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Posts posted by Sanquine

  1. following on from the 'youngsters' thread i am interested to know what people plan to do with their rare expensive 45s.

    afterall, in reality there will be no-one to sell them to. many of the soul crowd will be planning retirement in 15 years time and a few grands worth of plastic could come in handy when looking at bungalows on the east coast :D

    i would like to see some genuine answers please. does anyone have an actual plan?

    i know we have discussed this before but not for a while


    Hi Shane

    Always given thought to this one.

    Had this wonderful ideal that Paris would love, treasure and enjoy them, when I'm

    gone :D As with everything in life - never turns out as you hoped :yes:

    Nearly 15 now and even though she's grown up with northern ( even listened to it from the womb) :yes: Only likes 2 records. In fact she won't entertain it :D she has her own identity as an Emo :D:D

    No bloody idea what I'm gonna do now :D


  2. Just listening to the recently released 'The Best of Dee Dee Sharp - 1962-1966' and decided to read the sleeve notes...the following tracks have always interested me with their distinctly different 'sound'...and until now, I always thought that DD only recorded her Cameo sides in Philly...how wrong could I be.
    • Deep Dark Secret was a 1964 recording and produced by Bob Crewe/ arranged by Charlie Calello...Big City sound - recorded in the Olmstead Sound Studios in NY City.
    • There Ain't Nothing I Wouldn't do was co-written by Kenny Gamble and produced by Gamble and Huff - recorded in Philly....
    • Standing in the Need of Love is creditted to Strong - is this Barrett Strong? Recorded in Chicago in '65, it's produced by Carl Davis but sounds more Detroit...
    • The gorgeous I Really Love you....credits to Bishop & Gamble - recorded in the CP Studios, Philly...Gamble & Huff production, and arranger credits go to Luther Randolph, Rick Kellis and Joe Renzetti...what a beautiful track..

    And the credits for backing vocals read like a who's who....Artistics, Dreamlovers, Orlons, Persianettes & Sherrys plus Cindy Scott, Thom Bell, Vivian Jackson....and amongst the musicians are lurking Bobby Eli, Norman Harris, Earl Young, Jimmy Wisner....can you imagine being a fly on those studio walls :P

    Anyway, just thought you'd like to know :thumbsup: Jo

    Deep dark secret - Fab record :thumbsup: and recorded the year I was born too :P

    Probably a lot later but "It's the bottle or me" on Gamble is another brilliant record by her - Interesting that It's A side, "You're gonna miss me (when I'm gone) was originally the B side to "What kind of lady"


  3. Sanguine

    Seeing as you single handedly are quite rightly starting a "Barons Of Soul" appreciation Society, part of the Group also recorded as the "Ballads" (not the "Venture" lot, but the ones on "Tina") so you MUST check out "This Is Magic" by them. They also did some backing stuff for Clarence Williams.

    Des Parker

    Yes seems that way, anyone interested pm me :thumbsup:

    Thanks for all the info Des- been trying for a while to get further with this - was sure there must be more info on them - always drew a blank - where theres a will theres a way as they say :P

    Now just need to find out if any or all of the orig group still alive - Anyone fancy hearing "Baron's of Soul" sing "You need love" Live..... :thumbsup:

    In my dreams or .........



    Top record... got this and another by them on the same label .. ' SAILBOAT' ... also brill :thumbsup:

    Agree with you Joan - great record :D

    Close your ears to the vocals and it sounds soooo like Ton of Dynamite - Frankie (Love man) Crocker :D spent many nites stomping my arse off to that... :D


  5. Thanks very much for that Rich,

    Tried J M site before, must have put freespirit without a space :thumbsup: Glad you helped.

    Not keen on Mr Fixit man, though flip may be fab, who know's ( a record in there somewhere) :D

    Disappointing though after the ever awesome "You need love".

    These both from 1974 - though saw a track listed I couldn't play from 1995 different label columbia I think - doubt they'll be the same group.

    Does anyone have a photo of them either as Barons of soul or Free Spirit - would love to see what they look like :D


  6. Hi,

    Can anyone help - trying to listen to recording's by "Free Spirit" on Chess formerly Baron's of Soul.

    Know of these 2 upto now but unable to listen to them

    Love you just as long as I can/ instru Chess 1974

    Mister Fixit man/ Where did the good times go Chess 1974

    Any help with Sound bite - price, would be appreciated :thumbsup:


  7. Stunning record Karen, records like this need playing more...awesome tune.

    Mark Bicknell.

    Agree Mark - so many get over looked. Looks like I'll hear Ola played out twice in 2 wks now :D


    I'll play it

    at Middleton for you Karen :thumbsup:

    Fantastic Nick your a star :D Looking forward to seeing you and Hannah, so much fun to be had this weekend can't wait :D


  8. Nobody cares if you can't dance well. Just get up

    and dance. Great dancers are not great because of

    their technique, they are great because of their



    well thats clearly over-sentimental rubbish ...... great dancers are judged on technique not cos they bloody love it ..... rudolf nureyev , mikhail baryshnikov etc didn't get to where they were by not having great technique

    As an end result great professional dancers are judged on technique. :lol:

    Anyone can aquire technique, if they perserve long and hard enough - Practise makes perfect n all that, but are they great?

