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Everything posted by Denbo

  1. WANTED: Margaret Lewis - Somethin's Wrong Baby - UK Starlite Please PM me with your asking price and condition. Plus, I am able to offer you the American import label copy on RAM in part exchange if interested. Thanks for looking.
  2. Thanks Russ, I never thought to do that. I wonder if it could possibly a member of the band's autograph? That said, who were the band members by name I wonder?
  3. OFFERS INVITED: via Messages ONLY, until 10pm Monday 22nd October 2018 BILLIE DAVIS & THE LEROYS - WHATCHA' GONNA DO - UK COLUMBIA (see attached photograph) Minimum bid: £80 The 45 is in G++ condition with a small edge crack not affecting play whatsoever! Winner only notified and winning bidder to pay full postage and packing and insurance cover
  4. Does anybody recognise what might be a possible autograph on this Jr. Walker 45rpm release? It might just be a previous owners signature but it also might be an autograph from Jr. Walker or a member of his band.
  5. What I'm saying is that I have the Etta James 45 with 'Mellow Fellow' on one side and 'Bobby Is His Name' on the other side. However, the labels are reversed and I'm wondering how common this mistake might be?
  6. Etta James - Mellow Fellow / Bobby Is His Name with labels reversed? Commonly known or what?
  7. Ha, that's me on the left. Always the bridesmaid. Top man was Widdi, discovered loads of UK releases that are now absolute classics in British label collections. I used to spend hours, at work, listening to stuff he'd unearthed, at extortionate prices like 50p to £3, which was actually quite a lot of money back in the early to mid 70s.
  8. Do you need the money Kev? If not, then why sell up?
  9. So, it's authentic then. Brilliant, good to know. Hooray to Mike Valvano. Thanks again everybody, including Mace, RobbK, Andy Rix, and snakepit.
  10. Thanks for this information Robb, much appreciated. This is my copy that Mace speaks of and it's an acetate. Based on your opinion, I'm going to consider this an authentic Demo. Evidence suggests that this is a '62 recording, so the 1965 date stamp might just be as you say, a Demo pressed up for another artist to consider recording back in '65.
  11. Yes, I can well imagine all that. But, there had to be some reason why the X makes appearances, or not, as the case may be? I guess we'll never know. Thanks for your insight nonetheless
  12. Hi RobbK, Thanks for responding. I have both the issue and the Demo of the same record here and it's only the issue that has the X preceding the release number, eg X5955 The X is on both sides of the issue. That said, I do have issues and Demos of other 5400-5900 series releases where some of the Demos, but not all, have the X and some of the issues also have the X. By the way, all the Demos and issues that have the X, the X appears on both sides. So, it would appear to be quite random, which doesn't help us get to the bottom of the problem. Dennis. PS - I also have one Imperial release from the 5300 series with an X preceding the release number.
  13. Just out of curiosity, does anybody know why some US Imperial 45rpm releases have an 'X' in front of the release number, eg X5945
  14. Please PM me with condition and asking price
  15. Denbo


    Further to all of the above, can somebody give me an explanation as to the stamping in the run out grooves involving 'G' on its own, or 'R' and 'G' side by side? In regard to all UK TMG releases, well certainly the first one hundred.
  16. I have the following record for auction: Harold Burrage - I Was Wrong / You Ought To Love Me - Foxy 009 Condition wise, I'd call it Vg- To help you understand how I've arrived at that description, I would say that it depends on what you want it for. If it's for personal use at home only, then I'd say it would sound quite crackly at the start but sounds fine after that. If it's for DJing with, then I'd say it would be okay and exactly what others interested in it might be thinking. If it's wanted as a collectors piece until one day you find a better condition copy, then that's up to you but that's exactly what I did and still do with others off my wants lists. See attached photographs: I have had offers made on this 45 already over the last few days but would like to offer it to a wider audience until 6pm Sunday 27th November. Please PM me with your offers, in order to keep things confidential, in Pounds Sterling only please.
  17. Sorry I missed the ending of that particular auction :-(
  18. Can somebody please tell me how much the Olympics Lp on UK Fontana went for?
  19. I've accidentally submitted this post twice. Moderator, would you please delete this one. Thanks.
  20. Please Message me with condition and price if you're able to help. No messages asking me what I'll pay, just tell me what price you want for it and if I think that's fair, depending on condition, then we've got a deal. Cheers.
  21. Did you get his number Ste? Were you able to pass it on to Dave?
  22. Did you have any luck with your plea? Only, I'm after a copy now.
  23. Did we get a value on it? The green Demo that is? How much for the white Demo on vinyl?

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