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Everything posted by Sanquine

  1. Hiya Steve Seen him a couple of time's recently, goe's to Lowton.. Karen
  2. Ahh me old mate Harry - those were the day's weren't they n toilet's like I've never seen since oh n the pushing n shoving with your holdall going in one direction n your body in another. Vicky Baine's (never liked it myself) but you did along with Cecil Washington.. alway's reminded me of you... oh n the Museum garden's after... wouldn't change any of it for nothing... Sweet memorie's...
  3. Towanda B agree can be a hard one - but managed it a few time's... Chandler's can see why listed in this thread - but managed the break by keeping the beat in my head n turning round to it.. Quite a few old stomper's listed that I had endless fun on the dance floor too... seeing who could keep going to the end:D For me I've alway's found "Greater Experience - Don't forget to remember" an odd beat to dance too..
  4. Same here Kirsty - thing's started to get done n found myself being organised n actually working again... now where did I find the time to go on ss these past few year's.. Really appreciate the effort n hours of hard work you put into the site.. thanks Mike.. Karen
  5. Hope to be keeping well soon - on my 3rd Chest Infection in as many month's at mo Course I'll have some raffle ticket's n should have sorted some prize's out by Friday for Lowton .... Not sure how you ended up with my sock's but ta anyway's - should be at York, so see you there.... Karen x
  6. Louis Paul - The change would do you good - Intro... Best ender for me - Steve (Green) set - few Burnley's ago... Awesome Karen
  7. How about a video clip John, just so we can judge for ourselve's - or even better a live performance if your at Lowton tonite. Great pair leg's Jame's.. Karen
  8. I'd love to donate Kirsty not sure what at the mo but will get my thinking cap on - I'll call you if I get stuck for Idea's... A charity which seem's dear to a lot of people n who's live's have been touched by Cancer. I lost my mum to lung cancer 10 yrs ago within 9 months of it having being diagnosed... take care Karen x
  9. Tbh Chalky don't mind never have - but as asked for preference - mine would be Friday for an all-niter - but no probs doing a Saturday - infact quite often do both... Hi Carm's - your question made me laugh In all the years I've done niter's, it's never crossed my mind - course niter people have a sex life why shouldn't they.... potential for a new thread maybe.. Karen
  10. He certainly doe's Ang and some mighty fine Latin tune's at that, what an awesome set he did at Bidd's, which included some of his new find's Karen
  11. That's handy to know Ang, incase I forget mine.. Hoping to see you both tonite.. Karen
  12. I have happily moved on having gone to the Casino in the late 70's the "Poppy" yrs - (Steve) I can honestly say that no other venue has ever come close for the atmosphere - Main hall something else - stomping in "Mr M's sweat drippin' from ceiling" the big extended family which is still here today, the queuing, pushing with bag in one direction n you another. My most nostalgic memory is closing my eye's for half an hour on M's Balcony n awakening to the intro of "Ronnie & Robyn" - what is there left to say....... Karen
  13. Nope.. tho not Soul Ballard ... Milton Jame's - (Indie music) n all time classic .. Gwen Owen's - (contain's everything) Karen Mine would be - Al William's - I am nothing Al William's - Try them Masqueraders - How Karen I also like "The Ohio Player's" version - tho Sam William's the best version of the two... Karen Agree Love them both too... remind's me of after niter session's in the Museum garden's when I was a wee girl... Karen
  14. Whos Gunna Carry The Soul Scene On? Here's a surprise - I don't give a f**k who's gonna carry The soul scene on - I'm just so grateful I've had the pleasure of 30 yrs listening, dancing n collecting the music... Remember in my early 20's people saying "can't imagine us dancing n collecting in our 30's n most definately not in our 40's n here we all are Can't really think of another scene that has stayed alive n so fresh as the Northern scene, but regardless TODAY is what matter's not the future - who know's what that hold's - so I'm just gonna get on n enjoy it - some seem to have nothing better to do in their live's than mull over the same old same old .... Karen
