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John Hart

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Everything posted by John Hart

  1. My Partner dances Barefoot ,has done since the Wheel{Stone Floors} Casino {Sprung Maplewood} Queens Hall {Duckboards,OOh the splinters} Spain ,Portugal{Ceramic Tiles & Sand } Any more Sandy Shaws ,Zola Budds, ? Try it ,saves a fortune on Trainers !
  2. Hi David P:M,d you Sailor.
  3. Hi Frankie Crocker, Harsh Criticism ,I agree ,Villain wrong ,Architects of its lack of investment perhaps. Being an ex Wiganer I new the parties involved ! My post was focused on the loss of a great Building and social centre .In its NS heyday,the casino would have had a turnover of a million a year ,Russ Winstanley talks of 4 million plus visiting the venue in its heyday !!!. Perhaps some of that could have been put back into that " Crumbling Facade " { Tim Brown,s comment in his Excellent book Wigan Casino 73 to 81. Cheers ,John Hart.
  4. Re Mannys ,Video , Now we Know what the guy is on when he writes those Delightful O.T.T. Record Reviews, A Cocktail of; Black Sheep Ale, Coke ,and 2 Cans of Petrol !
  5. Hi Mark , Answering your follow on thread , ,Yes the Palais de dance was Mr Marshalls, 10/6 pence seems expensive ,but you got a Super Supper and The Olympics ,"Philly Dog" performed by Mrs Smallshaws Pupils ,Dance Troupe, would guess this to be mid late Sixties any clues on newspaper date? Sounds very " Grace Brothers ,Carry On " times ,Nostalgia Rules!! Wonderful ,Mark ! LOL john .
  6. Mark ,Brilliant! Speed in the Empress Suite!. {the main dance floor } The Palaise Suite {Mr M,s of Course} featuring one Pete Conway ,father of Tunstalls finest ,Robbie Williams? In its heyday in the 50s and 60,s the biulding was a true leisure complex with Cafe {Beachcomber, and Billiard Hall } Google Empress Ballroom to see its true splendour ,sadly it became a sad shell under the auspices of Marshall ,Walker and Wigan Council members, the true villains of its sad demise ! Guess the advert would be around 71 ,due to arrival of decimal currency .The 50p for a night out equates to about 7 quid in todays money ,Cheers John,Malaga ,Spain.
  7. Hi Pat, As a picture cover 45 Motown fanatic ,need support for those fragile P/Cs so acknowledging Mannys warnings changed to 250 g polythene Covers ! after 2 years no problema ,from my experience its all about conditions of storage, ; pack loosely , in ambient temp ,;damp , in the garage or attic is a killer, well ventilated room, I always handle with surgical rubber gloves , Cheers ,John .
  8. Hi Si , In answer to your question about number of records played ,the esteemed promoter and DJ,Kev Roberts said on Dean Andersons T:N:T. radio show{ March 2018},, that things had not changed since his glory days at The Casino and true dancefloor fillers amounted to 50 /60 records !
  9. Diana Ross& Supremes,& Temptations ,Portugal issue EP, TMEL 2013.
  10. Hi Tom and Malcolm, Many thanks for your help ,very welcome , Cheers ,John.
  11. Got a a project going and need to access any of those cheesey old jingles relating to Motown . Kev Roberts used to feature one on his Solar Radio Show { I no longer can access} Any ideas ,very Welcome . Thanks for your time ,Cheers John ,Malaga Province ,Spain. mmm
  12. "The motown Sound : A Collection of 16 Original hits" ran to 8 UK, Tamla Motown{Far from All were actually Hits.} .The US series ran too 12 {the earlier ones ran to just 12 tracks and are different titles from UK. " Motown Chartbusters" UK did 12 {some in pretty coloured Vinyl },US about 6. Motown various Artists Comp,s are a minefield everything from " Hits Of Gold","Winners Circle"etc,etc,.Leased by everyone from ;Readers Digest ,Telstar, Ktel, All are all over Ebay, Discogs cheap as Chips .How about compiling a Discography Dodger? LOL John , Malaga ,Spain.
