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Everything posted by Sanquine

  1. I'd perform a pole dance at "Sheridan's" just to see "Baron's of Soul" sing "You need love" live Of course that's not possible n anyway's I'm not that type of girl Karen
  2. That's a shame Baz, your gonna miss out on a good nite at Sheridan's, you know you'll miss that comfy sofa, in the record bar... Have a good nite anyway.. Karen
  3. Not been on ss for a few day's - just seen this thread - This is a fantastic record, followed it on Ebay (not that I can afford to buy it) as uroffel said in earlier post went for £626. Marie played it in the early hours at Middleton - sounded brilliant Strange choice of name though.... Karen
  4. Typical Great sense of humour you got there Jame's That one's worth at least 10 double Pernoid/black's Sheridan's Karen
  5. I'm good thank's Rich, hope you are too. Unsure bout your "Dipping into Chalky's box" comment Karen
  6. Hi Rod Been an interesting thread, guess from my orig post you could look at it like that, though not my intention - to me have not given it a thought in many years, surprised by recent comment I mentioned and got me wondering if a few other men thought the same and how many of us female collector's there actually. Recent discussions bring up female buyers being a minority based on percentage quoted when chatting with a dealer recently........ Please tell your wife the charity dayer's ok - but instead of shoe's can I buy records Karen
  7. Kirstly even though your spending Michael's money are the record's you buy for your own collection or a joint one with Michael...... Karen
  8. Oops, too busy multi-tasking Yes I know - she's living with me, so how could I get it wrong - well ..... Kirsty - For the rest of your post Karen
  9. No matter how large or small your collection ....... Interested to find out just how many of us are there ....... If you got the passion and love for the record's you collect that's all that matter's ....... Maybe you guy's can help out with female collector's who are not ss member's I'll start with my best mate Jo Brock Karen
  10. Some good thought provoking stuff in post's, even if we alway's have to revert back to Handbag's n shoe's only got 4 pair of shoe's n 4 bag's to me name Karen
  11. Recently someone did just that, middle of set, suddenly on the deck's goes "The mood Mosaic" Karen
  12. Raised an interesting point there Winnie - gave Chalky n me something to disagree over tonite A dancer whether female or male certainly has potential to make a good DJ in theory, (goes without saying that top DJ's not compared in this post), as they may know what does or dosen't work on the floor, after all they are the one's the DJ's aim to please. A DJ's dancefloor success would generally influence the booking's they get. Of course there is so much more to being a DJ though - having a good ear for the right sound at that time, able to adapt but not alter your style of DJing to work the dancefloor. Obviously the ability to put a set together so it flow's is above all imperative, as nothing worse than a mish matched set Confidence in what you play is also paramount - even if hall only 1/4 full or not many dancing as doing an early spot - they must show energy and passon for what they've got on the deck's nothing worse than seeing a DJ on stage looking fed up. Personally a DJ who is prepared to put time and effort into putting together a set that offer's something that little bit different, in other word's - putting their own signature on their set. So in answer to your question - Yes n No Karen
  13. Nope - but after Chalk's last post on this thread ................. Karen
  14. Good call Mischief - was thinking bout doing a thread on this very subject just out of interest.... Personally not good, have done this myself in the past - dosen't work in my experience. Problem's occur when one want's to sell (don't assume it's the woman). What happen's then, one of you lose's out as happened to me Karen
  15. Hoped some of you guy's would be buying me drink's for the next few month's so I could save my money to buy more record's Seriously, thank's for your replie's and glad mate's comment's were a one off Nice bag Mischief - do they do one in red.. You've been very quite Chalk's...not like you Karen
  16. How bout you lad's make me a lovely cuppa, while I look through your record's
  17. Having conversation recently with a mate - won't name n shame - have accepted his apology, drink's and effort's to make amends Women shouldn't collect record's - a man's thing was basically the statement made. Can't post what I said, but having collected record's most of my life, was f----ed off to say the least - felt I'd gone back 25 yrs to the day's men didn't talk record's with women. Got me thinking - do some of you men secretly/openly believe record collecting to be a man's thing only....... come on be honest - but remember you may meet me one day and end up buying me load's of drink's too.. Karen
  18. Sanquine

    pt 2

    Arthur's 50th 16th Sept 06
  19. Sanquine

    henna & ady

    From the album: pt 2

  20. Sanquine


    From the album: pt 2

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