hi there first heard this played by gary wigan 79 tracked down the multicoloured awful high pitch press on bmw poss bwm any way I digress bort off john A for 1.50 sorted then in 92 chattachoochoo or somebody like that wrote to me regarding the embers and oxford nights still got letters wow he said he was the manger of the bands ect well thought nothing of it contact later, contacted again and got 3 embers dark red eEe 0069 with weve come along way together one side crazy on tother kept one traded rest with manny whos still got some,i think. I went back to the guy he had 10 ,had 3 so got 2 more the quality of em was gradually deterating didn't go mad but during the early discssions got a oxford nights, which I never played at rider club but when asking him for a watch out girl embers said no not got one all gone but I will be repressing all the titles again.. Emmm.. not sure my embers was all 0069 but did see one in 90's some gig and I think Jed had it, wanted a ramsome for it!! so diff b side mentioned above, off to empty bottles Mr tangent Man. Ohh never found my oxfords so presumed it was stolen when somebody robbed my L Allen, JJ Barnes our love, Don Ray and Thelma Lindsey oh got that back thanks kegsy cheers mate.