  13. The fantastico Charlie Hatcher by a Million %!! D,Burdock like his Fizzy namesake is pure Pop !! Doni just exemplifies all that is bad in the obsession with the rarer version , the ChipTyler over Jerry Williams ,the Formulaya over O, jays ,"Act" and Lenny Blackburn over Doris ,s "Anything". No Contest.! LOL Johnny ,Espanol.
  14. Sorted , Many thanks.
  15. Joey , Can,t Beat a good Hallucination, I imagine Im a ,teenager again at every Soul Session I Attend ! To help your Thought process further,there is an Instrumental Version of J.W.I.M.S.,s by D.E.B.an Electro Trance band ,Google it .? ¨{ Other Motown Instros it could have been , Henry Jerome " Uptight",or Bill Cosby,s semi instro? "Law of The Land" Alfie Khan?} Perhaps we should stop this O.T .Rambling ? LOL John , Malaga Spain.
  16. Joey , Instrumentally speaking ,"SYMPHONY " ,Caramel Strings is the Most dreary , Drab motown interpretation Ever!. But in that cavernous Emp Ballroom it sounded Monumental !. You Are Hallucinating About a "Shoes",Instro ,Methinks? Vocal Versions , Billie Davis,Gary Glenn&Soul Set ,and Magnificicent Men {AKA Manificents onCounsel } No Vocal less versions on B sides .S.S. never attempted a Captain Pugwash version on his Style aphone? , too early for the current batch of Funks ,backing tracks.Can suggest humbly you are thinking of " Tears Of A Clown" Instro , Detriot sound ,Contour LP track ? LOL .John .
  17. German 45, Price at April 2018 ,Discogs , Median price 67 Pounds? Thanks for your help. Cheers John ,Malaga,Spain.
  18. Well Done Roburt,Fantastic reading and listening, and yes keep the US radio stations playlist coming!! Imagine a comparable listing of UK radio station {uno!} of similar years, Thanks again,Johnny .
  19. Thanks guys; Peter and Me have both lost our last dollar /Euros!! Carol is correct ,just discovered a legal universal reissue on discogs under MJ priced at 2,000 Japanese Yen plus ship ,about 25 Euros on A lovely replica VIP label! Nearly made a sexist ,patronising comment about "Smart Girlies" , but after checking Carol,s profile ,like June Jackson ,she is a He ,whoops! Psuedonyms/ Non de Plumes ,why do people need them ? {Incidentally Carole P ,have you still got Gladys " No One Could" ,on Tmg DJ at aTon? plus the Willie Hutch "Stay " has risen From 180 to 570 Euros . Many thanks ,Cheers ,John ,Malaga ,Spain.
  20. Was this version of the oft covered JW tune ¨{6versions} ever issued on 45 ?'
  21. Hi Kev, PM,d you Sir .
  22. Dora Hall ! , Great Tracks ,and all no more than 5$ all over discogs! Northern is a ," Style " ,"Genre" a " Category" encompassing varied music! Why the Ageism ,Sexism ,against the Delightful Dora ?. Chalky, I'm with you ,this site would not be where it is today without us Lunatic Northerners . L.O.L.
  23. " Get on Your Knees " Los Canarios? English Translation , The Canary 's. Spanish hit pronounced Can A Ree Os {in Spain you accentuate the vowel sounds!}.To cap it all the group came from Gran Canary Island ,named after the giant dogs not Birdies! Also the perrenial Isleys and Elgins ? Is it Eyes Lee Bros, Iss,? or El Jins, and finally ZZ Hill and ZZ and Company do Yorkshire DJs introduce ,"Make Me Yours" and "Getting Ready For The Get Down " as Zed Zed.? What a thoroughly Sensible Thread?
  24. Fantastico Video, Popcorn is Bueno, !!!

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