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Posts posted by Sanquine

  1. seems a little steep but thanks karen :D

    No probs - J.M Guide £300 also depends what they mean by ex - I've found ex has sometimes turned out to be m- anyways good look - hope you get a cheaper copy. :shhh:


  2. "happy to be" on century city

    good price paid for a M- copy


    Copy for sale on Gemm, graded as Ex - seller Soul Jones - $601.26 / £321.34.

    Good luck :D


  3. I know talc has always been used by dancers myself included in the past, but recently at an event I was dancing away unaided by talc, to my amazement a guy came onto dance floor poored talc in a circle in centre of floor and before I say anything he vanished into the bar area (he wasn't even dancing) :wicked: made dancing difficult for a lot of people, talc poured without thought onto dance floors has increased recently, a friend of mine fell on slippy floor recently and has pot on foot and crutches for a few weeks. thumbsup.gif

    What ever happened to consideration to others, I used put a small amount on edge of dance floor......

    Thread related, if not directly responding to post.


  4. Hi Kim

    So glad there all ok - met Diane and partner at Jaspers/Melodies after Di and Jinxy had seperated, not sure if it's the same person she's with now, Di seemed very happy at the time - good to hear that Jinxy's happy and settled.


  5. And 2 more today


    More magic from this label overlooked and under played IMO


    Just awsome been after this for a while

    Must just say i only orderd these of Pete S on tuseday morning and they arrived today hows that for service :(

    Good shout with Betty Lavette - Miff - great vocals and dance beat - A firm fav of mine. (played twice at Wilton).

    Btw your doing well on the record buying side of life :rolleyes:

    Won't mention smoking - prob same place with it as I am - though might have another go soon. :(


  6. Perhaps a more positive tread would be there's loads of them but it is still worth a bomb!

    I'll start it with three suggestions Gerri Hall, Soul Brothers Inc - pyramid, Jock Mitchell - Impact.


  7. Prefer niters in the summer months - Great feel good factor travelling to venue on a summers eve - can take a breather outside (still warm) - dancing at 4.30 am with daylight appearing through curtains - but best of all when you leave it's daylight....... :P

    Dunno what age got to do with anything - I'm in my 40's ( you didn't hear that) :lol: dance quite a bit and have still have energy next day :wicked:

    Think it's all in the mind meself...... :lol:

    Steve - won't spill the beans bout what you got upto when you were a wee lad.. :lol: see you at Middleton... is Tracey - Tony & Sharon going ?


  8. The night is billed as Northern Soul - Across The Board.

    The DJ spins The Sounds Of Blackness - I'm Going All The Way.

    Is it acceptable?

    Are we either a 'broad minded church' or a 'narrow minded tribe'?

    Just a bit of fun......


    Wouldn't have a prob with this being played - course it's acceptable - it's what modern souls all about ain't it ............... :thumbsup:

    Get fed up with people having tunnel vision on the soul scene :P

    Soon as I played it - heard it before - think it must have been at a mate's house - he's heavily into Modern... Good tune Col :P


  9. email with details



    Took a long while for me to get a copy of this - finally managed to get it from a dealer in America who found it after searching through cases and cases they had in cellar - paid next to nothing for it - forced to sell it couple of years back. Looked out for it over last 6 months but not seen one - hope your lucky.


  10. I wonder who the person was that provided the Quote for the question?

    Same person that produced the video ("The Northern Soul Story" 2001) :wicked:

    Possibly the same person who wanted to interview women at Cleethorpes - for a female view on northern soul :rolleyes:

    Ok then who is it ?

    Whoever they turn out to be - if this is for real :thumbsup: they didn't have a true understanding of the scene and certainly didn't know what they were talking about - using the term "we" gives the impression others thought the same way :thumbsup:

    Btw can't find anything on the video!


