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Everything posted by Soulstrutter

  1. Hi John - I seem to recall possibly seeing that on here previously, somewhere, and from recollection he didn't know .. but may be wrong - worth a search though!
  2. That's a slightly different label to the one on Discogs which has the address at the bottom which shows it's Puerto Rico! .. so perhaps it did get a mainland release first?
  3. From what I can gather they released 2 45's: first in 1976 on Eclipse (New Jersey) and the other, if its the same group, on Quadrant (year unknown on Discogs) is a Peurto Rican label! UPDATE YT clip has different label without address so could have been a US release as well/before ... and also gives date as 1976 The album was on Nereida and states 'a product of N.L.S. records England' again no date but from the tracklist must have been 1973 at the earliest going by Love Train, Best Thing, You Are Everything, I Can See Clearly etc. There's one for sale on ebay for $1,800 if your feeling flush but no international postage! https://www.ebay.com/itm/Northern-Soul-Record-Blues-Brothers-No-1-Recorded-Live-In-London-VERY-RARE-/322433167229 The seller says: "Blues Brothers No. 1" Recorded Live In London VERY RARE. According to my research, singles by this duo fetch around 120-190 USD, but I can't find any info on this album -- it's clearly extremely rare. I saw an old ad in my research which stated that the guys used to be in Harold Melvin And The Blue Notes, so that would explain their performing Gamble / Huff songs and the fact that I found this locally (Philly area)." ... which is a bit of a contradiction as it was an English pressing!! ... but perhaps they brought some home? There is a photo of Bernard Williams on Discogs and there is a similarity between that photo and the sleeve of the album (the guy on the right) .. so you could be right!
  4. If you're talking about Bernie Wilson of HM & Blue Notes he died on Boxing Day in 2010 - the same day as Teena Marie https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bernard_Wilson_(singer) Bernard (Bernie) Williams was also a member of the original Blue Notes but left before PIR era .. and I 'think' it's the same Bernie Williams who did the classic Ever Again and the double sider on Harthon.
  5. Hi Ian .. yeah I did the same .. assumed it was Bill White too, and found nothing ... only Ray Dahrouge's version of the top side. I found about 112 entries for' The Way It Is' but couldn't link any to Bill (or William) White, and neither of these tracks are linked to Anderson Brothers on there - so all a bit inconclusive https://repertoire.bmi.com/Search/Search?SearchForm.View_Count=100&SearchForm.Main_Search=ISWC&SearchForm.Main_Search_Text=T9028923173&SearchForm.Search_Type=bmi
  6. My two pen'orth, (and I by no means claim to be an expert) .... but looking into it further the label just looks 'wrong' compared to other releases the same year - all the others (from 6906) have the cat no on right not left (although earlier ones do have it on left), it's also a different layout to the promo and the colour doesn't look right - looks like it's been printed with cheap dot matrix pritner (but could just be a poor scan?). Another 'minor' detail, all others (I have checked so far) have GSF RECORDS, INC. i.e. a comma after RECORDS and period after INC - this one doesn't although I can't quite make it out fully from the blurred image, but it doesn't look like there's either on this 'issue'.
  7. I contacted bagpussprince asking if they could confirm whether record exists (as she was only user to 'Have' it) and the reply was that she DIDN'T own it and response was: "Computer glitch nothing more i wish" I also contacted the guy who posted it on Discogs (bobhalverson) and he replied: "If your question is, "Do I have the record and can I confirm its existence", the answer is "No". I believe I obtained the image from the following: https://www.soul-source.co.uk/forums/topic/417374-the-anderson-brothers-the-way-it-is-gsf-b-side/ Like you, I was suspicious if it was an actual stock issue or a boot, which was why I included a note to that effect..." ...so it looks like it's gone full circle ... and we're still none the wiser!
  8. I don't think anyone's mentioned this yet from 2018 The Estimations - Can't Do This To Me on Kimberlite:
  9. If you check out the link (above in first post) I've created a YT playlist of their complete singles A/B sides (except for one I can't find - 'Every Single Way' (1972 Buddah 45) - If anyone can provide an mp3 of it I'll upload it to YT) - 51 tracks in total and some fine tunes amongst them especially their Windy C & Curtom ouput! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VIizZUhz7WY&list=PL7h0PdVqCrm1_yQDo_leeGCYsq7KLou5V
  10. Keni Burke has announced the death of his brother James (22 Feb 2021). https://www.soultracks.com/story-james-burke-dies https://soulstrutter.blogspot.com/2021/02/rip-james-burke-five-stairsteps.html