  15. Mike, just ordered one today from Amazon - hope that confirm's. Karen
  16. . Wasn't sure if it was a wind up or serious question tbh, great sense of humor.. Though I'm surprised you get asked why you don't wear baggies when in jean's as that's today's fashion, I've never been asked why I don't wear the Full circle skirt's, white ankle sock's n moccasan shoe's I used to wear, when baggies were the fashion 30 yrs ago... Wouldn't ask if I should or shouldn't wear heal's in the bedroom I'd just wear em you should do the same...... mean the baggies not the heel's If that's what you really prefer and feel comfey with... Karen
  17. Not sure if your genuine in your post - if serious - unsure why you want to ask such a question... same as If I posted should we or should we not wear heel's in the bedroom come's down to the same answer - nothing to do with anyone else, down to personal choice and do you really care what anyone else think's... just do what you want and be true to yourself..... My personal opinion on baggie's ... well put it this way - I loved wearing my red hot pant's in 1976 - but would never dream of wearing them in 2007... Karen
  18. Would love to see "Darrow Fletcher" again. Saw him at Cleethorpes n he just blew me away - especially with the awesome "What have I got now" the emotion n passion he portrayed in his voice and expression said it all. Some said he looked very nervous, which is understandable under the circumstance's - but that only made his performance all the more special n important in my eye's..... Let's see him again please..... Ronnie Walker - what a voice, he is something else - thankfully Chris got him back to perform again - so can't wait for that.... My ultimate dream would be, "Baron's of Soul" performing live in a small, intimate venue for my pleasure only...... Ok I'd share n let everyone else have the pleasure too.. Just one small problem only half of the group are living ..... so dosen't quite fall in either category ... Karen
  19. I alway's check out dancefloor - very important - second to the DJ line up of course, as the music is what I'm there for 1st n foremost... Must admit my style of dancin' has changed in past 10 yrs - used to love slippy - always had talc - but only put in corner of dance floor, so it didn't go everywhere, unlike a few dancer's these day's.. drives me mad n a selfish thing to do... Now I prefer sticky, it's always handy when there's carpet around the dance floor, cause if the floor ends up covered in talc I can dance on the carpet, which I love to do anyway... "The Fox" had a brilliant dance floor with carpet n "Ye old Bell Inn" the same ( Life Line venue's) - "Burnley" too, DDA to the right handside is good for dancing, the left side find's Paul in a sea of talc Lowton main room n Bidds too. Keele was just a sea of talc - from the record bar looked like the floor was white, just couldn't stand up... The answer talc for sticky n a bar of soap for slippy... Karen
  20. Not that good then - I recommend removal of strings n Tra la la girlie backing - maybe try n speed up + 1 or 2 may improve it slightly but doubt Interested to know how much you get for it... best Karen
  21. Kirsty your a very lucky girl .... I'm really happy you managed to get a copy - tho openly admit to being jealous.. C ya soon Karen
  22. Hi Pete Don't know if it'll help - Andy Walko who runs the texassoulrecordings.com site maybe able to put you in contact with someone to advise re: value etc.. andy@texassoulrecordings.com Only 8 releases on the label tho texas site states 7 - maybe cause 103 & 104 are same record - 1st n 2nd release... Don't understand why numbering duplicated though : ie "Soul Smoochers" - Since I met you baby (101) & Black pepper inst (101) / "Soul of Georgia" - Kiss n Run (102) & You better move on (102) " Eddie Gale" & 2 out of 3 releases by "Those guy's" are all (103).... What does the Kiss n Run sound like - tbh "You better move on" not really my taste - but you've obviously seen the guide price so you maybe lucky with the K & R.... Regards Karen
  23. Yes I'll be there - Thanks Dave looking forward to it Karen
  24. Sure you not had one drop on your mat this morning - as well as the Wayner Carter... C ya both soon Karen
  25. Thank's but tonite I'm in Burnley - I've promised Flanny I'll be over very soon - so would be great if you would play it next time :thumbsup Karen:

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