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Everything posted by Soulsides

  1. Terrible stuff indeed! I sold the majority of my vinyl records a couple of years ago and still dream about them from time to time..Its always the same where I've woken up in a panic thinking I sold more records than I did, which was around 1,500 and had forgotten to take out the few remaining ones that i'd wanted to keep hold of! Looking back though I'm glad I sold them now and the individual they were sold to is a good bloke who I know appreciates having them..it was hard to let them go at the time but I just kept looking at the faces of my two youngest kids and thought of how much they would appreciate the money,and the happiness it would bring even more.
  2. Hehe- I actually started another topic on this so the OP wouldn't be offended that their thread had been inadvertently highjacked ! It's here if anyone wants to chime in.
  3. Spend nearly 6 grand on a pair of 1200 GAE's and you wont need too hehe..a well known DJ mate of mine who's also a DMC World Champion recently took delivery of a pair and they are seriously bloody impressive to say the least. However, if you're a lesser mortal you could also stick a Rega or Origin Live tonearm onto a 1200 or a 1210 and achieve incredible results and have a deck that sounds way beyond its price range.I own a 1200 LTD though, with the gold plated hardware which is number #77 of those units manufactured so I'm obviously reluctant to install that particular modification on this turntable but I know lots of DJ's and Hip Hop producers who have on their standard issue models. Follow this path and you'll have a Technics to die for....Yes, it really is that good. Clean, open, tight, punchy and very musical. The Technics can be transformed to equal or better the performance of much more expensive decks with the help of outstanding upgrades that are available including the power supply, (Advanced or Ultra versions) to smooth the motors torque or you could install a powerful Toroid transformer which can be added to deliver significantly increased dynamics and bass weight. Again,not what id exactly call 'lower end turntables'. Erm,no,no I don't thankfully!.
  4. Yeah of course they are..that's why they were aimed squarely at the audiophile demographic when the MK 1 was originally released in 1972. What absolute nonsense. Apologies,I have no desire to derail the thread but the misconceptions surrounding Technics decks are astonishing at times.. take a look at the new 1200 GAE or MK5G models in action for example then come back and talk about 'lower end turntables'.
  5. Yep It's a +1 from me,also. Excellent track posted there as well!
  6. With all due respect that's a relatively small number, there's an absolute wealth of amazing tunes out there and it goes without saying that the more deeper you're prepared to dig the more you'll discover. There's some excellent Soul/Northern channels on YouTube with masses of stuff where you can hear new music literally every day, I'm constantly hearing things on some of those channels that I've never come across before that are fantastic records and it's the same here on Soul Source . Have fun and search through the threads, theres music videos posted all the time plus audio links to records forum members are selling- DJ sets on Mixcloud,playlists etcetera, there's loads of cool stuff you can learn about as the collective knowledge and experience of the user base of this forum really is worth its weight in sonic gold. Also,look online at record sites where you can hear before you choose buy the music,again theres tons of good stuff at reasonable prices, not every record has to have a £200+ price tag for it to be a great one,far from it in fact. Happy hunting and welcome to the site! Exactly this,words to live by.
  8. Never meet up with a doppelganger in real life..theres a possibility that one of you could spontaneously combust!
  9. Quote from the article. Judge Williams said: “The accused made a market for what there was no legitimate source.” He said the amount of money the men owed the record companies in royalties had not been calculated but “is likely to be small”.
  10. Hehe..nice. Dana White just called. Are you Conor McGregor in disguise ? If not, would you be available for UFC 235?
  11. Isn't that the most important thing though seeing as you're suggesting putting on a music event? I'd imagine it would be the first thing people would want to know about. Exactly this. Frankly,most kids of that age do not listen to 'old' music like we do on here,they listen to horrible shit like Trap or relentless pounding Bassline with pitched up chipmunk vocal samples and idiots like that facial tattooed, rainbow haired clown rapper who's in the news at the moment lumped in on a RICO charge for thinking he's actually a real gangster that can bang with the O.G's. These kids look at people like him and think he's cool for some strange reason..I had the most depressing conversation with a couple of them at the weekend about this,explaining that this fool will probably be killed in prison for his complete and utter stupidity..there's nothing cool about that whatsoever. I live in a pretty quiet place like the O.P. where not a lot happens music wise,I've tried to get a few of the local kids into music production doing stuff like making beats with samplers or learning how to play an instrument etcetera and literally none of them are interested,unfortunately so asking them to come to an event with both no alcohol and a music policy they neither know or understand would be absolutely pointless in my opinion.
  12. Yes, Mike started a thread about this awhile back on here,I'll see if I can find it for you. The documentary is very good btw and well worth a look. Edit: Hehe-Just seen Mike has now posted the original link!
  13. There’s a longstanding legend that Governor Oscar Allen pardoned Leadbelly after hearing him sing. The truth is that John Lomax had began making “field recordings” of various folk music styles, primarily on work-farms and in penitentiaries throughout the South, starting in 1933. Private grants and the Library Of Congress funded Lomax’s travels and his archiving of work-songs, reels, blues, ballads and folk songs. Armed with a new, state of the art phonogram,John Lomax had met with and then delivered a recording of Leadbelly which was made In July of 1933 at the Louisiana State Prison in Angola. However,Leadbelly was not actually pardoned at that time. The more mundane truth is that Leadbelly was simply eligible for early release based on good behaviour. Later, Leadbelly would be pardoned by a different Governor, Pat Morris Neff, while serving time in Texas and this is what gave credence to the earlier myth.