  11. ... and one for the 'shufflers' released 5 Feb
  12. What about this one literally 'hot off the press' on Alan Kitchenr's Soul Direction: Eddie Holman Virtue acetate
  13. Did they have baggies, patches, beer towels, talc and holdalls by any chance?
  14. Yeah .. as I said above I knew it was played before 2000 but hadn't realised it was as early as 87!
  15. Here's my 'dirty' dozen - a mix of Ns ,XO & Modern Ernest Ernie & The Sincerities- Do Something [2018] Michelle David – Yes I Am [2020] Michelle David & the Gospel Sessions - Good Good Good [2020] The Regime – Never Gonna Stop [2020] Big Lee Dowell & the Cannonballs - What I Done Wrong [2016] Cookin' On 3 Burners Feat. Kylie Auldist ‎– This Girl [2016] John Edwards – We Always Come Back Strong [2020] Brenda Boykin - Love Is in Town [2020] Darrow Fletcher - (Love Is My) Secret Weapon [2018] Peggy Gaines - When The Boy That You Love (Is Loving You) [2018] El Count Executives ‎– I Want To Thank You [2017] Mark Johnson - Daydream [2020] - vinyl issue of 1995 CD only track
  16. Billy Hawks was hammered at least 20 years ago .. either by Gary Dennis or Gavin Page or both .... can't quite remember but think it was Gary.
  17. Yeah I saw that ... posted only 2 days before ... and she seemed really excited to be releasing new material .. and looked pretty healthy and vibrant especially for 76 ... so def. wasn't Covid before the rumours start! I posted a tribute here earlier today after hearing it on Good Morning Britain.
  18. Just found this interesting interview with Marshall Thompson by a guy called Tom Meros who has a few others with Spyder Turner, Brenda Holloway, Charles Wright, Henry Farnborough (Spinners) to name just a few I've seen on his YT Channel https://www.youtube.com/user/rocknrolluniverse/videos https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F7qHQc6m7Vc I've not embedded video as not sure if this is the right place.
  19. Nice one ... had forgotten about that one!
  20. What about the one in the 'middle' from 76 from Trieste on IX Chains (who also released Raymond Smith's version of Seven Day Lover), much better than the writer's version and a bit 'punchier' than Anderson Bros.
  21. I've been researching Sharon McMahan and looking at songs she's written that have been recorded by others and one of these is a track on Benny Golson's 1978 album 'I'm Always Dancin' To The Music' - 'Love Is The Key'. I liked the female vocal so looked further into it and discovered it was a singer called Mortonette Jenkins who it turns out is none other than Jodi Mathis of You Don't Care Anymore / Mama fame. It also turns out that she was also on backing and lead vocals on his previous album in 1977 'Killer Joe' which includes 'New Killer Joe' track which was played back in the day. It transpires that the lead vocals on that is also Mortonette Jenkins/Jodi Mathis. Curiously, also, in the week that Gerry Marsden died I found a clip of her singing .... guess what ... 'You'll Never Walk Alone' which I'd thought I'd share the link for anyone that's interested. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f0--kCTIph8 She now uses the name Mortonette Stephens and appeared on a compilation album in 2009 with a track called Magic Walk which is also on YT. It's good to see that she was active after her Capitol 45 and was still active in 2020, as if you put Mortonette into YT search a few videos posted this year come up - she is now Rev Dr Mortonette Stephens. UPDATE: Digging deeper she was an in demand session singer from mid 70s and appeared on 2 tracks on Michael Jackson's Off The Wall album 'Don't Stop' & 'Get On The Floor' as well as Quincy Jones 'I Heard That' LP, Nancy Wilson, Brothers Johnson, Chuck Jackson, Chck Cissel, Norman Connors, Paul Anka, Elton John and many others (check her credits on Discogs) and has also appeard in a couple of movies. ... so the NS scene 'made her'
  22. That's the seller not buyer hiding identities - it's an option you have as a seller so others can't see who's bidding! ... but it's also convenient for him when someone wants to inspect feedback ... as also can't see what he was selling!
  23. As a few others have mentioned .... alarms bells rang immediately I saw Tiblisi, Georgia!!! Why would they be there? .. and what's the chances of any comeback if you did buy and they were 'wrong uns'! I may be wrong but wouldn't take the risk!
  24. The song was written by Joy Byers who also wrote many tunes, a few played on the scene such as Betty O'Brien's - 'She'll Be Gone', Timi Yuro / L.J. Reynolds etc. 'What's A Matter Baby', Jimmy Church / Freddie North - 'The Hurt'. ... Phil Lowman 'borrowed' the backing track to What's A Matter Baby for Rock Me

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