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Event Comments posted by Soulfulmerlin

  1. On 06/07/2021 at 12:36, Jez Jones said:

    With the lifting of lockdown restrictions. We will be operating at increased capacity of 1000 over 3 ROOMS .

    In addition to Advance tickets Available at £12.00 .

    There will now be LIMITED OTD ENTRY .. priced at £15.00 ..

    Advance tickets available by post . And from Djs .

    (See flyer for details )

    As your health and safety are still our priority .

    We expect all our patrons and members to exhibit sensible choice and a common sense approach on health and safety issues.


    Social distancing ——. Voluntary

    Hand Sanitising. ——. Voluntary

    Face Covering. ——. Voluntary

    We also Obviously ask that anyone Displaying Symptoms and or who have been asked to isolate in the previous 10 days , Do Not Attend .

    Will make next one . Didn't know was on . 

    Been while since at Swinton  . Must keep check on Soul Source. 

    All best 


  2. Enjoyed my night . Thanks Gaz , two superb bits of wall Art for my flat . Thank you for the Memory Stick pal . 900 tracks . Wow that's something else 😳 👏  . Discovered new sense of calm . Leaving with that beer Monster . In previous would have just dropped in fit of anger . Caught up so many friends from Lancaster area . Great night . See all soon . 





    Venue don't get the SS visits as others . Viewing figures doesn't make an Event . It's the music . One DJ was absolutely superb . So good stayed on for longer than his hour slot .

    Selections of rare Underplayed and Classics blended superbly . John Edge Guest DJ produced best set have heard in many a Year .

    Place was rammed . Free Tea Coffee and soft drinks . With free water also .

    Can't remember staying at Venue till last record.  I did so here .

    Smiling faces dancing shoes . Can't ask for more . Caught up with few not seen for while .

    Brilliant Dayer .


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