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Everything posted by Salvosoul

  1. Hi I offre 120 £ for a mint copy of clarence raid anythink that good to you on nuria 119 Contact salvosoul@libero.it
  2. Tony One copy of yiddish gone in eBay for 2000 dollars ? Look on popsike never see another to sale i think that this Record are very rare
  3. Hi I have a mint copy of Yiddish soul Brothers amnon on chess Only girl i had / in New York city For sale 1500 euro or trade with Georges lemon on gold soul Johnny rogers on amon Cleveland Robinson on nosnibor Troy dodds in El Camino Bobby Kline on mb Contact Salvosoul@libero.it
  4. Hi joesoul Look on eBay One copy of lucille mathis vg+ gone for 280 dollar and another in buy It now for 260 dollars nothing buy this record ? You valued this for 320 pounds ???? . I wait another three month for buy this on eBay for 200 dollars
  5. Hi I search this Records Please contact me salvosoul@libero.it Thank
  6. Hi I search this Record Billy Sha rae cat walkin bay uke 5 Please contact me salvosoul@libero.it Thank
  7. Can you help me find a copy of this record thank
  8. RARE POPCORN NORTHERN SOUL yiddish soul brother amnon on chess label price 1499 dollars https://www.ebay.com/itm/RARE-POPCORN-NORTHERN-SOUL-yiddish-soul-brother-amnon-on-chess-label-/122265831047?hash=item1c779c8687:g:p4oAAOSwYIxX67Ro
  9. Hi I offer 100 euro for a mint copy of Freddie clemons i'd do anything mil yon label Please contact me salvosoul@libero.it Thank
  10. Yes boot confirmed by dealers money redund . Thank
  11. https://m.ebay.com/itm/Northern-Soul-45-Pervis-Lee-You-Dont-Care-Leeway-VG-mp3-/311752810132?nav=WATCHING_ENDED
  12. Hi Just buy on eBay a 45 pervis lee i don't care on 45 leeway Can you help me because i think that this 45 it is not original Always look on lp There are 45 original issue in usa Thank for help
  13. hi can you help me to find this record don carol you want no one but me doncar i offer 350 £ thank salvosoul@libero.it
  14. if you want you can send offer
  15. Hi Have a vg++ copy for sale Yiddish soul Brothers amnon chess In New York city / only girl i had 1650 euro PayPal friend Thank
  16. thank yes is very similar to jimmy dee or tommy navarro ??? what you think ?
  17. hi listen on youtube can you help me to find singer and tittle thank very much
  18. Ok just send here thank
  19. I ask to Greg on facebook but not answer for the moment
  20. Ho can you help me find this title thank https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10150712976689969&id=513784968
  21. hi just arrived from new york a mint copy of yiddish soul brothers amnon on chess for sale for 1850 euro or trade with a mint or vg ++ copy of 1) georges lemon fascinating girl or 2) bobby kline say somthing nice to me or 3)johnny rodgers make a change or 4) jimmy phillip's she belong to me or 5) troy doods try my love + cleveland robinson love is a trap salvosoul@libero.it
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  22. Hey kc now that any collerctor pay a top price for this record i think that impossibile find . But i collect popcorn and soul for more 30 years now and i let you know that 3 years ago the price for this in belgium no more 200 euro . In belgium collectors have this more 25 years and they are more copy i remember buy any one copy for 50 euro in 2002 and another for 125 euro 2 years ago and my copy 30 years ago for 20 euro
  23. chalky sorry for confusion for the jesse davis look any days ago on ebay for sale for 2000 £ no 3000£ https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Northern-Soul-JESSE-DAVIS-GONNA-HANG-ON-IN-THERE-GIRL-Super-rare-ISSUE-/391558369654?hash=item5b2ab29176:g:jCQAAOSwFe5X1pFn
  24. another example little joe hinton let's star romance price valued in belgium 150 - 200 euro max . price gone in 2014 on ebay 1500 dollars price gone on manships auction ????????????? i think that it is not normal ?
  25. i think that more collector in england based on manship auction or catalogue for the price of one record but you can find the same record on ebay or by any dealers or collectors in usa that no sale on internet for more less . i respect manship for business but i have never buy one record to him probably if i win jackpot i can start buy any

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