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Event Comments posted by Soulfulmerlin

  1. <edit>comments and images regarding other events dropped by site as per terms of use</edit>

    We simply put on a very good event. Backing the Soul Prople who have helped and stood by us. Pat Billingham is one of such. Suffered Breast Cancer 🎀.  Thankfully after surgery and Radiotherapy is recovering. Myself I am recovering from a triple Heart Bypass operation. 6 weeks into recovery 🙏 my fellow DJ Kev The Caff McCaffrey also had same operation to save his life. So both our chosen Charities are for genuine reasons. ✨️ 

    Honesty prevails. 





  2. Would like to thank our good friend. Long time on the Scene at Venues across the Country 

    Tony Maddox 

    Presenter and Original DJ Promoter at Macclesfield Soul Club and Canalside Radio 102.8 fm .

    Thanks for the shout-out on your Radio Show pal. 

    Will be visiting your new/revamped Soul Club in Macclesfield in near future when am fully back on my feet. 

    Wait till he he plays with audio equipment 

    Great evening we will be having. 

    I gather Robbo is somewhat terrified at prospect of visiting Dolly prior too the event. The terror in his eyes at Culceth brilliant. 

    • Up vote 1
  3. Today is a very happy Birthday to Godfather of Soul in Accrington Kevin McCaffrey.

    For those who may have watched various Soul related films. I recall Soulboy. 

    First and Early Wigan Casino Kev was the front of stage dancer. Yes those scenes being taxed in the toilet were true. Though tatey sack lad never outdanced Kev. 

    A true icon of the scene. A true Orginal from Accrington Legion. 

    For you sir 

    Happy Birthday




    Hi David

    Apologies for the delay in getting back to you and a huge thank you for letting us know about your Charity Soul Night – it sounds amazing! 😊 I hope all the final preparations are going well? 

    I know you mentioned you were supporting Women’s Breast Cancer Research. You therefore might be interested in signing up for Breast Cancer Now’s £1,000 Challenge. With this challenge, any money you raise would specifically go towards supporting breast cancer research. Supporters fundraising through this challenge can do to however they like, so you could use your Charity Soul Night as your event of choice! You also have plenty of time to reach the £1000 target, you just need to hit it by the end of October and we’ll send you a pin badge as a thank you. If you sign up before the end of the day, I can pop a fundraising pack in the post for you tomorrow so it gets to you in time for the event itself. If you’re interested in signing up for the £1,000 challenge you can sign up via this registration form. 

    If you’d prefer not to take on this challenge, then Id’ recommend you register your fundraising with this link instead. However, it’s worth noting that the £1,000 challenge is the only way we can specifically restrict any money you raise to go towards breast cancer research. Otherwise any money you raise would go towards supporting breast cancer patients, services and research more generally. 

    Once you have registered, we will be able to provide you with your unique reference and the different ways of paying in your fundraising when you’re ready!  

    If it’s easier you can contact our team directly at community@breastcancernow.org or by calling 0207 025 2425. 

    Thank you again for your support!

    Best wishes
    Community team

    • Up vote 1
  4. Today is a very happy Birthday to Godfather of Soul in Accrington Kevin McCaffrey.

    For those who may have watched various Soul related films. I recall Soulboy. 

    First and Early Wigan Casino Kev was the front of stage dancer. Yes those scenes being taxed in the toilet were true. Though tatey sack lad never outdanced Kev. 

    A true icon of the scene. A true Orginal from Accrington Legion. 

    For you sir 

    Happy Birthday




  5. On Saturday 17th at Brooks Club Infant Street Accrington BB5 1DZ 

    We hold a dual Charity Soul Night. 

    First Charity is on behalf of Pat Billingham one of our Team. Pat was struck down by the often deadly Breast Cancer Disease. Result of which her loving devoted husband and Denis Billingham decided to stand down from DJn to care for wonderful Patsy. ❤️ Both rich in Soul History from back in the day. We fully support Dens decisions and they back our Event. We don't make false statements of it being birthday. Secondly we also hope to raise funding for The British Heart Foundation research. ❤️ I have recently undergone Triple heart bypass surgery which saved my life. Other members of our Team Kevin McCaffrey also had the operation few years back. Soul folk looking after Soul folk. If you can help us making donation attending. Please come along on Saturday.

  6. Fantastic Club. Where the music matters. We don't boast you'll make friends for life once inside. We can say soon as you entre you'll wanna dance. 

    I'd rather eat crumbs than dine eating steak with snakes. We strive to improve and over our time. Believe we have. A diverse selection of DJs and freedom for them to play to there knowledge.




    Enjoyed couple hours of Club classics. I was expecting to pay. Bit of a shock free entry. Good to catch up with Steve Helliwell who invited me. Also good to chat to Frank Heap. Fair number from Accrington Soul Club in attendance. Very nice friendly atmosphere. Well attended 👏 


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