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Posts posted by Sanquine

  1. here you go andy

    four reasonably well-known but excellent tunes currently wrecking my ears on my ipod thumbsup.gif

    the creations is particularly poignant if you change the word 'vietnam' to 'iraq' :D . plus ca change.

    Tony Mathews - My wish - Convoy Excellent track. :D

    Sounded awesome played back to back with Tranells - Blessed with this love - Flo Jo by Bob Hinsley at Leicester all niter. Danced my heart & soul off :(


  2. Hi Karen,

    Nicky here, can you put a name to any of the other faces ? I was there but felt like such a small fry being only sweet 16!!

    Is that Diane from Leeds at the front?

    I'm sure i will have some photos of Jaspers somewhere, have you any?


    Hiya Nicky,

    Nice to see you at Prestatyn send me a PM with your address and I'll call round to see you both one eve, shouldn't have left it so long, but you know how its been.

    Remember Diane so long ago though, is she the girl in front of Deck's in top pic.

    Defo got pic's somewhere still trying to get round to sorting out, huge box full not in albums as well as 10 albums full from over the years. Must sit down and sort soon need to cut someone out of them all as well whistling.gif

    Catch up soon

    Kaz x

  3. Perhaps you can help with this.

    It is indeed a good idea to take a spare shirt but how do you prevent the spare shirt from becoming creased in your bag?

    Use a professional Ironing service ie: Mine.

    Can anyone recommend a solution that doesn't involve carring a flat shirt-hanger carrier into the do?

    Yes got a brilliant solution a way to solve creased shirt dilemma and increase my income for records at the same time :rolleyes:

    I could bring my steam iron etc and set up stall at the end of the record bar for soulies wanting to change half way through the nite into crease free shirts. Well my business is called "Creases Away" thumbsup.gif


  4. Never change any clothing at an all nighter, don't bother washing myself either. Can't see the point.


    :rolleyes: Is that before or during the niter Mark! :lol: Tut tut, think it's bout time we found you a nice woman to show you the point ranting_1.gif

    Will you be at LifeLine Sat ??? We can begin the search......


  5. post-1224-1150066047.jpg There's me looking like a young lad DJing at the Jaspers all-dayers in York October 1980. Thats Tony Coleby sat centre front and Kim from Selby wearing a pink shirt on the right.

    post-1224-1150066235.jpg Don't some people just love having their photo taken (laughs). Dave Evison and Barry from York stood right.


    Ahh ... Jaspers All dayers, I remember them well, had many good times there. Might dig out some of my photos if I get chance and post on here. Not seen Kim for years, look at Barry can hardly recognise him, such a baby face :yes: Though not on phote wondered the other day, what happen to Steve Barlow sure he was Selby.

    Had my 18th Northern birthday party at Jaspers in 1982, what a good nite that was, even if I say so myself. :thumbsup:


  6. 3 BEFORE EIGHT ??

    Nice one, but as you beat me to it. If the music takes me and I'm dancing for most of the nite I'll defo get a wash n change, to be honest I love getting hot n sweaty :thumbsup: or should I say, perspire :yes:


  7. Lead singer in Baron's of Soul, so awesome send's a shiver down my spine every time I hear it. Would love to know his name, or any info on the group, not heard anything else by them, but surely with a voice like that and the unreal heights he hits with his voice, I find it hard to believe they just disappeared. Such a tragic waste of talent. :shades:

    Alway's wondered if they recorded under another name at some point. Any info would be appreciated as come to a dead end with this one. frusty2.gif


  8. Surely when someone become's a member they can still have fun user name and avatar etc, but underneath their real name can also be shown, Initial registration to be done from own home computer where Mike can see there unique IP number, stopping a person registering under several fictitious name's. The Rare Soul Forum Id's a person with full name, but you still have a fun user name and avatar. yes.gif

    Personally don't see the point in hiding your real identity, if you have something to say you should have the ball's to put your real name to it, or what's the point in posting in the first place. huh.gif


  9. doe's antbody out there feel the same as me that if you can dance to soul you can dance to anything,or is it just myself that finds that the intrigate footsteps we can do to soul music can end up making us dance with the best on any music scene.

    myself personally av ad people saying what a good dancer i am at every day night clubs dancing to todays music which believe me i find hard work

    i just can't help myself but bring my soul foot steps into the music of today all though i aint dancing what i would call soul but the compliments i've recieved well makes me proud even more to be on the soul scene

    i'd love to hear what you lot av to say out there if you've been to clubs of the scene and ended up like myself doing the footwork but jazzing it up a bit to suit the music of todays generation

    Personally unable to see how the style of dancing on the northern soul scene could be adapted and used to dance to say chart/night club stuff etc. For me it goes deeper than just dancing it's a way of expressing my passion and love for the music and come's from the very heart and soul of you, in other word's actual feel the music - not just listen. :lol:

    Because of this everybody develope's their own style and you seldom see 2 dancer's dancing the same.

    I noticed you only mention in your post soul music which in that case cover's a wider area of music so general dance move's would be more adaptable. :rolleyes:


  10. Black wing's - anyone who know's me, know's this is one of my all time fav's. :lol:

    Arthur was selling a copy at Lifeline - mint - very good price - anyone want to buy it for me or lend the cash please feel free to do so........ :yes::rolleyes:

    Used to have a copy of - Love play's funny game's. I liked it but has an aquired taste - not for everyone.


