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Everything posted by Sanquine

  1. Knew I'd forgotten one - Alfie Davidson - Love is a serious business.....boring! Karen
  2. 2 of the worst record's ever IMO are : Harold Melvin & the Blue Notes - Get Out (and let me cry). Want to cry cause it's being played....Can't stand the boring, droan of the record... Ric Martin - I travelled the road. Not far enough in my opinion. Sure there's a few more... Karen
  3. Strange show's no download's but definately did and listened to it last nite. Unable to post comment if I hadn't. Saw 20+ view's last nite, something wrong with download counter. Karen
  4. Though I love to dance, these definately not for the dancer's, none of the 3 download's were for me, even to just sit and listen too. Karen
  5. Thank's for posting noticed no one has commented either way. Listened to download, definately not for me. Karen
  6. To me a Rare record is hard to find, not many copies or has that extra something you can't quite describe and is infrequently played at venue's. Sometime's but not alway's the record maybe owned by just 2 or 3 collector's/ DJ's, making it impossible to be played at venue's on a regular basis, thus it is infrequently or rarely encounted. The same is IMO of a Rare Soul Event, I would expect to hear Dj's that put in that extra something searching out and not afraid to play lesser know or slightly different sound's. The importance being on the quality and diversity, this can cover a vast range of record's played. Not just cover up's, high priced or 1 of 3 known copie's, but also a vast amount of lower priced record's fall into this category as well. It is not alway's a good thing to play safe when Djing and try to fill the dance floor, more importantly it is about bringing new or lesser known sound's for people to enjoy, so next time they hear it they hopefully will dance. We frequently hear the title elitist or snob given to people who collect vinyl or like something a bit different to the standard Oldie's, which of course in most cases is not true, IMO people who have not progressed or moved on within the music are the one's most likely to throw out these title's. When infact most Rare soul fan's have not turned their back's on Oldie's, but have just developed and fed a need to delve deeper into the bottomless pit of the broad term, "Northern Soul". A connoisseur night is not a good term for a venue as this seperate's people in a snobbish way. To be a connoisseur of the music is somebody we can all admire and learn from, but this only bring's respect to the person for their knowledge not right's to feel above everybody else. IMO Karen
  7. Glad you appreciate them Shane. Here's mine at last (Broadband finally installed). I am very proud of my membership's they hold great memorie's for me, they represent being part of something special. Karen
  8. If my memory serves me right Major Lance brought his son on stage with him, when I saw him live at Hinckley 1982, I remember it being a very emotional experience. More than anyone I would love to see live in concert, "Marvin Gaye". For me no one come's close to the emotion and depth with which he sing's and of course that voice!!! Sad it can never be a reality for me. Karen
  9. Had some fantastic time's at " Cleethorpe's Winter Garden's" Will alway's have great memorie's. Very sad to read of their intention's to demolish and build the, (usual) block of flat's!! Have put my comment's on link in previous post, not sure what effect it will have, if their mind's are made up, then money will speak louder than people. Sad but true. Karen
  10. Was happy to find these 3 on doormat today, all nearly mint too. Marva Whitney - Saving my love for my baby - Federal. Jerry Washington - Set your soul on fire - Excello. The Rivingtons - Just got to be more - Vee-Jay dj. karen
  11. A couple more of my fav oldies.... Ronnie Forte - That was whiskey talking. Roger K - Give me the love ( I'm needing). Karen
  12. Hi Shane Took a while to find, here's mine. Give up, spent afternoon trying to add attachment with membership's, just ain't happening. Give's you a laugh anyway. Not trying again till broadband fitted next wk. Karen
  13. Hi Shane Took a while to find, here's mine.
  14. Barbara McNair - Here I am - Lp Benny Latimore - Girl I got news for you - Dade Cleo Randle - Big city lights - Sta-set
  15. Too tired to think right now, how about Will Collin's - Anything I can do - Bareback. Great crossover dancer! Karen
  16. Hearing the opening of a record that make's you just have to rush to the dance floor. Nothing else matter's while getting lost in that moment. Sheer heaven! Sorry to those I have left in mid conversation on many occasion! Karen
  17. Since I was 20 I have heard people bang on that there's only a few year's left in the scene. They believed when you got in your 30's, you'd be to old too dance, do all nighter's or venue's. The same with the collecting side of it. I never agreed with this, but it's been said many time's over, yet here we still are. Now were basically saying too old at 40 or 50 for niter's. Surely not. Can't understand why the, too old, can't stay up all nite attitude. I've done the marriage, children, semi career, own business, thing, I'm in my 40's, I have no problem staying up all night and dancing (aided or not ). Although agree certain soul nite's are on till 3am, still not the same feel as a niter has. Karen
  18. BOTH - Hearing a record, loving it, then wanting to own it. You can have the freedom to play single's without jumping up every 2 min's at home, by recording them. But there's just something about owning that record, now this is where the thread take's us down a different path onto collecting vinyl, label's etc.......... Karen
  19. Buying Lip gloss, shoe's and bag's... Your mixing with the wrong type of women!! I'd rather have vinyl anyday. Seriously, I collected but never wanted to Dj, as prefer to dance, but would definately loved to be a record dealer. The reason I've not been able to, is you would have to commit 100% of your time and having had a family, job and home to run, this wasn't possible. Now I have time and could commit, not enough knowledge, experience, nor capital to buy the record's to start off. If I could go back to 1980, I can remember a moment when that would all have been possible. Andy, what's this all about us UK girl's needing our beauty sleep!!. :angry: Karen
  20. Agreed a quarter share each it is then, we could have it for a week then pass it on, one week in every four better than none at all! Karl Rhode's did play it at Manchester bout 5am if memory serves me right. Karen
  21. Fantastic version, danced to this at Manchester on boxing day. Love it as much as Nat Hall, wish I had £450 spare. Karen
  22. Agree with you all. If your gonna buy big, you'd be a fool not to have checked it out first, same as survey on house or second opinion on car etc. Fossland and sellar's like him should be stopped, he know's exactly what he's doing, very clever with wording with intent to deceive. Unsure if site owner's would be held responsible for statement's made by ss member's, would imagine the member's themselve's would be liable! Wondered if some form of collective statement from ss member's to Ebay would have a greater effect than individual email's? Maybe a section on ss "Headed buyer beware" would benefit other's, if nothing else can be done - better than nothing. Don't think thread's should have been closed though! :angry: Anyone noticed Rambler now unregistered! Karen
  23. Just thought I'd post the label scan as promised of Paul Sindab - I was a fool, on the Dutch CNR label. Karen
  24. Another 3 fav oldie's for me. Just as good today as back then, notice getting a few play's recently. Wakefield Sun -Trypt on love / Towanda Barne's - You don't mean it / The Crow -Your autumn of tomorrow Karen.
  25. Hi Jas Haven't seen the Paul Sindab French ep, have got someone trying to find me one, he get's quite a lot foreign ep's at good price's so I'm quite hopeful, although appear's to be ultra rare? The Cardinal mentioned is the single of "I was a fool", still awaiting label scan's, as guy live's in Belguim it is taking to time to sort out. Post's on here a few year's back relating to the ep from Micksmith and also Carl Willingham have one in his collection. Dunno if forsale, maybe in his new list for January on JM site! Would love to see a picture of him though! Karen

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