There were other clubs in Liverpool playing early 60s Soul music, some putting on Live Soul acts, as well as The Mardi Gras, Cavern Club, The Victoriana, Hotsy Tosy's, etc, like The Iron Door, The Sink, The All Fours (best draught Double Diamond in Liverpool at the time), Reeces, Ugly's, The Pyramid, Pink Parrot, Cabin Club (still going to this day and still owned by the same family as when it opened back in the very late 50s / very early 60s) The Babaloo, plus a few others I can't think of right now. Then in the very early 70s there was Livingstones, which had from day one, an 'open decks' policy to encourage 'collectors' to come out and 'air' their records to a very enthusiastic audience. Met my best mate and eventual Best Man there, Frank Jackson R.I.P.