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  1. He's OK rarely goes out . I stopped DJn while ago . Just building up my collection again . Across board . Started buying few modern . Forgotten Mecca stuff . Only go Quality Venues now . Culcheth ( Lowton  ) Ukrainian Club Ashton ♥ 👌  . MVPs at Morecambe  . Blackburn Soul Club . Back over your way in week or so . Tell our lad we're asking after him . Be bit quality modern played Saturday at Blackburn  . Jim Booth is a guest . 

    Catch up soon Wally lad .

    Hutchy x

    Jem Booth 

  2. On 18/01/2021 at 18:57, Winsford Soul said:

    Male Marsh Harrier. There,s more and more of these majestic and still very Rare ( 450 UK breeding pairs ) birds of prey deciding to spend the winter here in the UK instead of flying down to sub- Sahara Africa .

    Its a massive privilege to see these birds and even more so to actually manage a photograph  



    Marsh Harrier (2).jpg

    Marsh Harrier 2 (2).jpg

    Was two over River Ribble . Thought were Buzzards as local said , due too V shaped tail . However these were quite clearly a pair bonding . Swooping and gliding . Forgot my phone . Failed to capture image . 

    • Up vote 1
  3. Shill Bidding . ?

    Copied upon Google search on subject ! 

    There are many reasons why sellers list as private. Yes, it can hide shill bidding and it can be for privacy over sensitive items but it can also be that sellers think that their buyers have a right to privacy over anything they buy or even that they don't realise that the box to hide buyers' identities has been ticked. There are even sellers who think that it distinguishes between business and private sellers.


    I think that many people have discovered that the best defence against being shilled is to bid your absolute maximum as late as you dare so there is no chance for anyone to push up your bid and nibble away to find out your maximum before the auction ends. You don't always win that way but  you do know that you have bid the most you're prepared to pay - no more and no less.



    • Up vote 1
  4. 21 minutes ago, Amsterdam Russ said:

    Enlarging the pic as much as possible while still maintaining some integrity suggests a black beak and yellow legs, and thus a little egret. 

    Did have a Black Beak . When took photo off phone . I  zoomed 2.5 times . To my eye was approximately half size as a Heron . Egret well first time I've seen one . Happy Days . 

    • Up vote 2
  5. Couldn't place as one of my best . Though is an interesting picture . Taken by Ribble line . Power line post . Been used as scratch post . By Cattle . Assume relieved from Horse Flies .

    I though was Bears that did this . For sure the amount of wear . Subject to power cut at  nearby Sewage Works . If it goes over at some point . 


    • Up vote 3
  6. On 12/11/2020 at 07:58, Tattoodave said:

    It was up on YouTube for a while, your memory has similar holes in it to mine.  It's worth a watch, if you get the opportunity.

    If did . Not seen Dave or recall seeing . Felt compelled to post looking at him . Little Centurion . That put a lisp to my vocaaablurry 

    .Cant think why . Whome I thhhhinking about .


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