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Everything posted by Soulsides

  1. It's a shame Dr Dre is behind this,I don't think it bodes well personally. If it's anything as bad as the last movie he made, 'Straight Outta Compton ' the N.W.A. biopic it will probably be terrible ..the NWA film was full of utter bullsh*t and based more on lies than the actual truth unfortunately. His overpriced so called Beats 'headphones' suck beyond belief too I might add.
  2. Great article,Mike. This is my favourite track of hers.
  3. There's a thread on the differences here, Pat .
  4. Glen Miller 'Where Is The Love' is a nice one.
  5. It's the same with some of the 'old guard' on the majority of scenes you'll encounter not just Northern Soul ..a tiny fraction just cant let go and move forward with the times . The problem is this- certain people are so fanatical about the music they're into that they somehow think it belongs exclusively to them and them only...it's almost as if they recorded the tracks themselves which as a musician I find hilarious personally. Listen, music isn't ever made by recording artists to be left to sit on a shelf unplayed or stashed away in the hands of greedy record dealers or only owned by some close minded minority ,its made and then released and meant to be all inclusive for anyone who hears and likes it. When those notes on a record leave those grooves they belong to everyone not just to some exclusive select few in some elite imaginary club which is only ever open in the back of their own minds.. fcuk that type of attitude and ignore it ,its just utter nonsense .
  6. That's a bit harsh isn't it ? Maybe you're right as I'm no veteran of the scene by any standards, but anytime I've attended (admittedly sporadic) Northern Soul nights over the years, 99% of the people i've encountered there have been absolutely brilliant company with a wealth of knowledge they are more than happy to share, have been lovely to speak with and are full of genuine appreciation for both the music and the culture and especially the older, more experienced folks. I dunno,maybe I need to get out more ..
  7. This was posted by Roburt this morning Mojoman so I've flagged this for you. @-Mike Maybe the mods could collate these tributes into one thread ?
  8. This is wicked . I've wanted a copy of this for absolutely ages but whenever it appears for sale it's way too overpriced for me. Ray Medina & The New Latin Breed 'Head's Head'.
  9. Well said. It's a +1 from me. The instrumental break that kicks in at 00.45 is absolutely glorious .
  10. Hey ! No bad words must ever be directed at HB Barnum. HB Barnum once saved 'The Don' AKA David Axelrod from being knifed to death in a Los Angeles park by a gang of Latino muggers...HB apparently came to Axelrod's aide and went absolutely beserk, flooring the lot of them. For that non musical act alone he is a hero of the highest calibre. Hurrah for HB Barnum ! Dora Hall is rubbish though in my opinion. You can have your thread back now...
  11. Thank you, that is beautiful stuff.
  12. Didn't know this one, personally. The delivery of those vocals is awful, they sound like a bad imitation of a Kurt Harris record in my opinion..definitely not my cup of tea. To my ears the b side was almost as bad as the a side , I'm sorry to report.
  13. Holy shit...compared to the original that sounds like it was made on a bunch of kids instruments and recorded at a toy factory in Hong Kong. Horrible,plastic sounding nonsense..
  14. Lololol.....Abbarectomy ! I think im having a heart attack from laughter here. Please lock the thread ...
  15. I mean this respectfully but surely you must also appreciate other genres of music too and not just Soul ?
  16. What does that even mean..do you believe all of the nonsense about how the Pistols couldn't play ? ...they were one of the tightest bands ever with their original line up.There have been some awesome musicians who came from the Punk scene just look at people like Dave Ruffy and Segs Jennings from the Ruts or East Bay Ray. the guitarist from the Dead Kennedys and a man who can play a load of so called Jazzmen under the bloody table, Do you even realise how ridiculous that sounds ? That comment was actually directed at Malcom McClaren and the bands management company ,not at the audience. The worst Hip Hop is like any good musical genre which becomes diluted and homogenized for the masses. The best Hip Hop comes from everywhere, its not pigeon holed and categorized as easily as that my friend, the influence of all music on Hip Hop spreads far and wide ,..the majority of the best stuff that ive heard in the last couple of years has actually come from the underground by artists who in a lot of cases aren't even signed to record labels and release music through the Hip Hop forums,or sites like Soundcloud or Bandcamp..again a select few are producing brilliantly creative music which is very forward thinking and wholly intent on breaking down musical barriers which can only be a good thing in my opinion.