  11. I was sent a rather large questionnaire about Northern Soul today, by a University student. The question was:

    I thought that was a fantastic question! What's your answer? I'll tell you mine later as I obviously don't want to incite answers pertinent to my own answer :D

    Most definately not to all three statements. To be honest never entered my head in the 30 yrs I've been involved with the music. Never pretend to be anything other than myself - always danced and still do by expressing my passion and feel for the music through dance - which comes from my heart and soul and nothing else. :yes:

    In answer to the question - never thought anyone on the scene pretended to be black and Northern soul has never been about pretending to be black. :thumbsup:

    No way I could ever pretend to sing as though black - anyone heard my attempts at singing will verify that - I'm tone deaf :thumbsup:


  12. Hi there,

    I want to know the price of Allen Wayne No b/w Chills & Fever on TRY Records. I don't think it's a rare one. John Manship has one for 30 GBP, but it's the only one I've seen on the net. :P

    By the way, anybody has a soundclip of the Ronnie Love's version??? :P


    Dante :huh:

    My Daughters favourite - she's got to the age of 14, after living eating & breathing Northern since birth and she only likes 2 records - R L - Chills & Fever - has her own copy, and Tony & the Showmen - Try love (dosen't have a copy of that though) :huh:

    Soundclip if it works and ok with Mike.... :P


  13. listened to it 3 times already

    what a beautiful bit of music.

    dont all have to be killer dancefloor tracks.

    shame i havent all that cash although i could throw the

    wife in as trade for a few weeks :huh:

    Loved this year's ago :P - must admit forgot all about it in last few years - got a few plays in late 90's - a great floaty dancer :huh:

    Mate's would take piss out of me for liking it though - said it was a record bout gay's... So what if it is... :P


  14. They Say - Rodge Martin - Dot

    They Say you found a new baby - Susan Rewis - Columbia

    Love both version's :yes: danced a lot to Susan Rewis in past - not heard Rodge Martin version played out............

    Can't put sound clips up at mo till further info from Mike - but can listen and compare Rodge Martin on J Manships and I put sound clip up of Susan Rewis on RSF under R & B section. What do you think...... :thumbsup:


  15. Inviting the best offers on the following please, Mail me off list Leebuers@hotmail.com

    Melvin Moore - All of a sudden - Mint

    Delegates of Soul - I'll come running back - Mint

    Joe Douglas - Crazy Things - Mint

    Ujima - i'm not ready - Mint

    Lonnie Lester - You can't go - Mint

    Margie Joseph - One more chance - Mint

    Al Mason - Good Lovin - Finyl Vinyl (Blue) Mint

    Skip Mahoney - Janice - Underworld UK - Mint

    PEACE buey x

    Wish I had some spare cash :unsure: I'd buy Joe Douglas - Crazy Things. Superb record.


  16. The last spare one I had went for £100, though it was a few years ago.

    Must admit, have not seen one for a while....

    Forced to sell a couple of years back.. :D .. don't ask.... :D

    but getting them back or new ones slowly but surely :unsure:

    This was my copy think I sold it for £120.....




  17. Great tune, never heard it played at a Northern night...does it get spins on the Northern scene?

    Did get a few spins at Holgate WMC York, when I ran it - also sometimes at Manhatten Harrogate. Great record & dancer :unsure:


  18. Hi Juddy, a few of my fav's already mentioned and can highly recommend are:

    Merle Spears (amazing) :shhh: - Barbara Lynne - Ray Agee - Peppermint Harris - Ted Taylor - Little John - Gwen Davis - Reatha Reese ( don't class as r n b but awesome).

    A few from me .............

    Dolly Lyonn - Palm of your hand / Little Johnny Taylor - Zig Zag Lightning /

    Lenis guess - Working for my baby :thumbsup:


  19. Not only as my dancing changed over the years karen,i now find it changes over the night lol..starts off o.k ,but by 5am my brain is still doing can can but my legs are doing the waltz...


    All in the mind Carole :D Seen you at 7.30 am shimmering on down, doing your stuff on the dance floor :thumbsup: legs and arms fully co-ordinated :D

    See you a wk on Saturday (r u dressing up too) :thumbsup:


  20. Fanfare of trumpets

    post-1224-1151257163.jpg On Dave Rimmer's excellent site Lawn 248 is credited to Dick & the Deamonds "Ive got corns/Falling star". The song titles are exactly the same on the Jesse release. Interesting eh?

    Which Jesse James it is is anybodies guess...

    onwards, derek

    I posted up the mystery tune labelled grass.mp3 - am I clever or funny or both (how about neither) the label was Lawn. I can't stop laughing ho ho ho he's such a card that Pearson...

    thumbsup.gifshades.gifToo right - very funny and clever defo (great clue) didn't help me though :lol: - noticed "Grass", but was unable to come up with anything on that one. Never guessed "Jesse James" - didn't sound anything like - but as you said Which J J !

    Got "Falling Star", right although title wasn't that hard was it.......... :D

    How about another.... :lol:


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