    Passion which comes from the very soul of a person is essential to create a great dancer who then goes on to develope great technique.........

    Until a serious road accident forced me to give up, I was a ballet dancer dancing on points, doing solos etc.... the practise was essential to develope technique, but passion makes the dancer IMO :yes:


  9. Barons Of Soul were:-

    - Tony Sharp (Lead)

    - Robert Irvin

    - James Wagstaff

    - Kenny Morrow (replaced by Kenny Jackson)

    The "Barons" mainly did back up vocals on many of the Harthon productions, including Eddie Holman. They later went on to record as "Free Spirit" on Chess, which you should be able to pick up for "pocket money". The irony of this topic is that our elitist and fickle Soul scene wants to seek out and thank these revered acts, but stops short of wanting them to rerelease the cherished tracks.

    Des Parker

    Thanks for the info Des, very happy to know more about them. :unsure: Would love a photo of them as Barons of Soul or Free Spirit if anyone could help.

    Trying to listen to a couple tracks by Free Spirit - Love you just as long as I can/Inst. Chess 1974. Mister fixit man/ Where did the good times go. Chess 1974.

    Anyone have a sound bite please :thumbsup:


  10. I don't think it's particularly rare - if I remember, I got mine off a Voices front page cheapie special (and I believe they always have multi-copies on the front-pagers).

    If I remember, Voices championed it for eons - our youth always used to say, 'not effing surprising 'cos its as bad as Derby's back four' :thumbsup:


  11. You must be a Terry's Choc orange fan then Ken smile.gif Though who the hell Terry is god only knows wink.gif

    My womans love - fabulous track - good choice Joan laugh.gif

    Kirsty - you looked trim on Sat biggrin.gif wouldn't stick to diet at weekends let your hair down girl - yeah alright you normally do :yes:


  12. Not participating in this thread anymore, seems somewhat unimportant, and rather pontless arguing over it, when the future of SS is in the balance. Lets ALL just 'agree to disagree' and move on 'eh :lol:

    Spoil sport - you know you love it really Trev :lol: Part of all the fun surely :thumbsup:



    BAZ A.

    Thank's, Fab track isn't thumbsup.gif Any chance of a sound bite of Jimmy Lewis - just had quick look, only A side on "Let's call the whole thing off" on J.M not "I'm stepping out" to listen too. A few of his on Tangerine I notice. :unsure:


  14. Trev, just because the likes of you and I had to keep our traps shut back in the days of rationing, doesn't mean that people have to do the same today :unsure:

    Who should we check with to see if our opinions are "ill informed"? :yes:

    Dave, think if your starting out on the scene or in anything for that matter, for a while, most would ask others in that field for a bit of info etc, before they became so outspoken on a subject they obviously at the moment have little experience of. Nothing wrong with been outspoken - always have been myself whistling.gif Before you take that the wrong way - for example wouldn't go to an art gallary and comment about artists/paintings I knew nothing about. Yes, would say I like/don't like picture etc, but not make detrimental comments against that art gallary if showing what advertised. Sure you know what I'm saying, your just looking for a mischievous debate eh wink.gif


  15. Karen, you say "it's always nice to have new faces join the scene" but the rest of your post is typical of what puts a lot of new faces off IMO.

    Why should anybody have to listen to others and learn about the scene? What's wrong with just going to an event and enjoying it, as Wavy said he/she did?

    And as a general comment, not specifically to you, why are some people so touchy about any perceived criticism of Lifeline? When all said and done, there is no event which suits everybody.

    Hello Dave,

    I mean it when I say it is always nice to have new faces join the scene, appreciate your opinion bout my post, don't see what is typical bout my post that puts new faces off :unsure:

    IMO the only way to learn and understand something that interests you is learn all you can about it - exactly the reason for ss isn't it :yes: anything you do in life is the same. How can you form or give opinion's, learn artist's, titles, labels, styles etc without learning - Nothing wrong with going to an event and enjoying it - but starting a thread with D I S CO and several references to LL which were unjust comments - isn't just going to an event and enjoying it is it whistling.gif

    Personally I've no problem with Just criticisim of any sort to any event - but feel entitled to comment about something if I can't see any fact or justice to it. Personally I'm not touchy about any thing to do with LL, is nothing to do with me, yes it is my favourite venue and caters for all my music tastes, but had comments being said and missed placed made about another event I went to, I would comment just the same.

    Dunno, maybe best to sit back and feel your feet and get used to stuff before jumping in with both feet, was the point I tried to make, certainly nothing else intended wink.gif


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