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    Eastleigh spitfire town
  • Top Soul Sound
    The O'jays I'll never forget you

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  1. Bruce I think he was also listened frank howard & the commanders (Barry) just listen to the end of dancing in the dark heyyyyyyy baaaaaaabeee
  2. Larry atkins ain’t that love on highland records.(at the end of this track you can hear the sound engineer saying. ( ok hold it.
  3. Jimmy’s corner billy prophet on duke box great atmosphere cheap beer and lots of boxing memorabilia (r.I.p jimmy glenn
  4. Hi the record is still available on eBay I sent out offers to interested buyers but I don’t know what’s going on with eBay the offer said it would stand for 48 hrs but when I went back to look it said it had expired. So if you were one interested buyers please try again
  5. I would go back in time to stop artists from being murdered ( Marvin , d banks . Sam cooke . & so on

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