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Event Comments posted by Soulfulmerlin

    Wow, that was something extra special. Not perfect. Only the Sound System acquired that tag. Like any new Venture you find a few flaws. We got to the bottom of them today pist function with all resolved. So let us begin. It was slow to start. With visitors from Aberdeen Glenrothes and Edinburgh others Stockport Darlington and Yorkdhire. Along with many locals from varying parts. A full house by 10 pm. George Falzon set us underway fantastic selection of modern and rarities and current dancefloor hits. Kenny 2 scoops Parkinson completed the opener prior to first Guest from Blackpool Wintergardens Tim Rabjohn. In a quandary with the guests who went where. However Tim asked to go on early due to a family bereavement. His wife kindly allowed Tim to fulfill his booking and we being a friendly Club, acknowledged and Tim soon got a bit of a buzz with nice mix of classics and underplayed with spinkle of modern. Enter Keith Money. 100 Club. Thanks to our other guest John Parker. We finally got Keith to come. Fantastic set. Standing ovation from the crowd now filling up. John Parker never fails. Superb what can be said hasn't been. Think that sums it up. We had to close the music down at 12 so To ensure all our lads got airtime Kenny and Caff Kev McCaffrey doubled decked. Kept the floor busy right to last record. Everyone enjoyed the evening. Music atmosphere. 🎶 

    Thank you










    Belting music across the board . Introduction to a new track from opening DJ 

    Now will be part of my sets. 

    Charlie Smith superb Derek Smith also bang on it and thanks for the shout out for tomorrow at Accrington Soul Club pal. Appreciated.  

    Steve McWilliams played some nice rarities kept building bust. Had fabulous conversation with the tattooed kiwi. Talking old school match days and more. 

    Great night. Sorry had to leave and thanks Froggy for putting flyers out. 


    Just had Tim message me. I've asked him arrive before 8 pm. As at Accrington Soul Club we don't do repeats. He asked what to play? Classics Rare mix  Told him we booked Tim play as You feel. We never tell our DJs what to play. It's up to them. 

    What a night this is going to be. East Lancashire I don't recall has had 3 guests of this calibre. 








  1. DJ Times For Charity Soul Night in Aid of Women's Breast Cancer & British Heart Foundation ❤️ 

    7 pm till 8 

    George Falzon ( The Maltese Hitman ) 

    Kevin McCaffrey ( Caff ) 8 pm till 9

    Stephen Ellison ( Blackburn  ) 9 pm till 10

    James Randall ( Bolton Alnighter  ) 1p pm till 11

    Kenny The Hat Parkinson 11 pm till close 

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