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Everything posted by ChrisOD1964

  1. damn. love this record but i am so wetting myself (when ya at the toilet one of ya all time fave records is just starting to play) and you have to stand/sit and humm it. chris
  2. got any chewing gum mate?? chris
  3. only johnsons will do keep ya cheap talc chris
  4. 2. George Smith - I've had it / When love turns to pity - Turntable 713 White Demo Highly recommended ballad that's a great ender for any quality set imo, nice price too! £110 £110
  5. What is it you`ve been trying to upload for about 3 hours Manus?? cant see nowt. oh yes i can Only kidding chris
  6. originally done by HELMET SHOWEN Chris
  7. I`m left handed havent you got a left handed deck for me to play my records chris
  8. https://www.seabear.se/Melody.html some more on this label at this link chris
  9. " whats the floor like " chris
  10. " oh yes i love this tune gotta dance" away onto the dance floor you go and straight back off you come "not what i thought it was" chris
  11. Now havent we all done that chris
  12. now that made me laugh.. remember when i went to a doo with a mate of mine he drove us their and he fooked off to a niter somewhere. I was stranded managed to get a lift home eventually. chris
  13. Wor lass calls me daffy duck when we go out as my shoes are the same ones i have worn to soul nights for about 20 years and the souls are hanging off but if i got them resouled it be sacralidge, inground talc stains floppy souls dont know how many times i`ve glued them. i love em. they are like leather carpet slippers chris
  14. 44 years young. 58 this year chris
  15. Have a look here some pitures and some idea of waht people have got> theres a great one imho, of a record label tattoo /Soul-Ta...&hl=tattoos chris
  16. Thanks chris
  17. thanks for mentioning the flip, Chrissie, cant stop playing it ,love it. chris
  18. ">
  19. thought he was great on Jools holland How old is he?? can anyone post some of his stuff? Not heard much by him that i can think of anyway. Or is he just a muscian? he`s got a excellent voice. would love to learn more about him. chris
  20. For us its feet up drink in hand tv on. Wishing all our friends old and new all the best for 2009 and all the best to Mike and the other sourcerers chris & debbie.
  21. this might be a bit short https://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=_uJIKfXqNyU chris
  22. Not forgetting the Soul of Jamaica threads some brill postings in there musically and for knowledge and info. chris
  23. Good one. chris

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