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Everything posted by Sanquine

  1. My latest love record wise is : Dolly Gilmore - Sweet Sweet Baby - DOVE Is it around the £400 mark ? Wondering how many copie's and which dj's I can pester to play it for me Such a suberb recording and the label - well what more can I say...... On John's auction at moment - sadly won't be the one buying it - but if someone want's to buy it for me... Karen
  2. Put me down for one too, pleaseee Hoping I'm not too late Karen
  3. 1978 - 89 for me - though can't complain - as certain venue's in present day, giving me just as much pleasure as the old day's Karen
  4. Gene Chandler - There was a Time. To be played at my funeral - brings a tear to my eye thinking about that day Karen
  5. Appreciate this is your opinion - was just curious as to why anyone else had anything to do with why you would loathe it! "Jumping at the go go" are recording's from the RCA label - Fantastic compilation - one of my favourite for as long as I can remember - though I had a thing about RCA black issues when I was 16/17 - and spent my young years collecting the label along with MGM. The Crow - Your autumn of tomorrow - as mentioned in an earlier post is on Inner Ear and is one of my all time favourite's very happy memories spent dancing to it at Cleethorpes - was fortunate to have had 2 copies of this the last had to go due to reason's beyond my control. :angry: Out of my price range at the mo - sadly, couldn't believe it's value when looking for another copy last year - Karen
  6. The list is endless - gotta give a mention to Ronnie Walker - after hearing him sing live at Wolverhampton, can only imagine being there all those years ago.... Karen
  7. The rise and fall of the Stax Label - on Sky channel 267 at 4pm today - includes interviews and Performances.. Karen
  8. Agree - would have been an awesome experience - not many people have that kinda connection or chemistry - to watch them perform together - you sensed there was no-one else in the world but them Ok I'm getting all romantic, but hey I'm a woman I'm aloud. Karen
  9. Hi Mand, I believe you can't make it your entire life - it's always part of us - but need to have outside interest's - friends etc to keep it fresh. Karen
  10. Recently had a thread on this - you can find it under- Tunes That Reduce You To Tears..., Soul or Non Soul... - has to be said it was mostly guy's that replied - that can only be a good thing - for us girlies - though not so for the guy's. Karen
  11. So many - Marvin Gaye as already mentioned would have probably been one of my top 2 - would loved to have been present when - Little Ann - recorded - What should I do.... Barons Of Soul - recording - You need love - now that's something else... Karen
  12. Reduced me to tear's when he sang live at Cleethorpe's...having read his life story - like most of us full of ups n downs but there was something about his life - as is about Marvin Gaye that provoke great passion and sensitivity in their recording's - reflecting great emotion.. Karen
  13. Very mixed bag right now - so many people with different agenda's - taste's. Nowaday's people's health n circumstance's - sometime's dictate their need's from the scene. As an example some that used to spend most of nite on dance floor now spend more time listening - changing the tempo they like to hear played out. One thing I don't understand - hear a few mention fed up of oldie's - yet don't frequent the more upfront venue's and never look to see what dj's are on before a night out - then feel the nite they attended hadn't been what they expect. Too many venue's, especially on the same nite, but that's obvious to anyone, say no more.... Imo seem's to be a bigger divide today on music taste's, but that I guess has been inevitable with the amount of year's that the scene has been part of our live's.. Don't feel the scene is in a relaxed and comfortable state with it's self right now... Karen
  14. If I had the chance there would be so many For me it would have to be - Darrow Fletcher aged 15 in 1966 - recording on his Step fathers label - Jacklyn - named after Darrow's sister - recording "What have I got now". Word's fail me...... Karen
  15. Glad someone else remembers it, and only went once - not just me then Was after Wigan closed. Karen
  16. Up to a few years ago I used talc. Always had respect for others that didn't though, put a small amount on side of floor then stood in it when needing more. Don't understand why people pour it all over spot their dancing in no need. I've since discovered the beauty of having special soles and heels on my dancing shoes. They come in different surfaces - smooth, slight, med or very gripped etc found the cobbler in my village very helpful, so I no longer need talc. People must have just stood and poured it onto the floor for it to get into everything. I danced on the carpet week last Friday so didn't notice. Karen
  17. Old and dark run down venue's often have the best atmosphere, along with the old musty smell that comes with them I also love smart venues such as Lifeline at "Ye Old Bell Inn", atmospheric, cosy and offers everything you need for a top niter. Imo. Think it was Wigan Tiffany's went once hated every minute, too smart and Palm tree's, just didn't do it for me. The venue, unless really bad and rundown isn't that important, except must have decent toilets. The reason's I'm there in the first place is what matters most to me Karen
  18. Great record - one of my favourites on the dance floor - fraid it's un-issued. Karen
  19. I feel it's a bad idea - the reason! We all have non soul friends and a lot of us have children, my daughter is 15, has lot's of mate's round so they have been exposed to Northern all their live's. A few think it's ok but much prefer other type's of music. My sister came to a few venue's in the early 90's, but didn't continue, non of her friends took to it either. It seem's to me it's something that's a part of you or not - that simple. We found it without the modern technology available today - giving far more access to it than ever before. In the 70's it was just word of mouth and were still here What I'm trying to say is that new people that really want to get into it come along with friend's that are already on the scene. Could be a worry that if put out into the mainstream and become's common place, that it would attract general around town folk, just coming along to get drunk, cause trouble or pester female's - wouldn't make for a good atmosphere Imo Karen
  20. Curtis Mayfield - Move on up has depth n feeling to the voice that can't be re-created - but that goes without saying. Think he has a fabulous voice to hit the high note's - and sound's better than most in the chart's today, certainly should be making a living recording. Not being critical - just making an observation - especially put against the original, he's voice needs to flow a lot more, does a lot of with holding slightly and stop start style of singing ( not sure how to describe what I mean ) this dosen't apply when he hits those high note's - he hit's those perfect Karen
  21. Think this is great - love the voice when hitting high note's & the various change in beat makes this my type of dancer For some reason I've alway's been attracted to Acetate's & have a desire to collect them. Very nice. Karen
  22. Sending my sincere condolences at this very sad and difficult time. My thoughts are especially with Charlotte and William. Karen x
  23. An all time fave of mine is - The Crow - Your autumn of tomorrow - Inner ear. Karen
  24. You've a very pessimistic outlook their Steve I can only speak for myself - I go on the record it's self - whether I like it or not - a record is not good just because a certain DJ plays it - like wise it's not rubbish cause they don't either Karen
  25. C L Blast a great fave of mine - intro has me running for the floor - whether dancer or not most can't help their bodys doing some of that swaying stuff one record I managed to keep hold of when last collection was forced to go - seems to be having lot's of plays at mo Karen

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