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Posts posted by Sanquine

  1. What makes you think its booted and what to look for I know thre is a German and also I tink Dutch copy.


    Would be interested to see a label scan if you have one - what label is the German copy on.

    I only know of the Dutch on CNR - Belguim - Cardinal - French EP n of course Knox Issue n Powertree Demo/Issue.


  2. Adore this but have no idea of Artist, Title or Label.... Hoping someone can help from the words - gorgeous male vocal with female backing......

    Our love yeah (repeats a couple of times)

    Let me tell you a story about my love affair, it was the beginning baby of a horrible nightmare, she was the sunshine, my night n day - our love was growing in a very special way - but did she love me - all I can say

    Where there's a will - there's a way (repeat's this a few time's chorus)

    Cause I need her so bad etc etc

    Thanks in advance


  3. www.soul-source.co.ukindex.php?showtopic=23097&hl=


    We had a thread a while back on Paul Sindab - hopefully you'll find the above link of interest.

    Attached are some label scan's... Cardinal scan in previous post...

    My copy was the Powertree demo with Typed lettering on a double white sticker, just over lapping in the centre at the top of the label n address actually typed on label, just showing underneath. As revealed it was actually a Knox Issue - but they used spare's not sold as Powertree demo's whilst changing over to Powertree n before Issuing on Powertree - guess to keep cost's down...

    Hope that all make's sense..







  4. Bobby Valentine - Use it before you lose it - love a dance before I answer :boxing: It drive's Paris mad, she roll's her eye's n leave's me, when were out in public....

    I wake up every morning, to my Haye's singing softly in my ear - Black Wing's have my angel smile.gif Well ok it's on my mobile Alarm but you gotta dream ain't ya... :thumbsup:


  5. Good and bad in my opinion.


    Being able to tap into so many knowledgable people regarding tunes.

    Being able to find out what's going on.

    The (mostly) good humoured banter.

    The sales/wants sections a benefit to most if not all.


    Unfortunately the net in general and forums in particular have made it too easy for people to advertise/ promote nights for free , resulting in a huge number of events and the crowd spread more and more thinly.

    The lookbacks section which for the main part is a backslappers convention would love to see more genuine punters reviews good or bad rather than the usual promoters mates and DJ' s from the night.

    that'll do for now.


    Hi Derek

    Can only speak on behalf of myself - I alway's write a fair n honest review regarding venue's I've attended, regardless if a mate is promoting or djing - personally don't see the point in posting a review if it isn't a true reflection of the nite.... though some can take exception if the review is not to their liking - though generally I follow the saying - If you can't say anything good then don't say anything at all..... tbh you usually can tell when people are as you put it backslapping or are genuine..

    from a genuine punter regardless who is running the venue....


  6. Quite a few cause I'm a big softy at heart :shades: a few that make me feel emotional.....

    Oscar Perry - I found true love

    Gwen Owens - Just say your wanted

    Adams Apple - Don't take it out on this world

    Marvin Gaye - What's going on

    Ray Pollard - The drifter

    Next thread - Tunes that make you feel funky (oops mean happy n alive ) :thumbup:


  7. My main love is 60's, especially uptempo dancer's - 70's, some modern n crossover track's (which has started to grow on me more n more recently). R & B - northern/funk and certain latin track's. I'm very passionate about deep soul, for me it evoke's depth n emotion like no other.. :)


  8. Keele 8 years ago, miss em like mad but have learnt to live without them.

    Question to those that HAVE to do em,why do you need em? wink.gif

    Wilton n 100 club same weekend - cause I'm only 18 (in the mind) n absolutely mad :rolleyes:

    I don't have to do niters but I want to - mainly cause I start coming to life at btwn 1 and 2am... Love soul nites just as much but when its a great nite I want to keep going til morning.... just can't help it... niters offer time for chatting, dancing, leaving conversations mid sentence to dance then back to finish off n apologise to whoever you talking to, sat taking in the atmosphere n watching others dancing then back to the dance floor again.... need a niter to fit it all in.. then of course that great feeling when you walk outside n everyones just getting up n you've not been to bed... :D


  9. Personally I like to hear a DJ use the mic, but gotta say sometimes wish they hadn't bothered - the days when a DJ built the crowd into a frenzie on the dancefloor using mic would appear to have long gone - but not a bad thing as is achieved today more on the flow of the set - though I do like to hear the title n artist if I've not heard it before.



    I would avoid HTFR at all cost's - waited several months for the 200 record box I wanted to come in stock. Turned out the 100's n 300's were unavailable to. They even took payment and guaranteed delivery date which came n went - extremely un-helpful staff too. Told them what I thought of them n took business elsewhere....


  11. Worse thing is non smokers going on about it when they never did before because they had a choice if they wanted to go to a smoke filled venue,

    good thing is i didnt smoke nowhere near as many in a night as i normally would and my clothes didnt stink at all aprt from good old B.O, I suppose a bit better of financially and health wise too,

    overall honest opinion, i prefer non smoking venues


    I agree - I went to the 100 club Sat, had a brilliant night didn't miss it all, had lot's of fun and interesting conversations out on Oxford street in the early hours :thumbsup: Lot easier on the dance floor too.




    My husband Alan isn't too keen on letting me anywhere near his precious records.

    My husband Phil, like your's is a little reluctant to give me the key to his DJ box, but he has no choice and will do as he is told. :ohmy: I have purchased four records to play, which will be nice from a girl's prospective.

    she's borrowing Phil Richards records so that should be very interesting. :lol:


    Hi Karen it's Ken

    Think my wife is going to be one of the girls playing so i will try to answer your points,

    Hi Ken

    My comments are based on the above comment's, which were made on the thread regarding the event. It was never stated it was a bit of fun until after my post - If it read that a few females were borrowing records to have a bit of fun behind the deck's then no comments would have been made. Like most males their are women who do take collecting and djing very seriously indeed, n tbh comments like the one I highlighted in bold from Suzy's post belittle female's...

    1/ Time effort & money

    Well Claude certainly puts money into the collecting as every penny coming into & going out of our house hold is a joint contribution and has been for the last 27yrs. And the effort comes from working long hours!!! :thumbsup:

    Just cause a couple have joint bank accounts, and joint conribution to the household - dosen't mean that Collections of any sort, Diamonds, Scooters, Cars, clothes, shoes etc belong to each other jointly, people are individuals with their own belongings.

    2/ As lawfully she owns half of everything she owns half a collection :lol: Yes thats the point only when getting a divorce or seperating does everything lawfully become split down the middle

    not quite the same thing though really.

    3/ Certainly very different to playing Cd's as we only collect original vinyl. :D

    My reference to cd's wasn't literal - but in the sense that if a person calls themselves a dj n borrows another persons records to play - they may as well play cd's as they can play anything - dj takes pride in playing records bought n searched out by themselves - in otherwords developes their own style n gets bookings based on this.

    4/In day's past if a friend was trying to break a record i know of many DJ's who played his copy until they found one of their own ,or had a copy cut. Think the cutting of items on tape still goes on? :( Different thing completely. And as to women collectors/DJ's being a joke I THINK NOT!!! you know very well that you command respect from not only myself but numerous others :shades:

    I don't think anyone refered to female dj's as a joke - but some of the comments above had put that impression across.

    Respect always


    The original post completely miss represented what your night was all about and hopefully can see that really this should not have even been posted up on an open forum for discussion - but I do feel our comments are not negative but very valid - after all it ended with IS THIS A GOOD IDEA OR BAD - YOURS VIEWS WELCOME n I gave mine....

    I wish you all the best on your night and have fun.

    All the best


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