  14. I don't know the name of the track but the same sample was used by a Hip Hop group named Detail on a track called 'Gone With The Wind' released in 1997. Sorry, I don't have it myself but if you can get any information about their album, 'Blue Eyed Soul' you may find the name of the track listed on there.
  15. One here on Discogs,Ken. https://www.discogs.com/The-Monitors-Greetings-Were-The-Monitors/release/2129559
  16. That's a great looking instrument you have there,Simon.You can't beat a 'Rick' for that splendid throaty growl that they possess.. practitioners such as Chris Squire and Geddy Lee spring to mind in particular! I started out on the bass guitar in my teens before switching to the guitar but have recently started playing bass guitar again a lot more on my own recordings as opposed to just sampling the majority of bass sounds I use from records etc. Thanks for sharing ,I'm a complete sucker for this kind of stuff!
  17. Set em up 'battle style' and you can't go wrong! I only have one deck now but I always had my turntables and mixer configured that way..so much better for cueing, mixing and scratching in my opinion. Absolutely love 'The Biz'.. great photo of those famed SL-700's, Jimmy!
  18. With all due respect,It isn't though. The first MK 1 Technics were originally released as a hi fidelity consumer record player which was actually intended for home use and aimed at the audiophile demographic. DJ's then picked up on them because of the rock solid construction,ease of use and durability of the decks but initially they were designed purely for listening purposes. The main reason the turntables became adopted among radio and club DJ's is because of direct drive as opposed to belt driven decks, high torque motor design,which made it absolutely ideal for pushbutton cueing and instant starting of tracks on radio and in dance clubs.
  19. Lovely. I've mentioned before on here that i have one of these,, a SL-1200 LTD mine is #77 of the 10,000 that were manufactured.
  20. You're more than welcome,mate. If you do decide to go with the Technics and need any advice,pointers etcetera please feel free to P.M. me and I'll be more than happy to help..I've had a lot of experience with these decks over the last 30 years or so and also have friends in the Hip Hop community, DJ's and electronics nerds (in the nicest possible way) who are brilliant with things like custom modifications,power supply replacements and the technical side of things so don't hesitate to ask!
  21. Hahaha. I'm sorry but whoever told you that is talking out of their arse. Then again that's part of the problem with most so called Audiophiles anyway in my experience. As Scootboy has already mentioned provided you use a good quality cartridge and stylus like an Ortofon for example and keep it in nice condition you'll be perfectly fine.
  22. Whats your budget,Carl ? Depending on what you have to spend on the deck is a big factor in choosing the right one for your needs . I'm a long time Technics 1200 /10 user myself so I'm slightly biased towards the brand but it has everything you need in a turntable in my opinion. excellent torque motor,pitch control,direct drive etcetera. I think the closest things to the Technics from Thorens is possibly the TD-160- or 318 models which I believe is belt driven,so maybe worth checking the specs for that one in particular. The TD160 was introduced in 1972 I believe and went through many incarnations, the best TD160 is said to be the Super-version (TD160 Super). It supposedly has it's charm and if tweaked is an alternative to the Linn LP12 (similar construction). If wanting to tweak a turntable, then the TD160 is a popular choice for customization and tweaking. The TD160 can require some skill to set it up more so than the TD318, the suspension on the 160 may need to be tuned. But is a much loved deck and it has it's fans. It surely is a great looking turntable. I must admit that some of the other high end Thorens decks look really nice although I've never tried one myself yet.
  23. Yep..its Rita & The Tiaras version hands down for me also. Absolutely pure class.
  24. First one is easy..I wasn't even born when JFK was assassinated but I can remember clearly the day Elvis died..hot summers day ,playing football with my mates in the street outside and going inside and finding my Mum crying with the radio on announcing the news of his death. I was a 12 year old kid when Lennon was shot..I can remember walking into art class at school and hearing about it from our teacher..most of us kids were pretty shocked and knew who Lennon was. Regarding the first time hearing Northern Soul I was around 18 or so working as a labourer on a building site and nurturing dreams of becoming a serious musician and producer, totally absorbed in the mid 80's Hip Hop scene and Jazz music. It was a bitterly cold day so me and the guy I was working for named Dave decided to eat our lunch in the works van..he had some tapes in there and stuck one in the cassette player,a C-60 no less ! and out comes this totally glorious music in the shape of The Soul Bros 6 'I'll Be Loving You' followed by Timi Yuro "It'll Never Be Over For Me' 'Better' by Ruby Winters and Sam Dees 'Lonley For You Baby' etcetera..all pretty obvious choices I know now- but hearing the incredible delivery,passion and sublime instrumentation pouring through those shitty little speakers for the first time was a truly overwhelming experience to my young and impressionable ears and was a revelation..I liked music of black origin to begin with at the time but this was something else..it was next level stuff. The main thing that sticks is you know that feeling when you get in the car and its bloody freezing so you put the heater on and after a while your cheeks are glowing? Well,that was me that day stuck in a dusty works van,eating a ham sandwich and being completely bathed in warmth from the heater and sonic sunshine by this strange, beautiful new music oozing out of the tape deck. Total magic..total bliss. To say I didn't want to go back to work that afternoon probably isn't a surprise hehe. On the drive home I begged Dave to dub me a copy of that tape..he duly obliged and brought it to me the next morning..I felt like I'd been given a weeks wages gratis when he handed that C-60 over to me and I still have it in my collection to this day. Moments and memories like that are impossible to forget for me,personally..

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