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Everything posted by Sanquine

  1. Hi Derek Can only speak on behalf of myself - I alway's write a fair n honest review regarding venue's I've attended, regardless if a mate is promoting or djing - personally don't see the point in posting a review if it isn't a true reflection of the nite.... though some can take exception if the review is not to their liking - though generally I follow the saying - If you can't say anything good then don't say anything at all..... tbh you usually can tell when people are as you put it backslapping or are genuine.. from a genuine punter regardless who is running the venue.... Karen
  2. Quite a few cause I'm a big softy at heart a few that make me feel emotional..... Oscar Perry - I found true love Gwen Owens - Just say your wanted Adams Apple - Don't take it out on this world Marvin Gaye - What's going on Ray Pollard - The drifter Next thread - Tunes that make you feel funky (oops mean happy n alive ) Karen
  3. Unable to answer best set ever heard - over the years many you thought the best at that time. The best ever set wouldn't be just one but the whole nite - set after set at Life Line weekender last year - just don't think that could ever be topped.... Awesome n the memory will remain forever... Karen
  4. My main love is 60's, especially uptempo dancer's - 70's, some modern n crossover track's (which has started to grow on me more n more recently). R & B - northern/funk and certain latin track's. I'm very passionate about deep soul, for me it evoke's depth n emotion like no other.. Karen
  5. Begining of the end..... made me do a double take too Just to let you know all the hard work, time n effort you've put into this site over the years n continue to do, is very much appreciated Here's to the next 10 .... Thank's Mike Karen
  6. I bought sleeves from covers33 great service but they don't fit inside card sleeve - have to cut down to size - I would like to find somewhere that sell's them the right size - company abroad (can't remember name at mo) did, but postage is so expensive couldn't justify buying... Karen
  7. Wilton n 100 club same weekend - cause I'm only 18 (in the mind) n absolutely mad I don't have to do niters but I want to - mainly cause I start coming to life at btwn 1 and 2am... Love soul nites just as much but when its a great nite I want to keep going til morning.... just can't help it... niters offer time for chatting, dancing, leaving conversations mid sentence to dance then back to finish off n apologise to whoever you talking to, sat taking in the atmosphere n watching others dancing then back to the dance floor again.... need a niter to fit it all in.. then of course that great feeling when you walk outside n everyones just getting up n you've not been to bed... Karen
  8. Personally I like to hear a DJ use the mic, but gotta say sometimes wish they hadn't bothered - the days when a DJ built the crowd into a frenzie on the dancefloor using mic would appear to have long gone - but not a bad thing as is achieved today more on the flow of the set - though I do like to hear the title n artist if I've not heard it before. Karen
  9. I would avoid HTFR at all cost's - waited several months for the 200 record box I wanted to come in stock. Turned out the 100's n 300's were unavailable to. They even took payment and guaranteed delivery date which came n went - extremely un-helpful staff too. Told them what I thought of them n took business elsewhere.... Karen
  10. I agree - I went to the 100 club Sat, had a brilliant night didn't miss it all, had lot's of fun and interesting conversations out on Oxford street in the early hours Lot easier on the dance floor too. Karen
  11. The original post completely miss represented what your night was all about and hopefully can see that really this should not have even been posted up on an open forum for discussion - but I do feel our comments are not negative but very valid - after all it ended with IS THIS A GOOD IDEA OR BAD - YOURS VIEWS WELCOME n I gave mine.... I wish you all the best on your night and have fun. All the best Karen
  12. I bought a mint, white/red, Jessie Fisher from Ebay a few months back for £50. but that was a bargain price - normally would expect to pay around £100 mark. Karen
  13. Mark you little tinker - you forgot the hoovering Karen
  14. You took the words right out of my mouth - Why would anyone want to DJ with records they haven't put time effort n money into collecting.... The whole point of being a DJ is to play their own records and I find it incomprehensible that anyone would consider doing otherwise - what's the point - your records portray your own style..... No different IMO to playing CD's out n is infact an insult and discredit to women on the scene.... Do you see guy's getting DJ spot's for borrowing mate's record's... This just make's a joke of us women collector's/DJ's... Karen
  15. A favourite LP only track of mine is - Barbara McNair - Steal away tonight - from the "Hear I am" LP Full of passion and emotion - I love it Although never issued I understand that an acetate was cut - just wondering if anyone would kindly help with any info as to it's history/whereabouts.... Thanks Karen
  16. First heard Arthur play this out last year - loved it the moment I heard it - wanted one for my own collection, but sadly outta my price range at the mo - but the plus side - another fabulous northern/funk sound to send me moving n grooving on that favourite place of mine.. the Dance Floor... Enjoy.. Karen
  17. Everything.... The music - dancing - the people - records Labels, Artist's and their history. The fact that no one can ever say the've heard everything ever recorded, which ensure's there's alway's something new to hear. I really love the fact that the scene offer's such a vast array of things to learn n discover that it's an endless path to walk n I can certainly say I never get bored. Though it's alway's a good thing to take time out to do other stuff outside the scene, like learning how to fly a Helicopter Karen
  18. Came across this whilst looking for a new record box for my birthday a while back... I'm a little bored this evening as you can tell. Whatcha think .... anyone else got pic's of unusual record boxes... and before you ask - no that's not my record box .... Karen
  19. What a lovely idea Derek, then and now photo's - although quite sad - great memories though - Bradford Queens Hall don't think i've got many photos from the old day's - got a fair few negatives but think mostly of us in venues not actually of the venue itself. Think Sue Holmes might have some (Aregon) on here Karen
  20. Hi Colin Thanks for that - "Don't you know your the yes" is very good - but it's still "sweet sweet baby" that has that extra something for me.. Karen Fancied getting myself down to the Soulrevolution Jame's - look's like a good niter - will try to make it this weekend if not will be the next one... (gently reminder about cd) Karen Enjoyed reading replies to thread thanks for info - wondered if anyone got a sound clip of the Right on version "Sweet sweet man" and "Ain't no man like my man" pleaseee Karen

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