcome. https://www.facebook.com/groups/rochdalesoulclub
    Excellent selections, ranging from rare to not-so-rare, suiting all tastes and all dancing brogues. Thank you for such a brilliant night!
  2. Music policy: Motown, Northern Soul, Modern Soul, Reggae, SKA, RNB and Rare Soul. No bootlegs, OVO. Great polished and clean dancefloor (talk friendly if needed!), free entry, EVERYONE is welcome. Carlsberg and Cask Ale £3.00 a pint Sunday offer: £6 for 2x drinks (pints, bottles, douple up) or 3x shots. FREE POOL & FREE DARTBOARD Everyone is welcome at Hoochi Koochi!
  3. A truly across the board night, ranging from R&B, Northern Soul and Modern, with the best and friendliest hosts.
  4. The traditional Portogruaro Christmas Eve party marathon, edition number 20something odd? Soul (Northern / Modern), Garage, Latin, Disco, Motown. OVO. Starting with cheeky aperitifs at 7pm, setting the stage for Santa’s trip down the chimney. Event policy: dance, laugh, eat and drink! °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° Your DJs for the night: “the Porto kids” aka I FIOI DI PORTO Elisa Zanon Alessandro Mior Marco Arreghini Domenico Cavallari La tradizionale vigilia di Natale a Portogruaro, edizione ventiqualcosachissiricordaéunmago! Soul (Northern/Modern), Garage, Latin, Disco, Motown. OVO. Si parte alle 19 con aperitivi gagliardi, in preparazione a Babbo Natale in discesa dal camino. Policy: ballare, divertirsi, mangiare e bere! °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° Ai piatti: I FIOI DI PORTO Elisa Zanon Alessandro Mior Marco Arreghini Domenico Cavallari
  5. https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=1146814340777358&set=a.526509232807875
  6. Motown, Northern Soul, Modern Soul and a splash of rare. Great dancefloor, free entry and Carlsberg and Cask Ale £3.00 a pint. This month Marco Arreghini & Alexis Vanlee are partnered by the glorious Vicky Darbyshire, all the way from Ripon! FREE POOL & FREE DARTBOARD Everyone is welcome at Hoochi Koochi Rochdale Sunday Soul Club
  7. Looking forward to be there again both behind the decks and on the floor. It's a precious club to me!
  8. Motown, Northern Soul, Modern Soul and a splash of rare. Great dancefloor, free entry and Carlsberg and Cask Ale £3.00 a pint. FREE POOL & FREE DARTBOARD Everyone is welcome at Hoochi Koochi Rochdale Sunday Soul Club
    Great healthy mix from all 5 DJs, quality.
    Off the scale again! The Shirt consistently delivers quality tracks from solid collections of the residents teaming up with amazing guests.
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    Fantastic night with great selection of rare tunes. Only a sprinkle of R&B and overplayed tracks. Friendly crowd.
  9. Rochdale Sunday Soul Club at Hoochi Koochi. 3pm-9pm - No Door Tax Northern Soul Classics + Modern Soul Anthems with Marco Arreghini and Alexis Vanlee. Cheap bar prices, Metrolink Station at a 2min walk, friendly staff and inclusive environment.
  10. The traditional xmas eve party filled with Soul, Garage, Latin & Modern Soul! This year at Cantina 900!! From aperitif time until Santa’s arrival (I’m sure later), we will eat, drink and dance! Needless to say, vinyl event. °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° DJs for the night: “the Porto kids” Elisa Alessandro Marco Domenico La tradizionale vigilia di Natale a base di Soul, Garage, Latin e Modern quest’anno si festeggia alla Cantina 900!!! Dall’aperitivo, fino all’arrivo di Babbo Natale si mangia, si beve e si balla … il tutto rigorosamente in vinile °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° Ad alternarsi ai piatti i "Fioi di Porto" Elisa Alessandro Marco Domenico
  11. Across the board soulful, funk & disco sounds, + a splash of ska/reggae/R&B. Chilled after work vibes and friendly faces, different age groups. 6.00pm to 11.30pm - no door tax Metrolink MediaCity UK (Blue line) / Multi-storey car park M50 2TG (opposite to Premier Inn Hotel) / Bus to MediaCity UK Awesome craft beers and food available. https://www.sevenbro7hers.com/pages/media-city-beerhouse
  12. Across the board soulful, funk & disco sounds, + a splash of ska/reggae/R&B. Chilled after work vibes and friendly faces, different age groups. 6.30pm to 11.30pm - no door tax Metrolink MediaCity UK (Blue line) / Multi-storey car park M50 2TG (opposite to Premier Inn Hotel) / Bus to MediaCity UK Awesome craft beers and food available. https://www.sevenbro7hers.com/pages/media-city-beerhouse
  13. Across the board soulful, funk & disco sounds, + a splash of ska/reggae/R&B. Chilled after work vibes and friendly faces, different age groups. 6.30pm to 11.30pm - no door tax Metrolink MediaCity UK (Blue line) / Multi-storey car park M50 2TG (opposite to Premier Inn Hotel) / Bus to MediaCity UK Awesome craft beers and food available. https://www.sevenbro7hers.com/pages/media-city-beerhouse
  14. Across the board soulful, funk & disco sounds, + a splash of ska/reggae/R&B. Chilled after work vibes and friendly faces, different age groups. 6.30pm to 11.30pm - no door tax Metrolink MediaCity UK (Blue line) / Multi-storey car park M50 2TG (opposite to Premier Inn Hotel) / Bus to MediaCity UK Awesome craft beers and food available. https://www.sevenbro7hers.com/pages/media-city-beerhouse
  15. Across the board soulful, funk & disco sounds, + a splash of ska/reggae/R&B. Chilled after work vibes and friendly faces, different age groups. 6.30pm to 11.30pm - no door tax Metrolink MediaCity UK (Blue line) / Multi-storey car park M50 2TG (opposite to Premier Inn Hotel) / Bus to MediaCity UK Awesome craft beers and food available. https://www.sevenbro7hers.com/pages/media-city-beerhouse
  16. until

    As usual, as every year: mega!
    Wooden dance floor is fantastic and polished to perfection for a great afternoon of dancing! Friendly welcome from Ged, Carol, Karl and the rest of the crew. Across the board music, a bit for everyone for sure gets played.
    Nice location, engaged audience and great variety of sounds! Well done!
  17. Across the board soulful & funk sounds, + a splash of ska, reggae and R&B at Seven Bro7hers Media City Beerhouse, with Marco. Chilled after work vibes, friendly faces, different age groups. 6.30pm to 11.30pm - no door tax Metrolink MediaCity (Blue line) / Multi-storey car park M50 2TG / Bus to MediaCity UK Awesome craft beers and food available at the Beerhouse, plenty of seats available. Food & drinks menu available at: https://www.sevenbro7hers.com/pages/media-city-beerhouse?fbclid=IwAR2UC2mGZ10D0Gq5bLLnGSYt0XF1ZX2keJjIL_eQ4C-A_ztGeruQ9lQ8R8o
    Another fantastic night, full of RnB & '60s soul, delivered in one of the most iconic cellars in the UK. Excellent spots by both residents (Frank & John) and from their guest Neil.

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