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Everything posted by Soulstrutter

  1. Is it by Joseph Webster then? unlisted? ... and is the title 'Has Anyone Seen Her'?
  2. Could create a new listing I suppose? ... One sold on Rare Northern Soul for £10k https://www.rarenorthernsoul.com/my-love-is-so-strong-52480 ... is that the going rate?
  3. Correction ... just listened to them both again and Sam's track IS 'My Love So Strong' ... but Mick's is something else. I don't know the flip side (which according to the Discogs listing is an instrumental by The Mighty Chevelles) so I doubt it's that - opens with 'You can Tell I have something on my mind, I've been meaning to talk you for a long time' - the hook lines goes something like 'has anyone seen us together' with another line 'so many things I don't understand, the way you've been acting I think you've got another man' and the hook keeps repeating towards end until an abrupt ending that catches DJ's out . P.S. The only 'My Love Is Strong' to sell on Discogs was NM in 2015 and sold for £70!!! ... but on further inspection it was a white label 'carver'!!! .. I thought someone got a bargain of the century for a moment!
  4. No it's not this 'well known' one ... which is why I suspect it's a cover up as nothing else is listed for Joseph Webster. Mick H played a track as Joseph Webster 'dedicated' to Sam and then in Sam's set later he played another different track he announced as Mr. Webster - this makes me think perhaps they have the same 'cover-up' record and played different sides. It sounds like the same artist - 70s funky - both are on the FYS 5th Anni podcast at the times stated above.
  5. Anyone got any info on the 'Joseph Webster' tracks being played by Sam & Mick H?
  6. Thanks for the heads-up Rob & Andy .... I think I've got that CD somewhere ... need to dig it out and compare versions. Is there a way of posting sound files anymore?
  7. Just listened to Esther Grant again - it is sooo good - one of the best 'new' sounds I've heard for quite a while - I hope he doesn't issue it as a 6Ts anniversary 45 as unless you're there you can't get them and they then sell for stupid money the next day
  8. Thanks for info - Jordan announced LMDD was a cover-up name - is it a double bluff or is the artist unknown .. so being released as LMDD? I presume Ady C is Croasdell and not Ady Crampton - unfortunate coincidence as Ady organises Feed You Soul!
  9. Hi Karl ... Is Esther Grant the cover-up or uncovered name then? It's a superb tune. Also is Little Miss Dee Dee being released as that or is it being uncovered?
  10. Just getting around to listening to 6 hours podcast of Feed Your Soul from 3rd Nov. which Ady Crampton posted on Mixcloud a few weeks ago here: https://www.mixcloud.com/adriancrampton7/feed-your-soul-5th-anniversary-bash-with-guests-mick-h-jordan-wilson-john-everard-plus-residents/ DJ's: John Manship, Soul Sam, Steve Johnson & guests Mick H, Jordan Wilson & John Everard Jordan played a couple of unissued tracks: Nicole Grace - Tomorrow (@ 02:24:53), Esther Grant (I think ... couldn't quite make out what he announced) - Take My Heart (@ 02:27:13) which is superb. He also played a Gilly acetate covered up? as Little Miss Dee Dee - You Better Wake Up (@ 02:07:50) which he said was being released this year. Mick H played an acetate titled 'The Wind Is My Friend' (no artist named) (@ 02:57:47) Also both Mick & Sam played tracks announced as by Joseph Webster (Mick @03:14:05 & Sam @04:43:23) both funky tunes - sounds like the same artist - are they cover-ups? on the same 45? .. or has an obscure Joseph Webster 45 surfaced? ... anyone able to shed any light on any of these?
  11. Just to highlight this girl's talent here's another video she did 6 years ago in 2013 on what I think is one of her own songs (I certainly haven't heard it before ... but someone may be able to correct me)
  12. I made the same mistake initially thinking it was a young man (short hair and shirt) ... she is in fact a woman (check out some of her other videos Kry$stal Kleer
  13. Found this on YouTube a few months ago and it NEEDS sharing ... A brave and beautiful cover of Neither One Of Us
  14. Mystery solved (thanks to PM from Martn) ... Its' Water & Power - I Can Find A Way To Your Heart from their self titled (and only) LP from 1975 on Fantasy They also released only one 45 Mr. Weatherman (Modern/Crossover) /If You Don't Want Me (Ballad) I've also found a link to the whole LP on YouTube - NICE album!!
  15. Nice unknown male 70s modern dancer .. any ideas who/what this is? I'm guessing that the title is something along the lines of 'I Can Find It Baby (If You Let Me)' as that's the chorus. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RDwAJHc5BSI lyrics go like this: I don't know what it is that you fear all i know is that I want to be near I want to see you happy I want to see you glad i want to know that you're not a passing fad Now that I've done all that you've asked Don't you need the love that I have I can find it baby I can find it baby well I can find it baby I sure can find it baby You know what .. if you let me
  16. Hi Yes sorry it's gone now. JM sold #19 last night for £29 - what did #1 go for?
  17. B&S #17 Mar 1969 B&S #19 May 1969 PM offers please
  18. 60 18 issues of In The Basement: These issue now sold: 1, 9 - 27, 29 - 41, 43 - 47, 49, 53 - 54 Only the following now remain: 11,12,18 28,29 42,48 51,52,55,56,57 60,61,62,63,64,65 Many other mags/fanzines for sale e.g Soul Up North These issues just sold: 25 - 26, 36, 38, 42, 50 - 51, 53 - 54, 56 - 58, 61, 64, 78 - 80 Soulful Kinda Music Northern Essence Shout Hot Buttered Soul Almost full set of Soul Cargo (2 missing but will include pdfs of missing issues) NOW SOLD Voices From The Shadows (16 of 25 issued available) There's That Beat (8 of the 11 issued available) Togetherness / N.Soul (full set of togetherness N.Soul #25 missing) Manifesto Echoes Black Music Blues & Soul from issues from 42 to 1000 PM me for full details
  19. Black Wax first issue Jan 1973 - offers
  20. Home of the Blues issue # 6 and #11 for sale ... sensible offers please.
  21. First issue on B&S for sale - sensible offers
  22. Hi, Got B&S, BM & Togetherness but may be interested in Manifestos if you're prepared to split: Looking for the following issues: 4,8 13,14,16,18 21 74,75,77 85,86,87,88 92,93,94,95,96,97,98,99 101-110 111-120 121-130 (Excl 128) 135,136,139 140-146, 148 150-153 Cheers
  23. For future reference for anyone else interested .... it's cheaper going direct to Sounds Wholesale if ordering a lot e.g. £95 for 1000 on epay https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/1000-7-WHITE-CARD-RECORD-SLEEVES-MASTERBAGS-FREE24H/360459172499?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649 and £79.99 direct! https://www.soundswholesaleltd.co.uk/1000-7-white-card-record-sleeves-free-uk-delivery.html I've not found any cheaper (in UK at least) .... anyone?
  24. Thanks for recommendation ... superb!! ... can be found on YouTube here: .. and another 'worthy' track 'Precious':
  25. Just had confirmation that his rescheduled tour for 2019 has also been cancelled due to ill health! It was probably an 'ambitious' tour given he's now 77!

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