  17. If it wasn't for the Sex Pistols we'd all still be listening to Paper Lace,Terry Jacks and all that other manufactured garbage that passed for music in the 1970s In most cases, a one-LP legacy would probably damage a group’s reputation. A dozen songs are hardly enough to assemble a legend. But these aren’t just any 12 tunes. These are the songs that set the U.K. music scene alight, delivered by a band that launched an entire movement of back-to-basics rock ’n’ roll. If Never Mind the Bollocks isn’t the most influential album in pop music history – its absolutely one of a very select few that have made that kind of impact – it’s probably the only record to arrive 25 years into rock ’n’ roll’s run and create such a ripple effect in so many other genres of music which came afterwards from fellow British Punks to Post-Punk outfits,New Wave,Thrash, Hardcore, American College Rock, Britpop, Grunge,Heavy Metal & Hip Hop.
  18. I'm looking forward to hearing the first young scallywag who shouts ''Piss off grandad" at me to be honest so I'll have a good excuse to smash a Frank Wilson bootleg over their head....
  19. Its not there, unfortunately. I checked for the OP yesterday but the track is a different remix of Piranhas by Ghost Lab and not the original by Forever MC & Its Different featuring The Wu Tang Clan. Great site though as Chas stated .I use it all the time myself.
  20. Some of us old men fought wars so the youth would have that same culture to pick up on later. Everyone is pretty tolerant these days when it comes down to different forms of music but I can readily recall having to run the gauntlet of the local skinheads who hated us for no other reason than.we liked something different to them and their culture. When I see kids now with thier spiky or coloured hair and wearing the t-shirts of pretend Punk bands like Green Day or Nirvana I laugh outrageously and think how much different it used to be when you'd have gotten a smack in the chops for looking like that once upon a time. The youth today haven't got a clue..they have it very easy in comparison.
  21. Critics ?... on a music forum ?? Unthinkable !....
  22. Lololol I've heard that excuse a fair few times before...I've 'possibly' even used the same line myself once or twice.. T3 is first and foremost a Hip Hop producer, he didn't 'lose' it..he's just covering his ass legally more than likely in my opinion. The problem with this particular sample is as soon as it's discovered and put out in the public domain, I can absolutely guarantee that it will be all over the internet like a rash. Like yourself i've no doubt that there are plenty of folks who would just genuinely like to know what the track is just for listening purposes but there's also a shit ton of people who'll want to know what that sample is purely for the 'bragging' rights. As I stated previously this is why I don't think I'd ever disclose what it was even if I knew the original source of the sample itself..that, no doubt will puzzle some people who will ask what the big deal is either way but that's also a kind of code of honour in the art of Beatmaking. I'm under no illusions that this won't turn up eventually though. I know the guy incidentally who made the slowed down version that's online..his name is Chief Bob and he's a member of the same producers forum as myself so this has also been discussed on that particular site quite a bit over the years . Good luck and happy digging in the meantime !
  23. I know about this track by Elzhi and the hunt to find the vocal sample but i personally love the fact that no one has actually gone and found this particular sample yet. Not wanting to spoil the party or anything but as someone who produces music which is heavily sample based I constantly look for new ways to manipulate and mangle the sounds I use so they can't be easily recognized. Elzhi has been clever with 'flipping' this one so fair play to him...He's avoiding getting sued possibly for copyright infringement for starters. I don't know what it is myself either in case anyone's wondering although even if I did, I'm not sure if I'd tell anyone what it was. I've used samples that people have begged me to tell them the source of...no chance hehe,..go find it on your own. I know its not been listed on https://www.whosampled.com/ Surely there must be someone on the mainstream and underground Hip Hop forums who knows what this one is sampled from though ? I'd try digging for clues on those type of sites, if it finally does turn up anywhere it will be there.
  24. Now that's something I'd happily pay good money to watch.Dr John is a boss ! Never been into the Grateful Dead though tbh.

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