  11. From a dancer's point of view, no problem with dj's having 45 min spot so long as they get 2 set's an early and later one, a 30 min spot no good to dj or dancer's and 90 min could make for quite a flat set all in one go. :yes:

    The best option's IMO are either a 60 min spot or 2 x 45 min set's. Above all one of the most important thing's is to be there from the beginning if possible and take notice of record's played in previous set's. Show's you've taken an interest in other's and not just your own spot. :yes:


  12. Quite a difficult one...

    Favourite venue from the past - Wigan

    Favourite venue today - Lifeline

    Favourite DJ's today - Andy Dyson - Chalky - Paul Sadot

    Difficult one, can only narrow down to 3, they all offer something different, really think about the way they put a set together and are not afraid to play what they believe in, and basically I just love the stuff they play.



  13. Great memories from my youth were stomping away the hours in Mr M's, also remember the condensation dripping from the ceiling it was so hot. :D:D

    A memory that's alway's stayed with me was one night I took 5 mins shut eye on M's balcony before going back in main hall, I woke to the intro of "Sidras theme" , it sounded absolutely awesome. Aah them were the day's......... :D


  14. post-3993-1144253505_thumb.jpgpost-3993-1144253334_thumb.jpg

    Mentioned in Paul Sindab thread a few month's ago, I would post a label scan of Paul Sindab - I was a fool - on the Cardinal Label when I received it. It's taken a while but here it is and also scan of the Cardinal Picture sleeve. Very nice indeed. ranting_1.gif


  15. ....My mate from the Mecca, Ali Craigen, who sadly emigrated to Australia, had two pet budgies called Sam and Kitty. Personally they looked like bootlegs to me, but he assures me they were originals.

    ...are there other pets out there called after rare soul acts....?

    Not pet's named after rare soul act's, but my daughter's 6.5 yr old canary is a Northern soul bird.....

    For the past 6.5 yrs everytime I play Northern he won't stop singing, but when Paris play's her chart stuff (tried hard to convert her but to no avail), he dosen't make a sound. Don't blame him either. :D


  16. You must have some idea of what you want to play, come hell or highwater you will play them!!!! (Tunes you bought that week, ones you dug out that afternoon and played at home sounding great?

    But depending on what time of the night you are on the requests come thick and fast so you must play the requests musn't you? (discuss) cos if not the punters keep on coming back and asking when you are going to play their chosen tune :) put in a polite way I might add (not) Usually after 10 pints @ around 10 to 10-30pm

    The customer is always right my good old Mum used to tell me :D

    If you take pride in and enjoy the type of set you put together, I'm sure you will have an idea of the record's your going to play out, remembering of course you've got the spot because the promotor of the venue has heard your style before and this is why he/she booked you, ie; If their trying for something different and booked you for this, they won't appreciate you sticking a load of played out oldie's on, even if floor quiet and vice versa,as defeat's the object of what they hope to achieve. What previous dj's have played in their set will affect what you plan to play so flexibility is a must. :)

    I alway's ask my favorite dj's for request's because it's the only time I get the chance to dance to that special tune and also it let's them know that I have taken an interest in their set's and appreciate good record's. Can see it being really annoying to some, especially if they get a lot of request's, but is a compliment if the person is making the request because you have it, not just asking anybody for anything. :D


  17. As I'm getting the collecting bug again (after selling up 4 years ago) I wondered how to start up again. I have chased a few titles I regret selling (without much luck) and am wondering which way to go about it. Would you hold out for the big ticket items that you like and have a small quallity collection or buy cheaper items that you like and go for quantity?

    With the absence of soul packs and dealers with multiple copies along with shops full of 45s, would the internet and venue purchases be the only way to start collecting today?

    How would you collect yours??

    Blake H wink.gif

    I had to sell my last collection 18 month's ago and have started from scratch on my own a few month's ago. At first I kept thinking about the big stuff, but soon decided it was a negative outlook which kept me in the past. :(

    I now have more fun collecting record's that I like but don't hear out often or never heard before, and they are within my budget so I'm not stressed finding big money. I enjoy going through record's picking stuff I've not heard before, playing both side's and the excitement you get when you hear something that take's your breath away and the added bonus it's not in the £100's bracket is what it's all about nowaday's for me. :(

    Most record bar's have dealer's with player's where at your leisure you can spend hour's listening to record's before buying. :) There is also Ebay, List's which can now be emailed and word of mouth with mate's and through posting up want's list.

    Great to see you and Nicky at Prestatyn, when we meet up at Yarmouth we'll have to spend a few hour's in the record bar so you can start your collection. ( Wondering what Nicky think's about this? ) :yes:


  18. I'm playing an unreleased version with an alternate vocal.

    Very nice version too Chalk's. :yes: Although different vocal to released version of "delegate's" on uplook, got good voice and sound's great. Hope your putting this in your play box when you dj at Horncastle and the next Manhatten, looking forward to dancing to it. :)

    Karen x

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