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Everything posted by Sanquine

  1. Agreed.... and yes Shane your right Paul fantastic all round dancer n spinner.. Karen
  2. First bought was - The Platters - Washed ashore - Musicor - 1966 Last bought was - Oscar Perry - I found true love - Lee J - 1958 No more till after xmas now, as I'm skint Karen
  3. Thanks Tone, Well worth it, watched it twice myself - absolutely fabulous - an excellent voice but just to watch her sing with such passion and facial expression she was really somewhere else - love to see people enjoy what they do so much there not aware of anything else... Karen
  4. Interesting thread Ken, Never used to have Alcohol at niters only squash n used to dance all night... Me personally I can dance all nite long on squash or endless Pernoid n black's. Just the squash n Alcohol don't mix for me if you get my drift..... One or the other for dancing.. Nowadays some tend to socialise more, listening rather than dancing (must be an age thing ) wouldn't know bout that yet So drinking would obviously be a big part of the nite to them.... whether your a dancer or not means you can have different expectations from the nite musically as well I think... Karen
  5. Hiya Steve, 24 time's a year is roughly every other weekend, so that make's you a DJ first I would have said... Do you buy with DJing in mind or buy to collect for you, and only DJ where you know like minded collectors promote a venue, so no presure to buy to fill the floor.... Karen
  6. Got nothing to complain or get angry over - life to short and too many nice things in it.... gonna leave you lot to continue this thread... My cup's have full not empty.. Karen
  7. Agree with you on all the above, love all genre's too... Not corny at all Winnie, the scene has always been an extended family to most of us and to some has been their only family.... Another positive from this scene apart from the things mention in the above post's, is you can go to a venue on your own and not be alone when you get there, always people you know....everyone's very friendly - well most... we all have lot's of male and female friends - must be the only scene where you know a bloke isn't trying to pull when he's chatting to you... Infact a few Married men on scene who's wife's not into the music... was just talking bout this last Sat nite, their wife's tried a nite out on the scene, and soon realised it's not a pick up joint - that people are there for the music n dancing - better than their husband down the pub etc they thought..... Karen
  8. Why ???? Not as good as Hayes Cotton... Karen
  9. Good record - had it on a French EP - sold for £35 (2 yr ago) not seen for sale in a while - hope your lucky n get a copy.... Karen
  10. The emotion and expression in Marvins voice is unquestionable IMO, many singers come under the heading "A soul artist we all love", but Marvin for me is in my top 5 Artists, I wish I had seen in their prime singing live...... "What's going on" send's shivers down my spine... A complex man who's depth and feeling's showed in his voice... Just take a look at Marvin n Tammi singing "Ain't no mountain high enough" ...... Jimmy McFarland is the northern version we all know n love - to be honest the version by Marvin is superior again Imo Karen
  11. Why...... You've more important things to be doing Tone... surely Karen
  12. Do agree to a certain extent - some, not all DJ's, sell to buy - to keep on top - most will buy to DJ and also collect for themselves.... not everything a collector likes and buys is suitable to play out at a venue - so to some extent a DJ has to not only take into account his own like n belief in the record but to consider pleasing the dance floor as well.... A truely difficult task at best of time's, with so many taste's n style's to satisfy DJ - buys to please self n others Collector - buys to please self only Can see appeal of chasing label run's, need a bit of spare money though as Mace said won't all be quality records..... Interesting though I think.. Karen
  13. Hi Tommy, Any chance of a sound bite - like a chance to hear it please..... Karen
  14. Missed this last week as not had much time to look on ss recently Read through post's still not clear - would be interesting to see what tunes get posted under Crossover today. Karen
  15. This is one area of the music that appear's to have mixed apinions on what is Modern or Crossover - I for one, not 100 clear. What do you consider Crossover.... Karen
  16. Great tune, good - modern sound - IMO Karen
  17. Ahh... not just me then Marie, Couple of weeks ago had 4 records come through door on same day - had so much to get done and going to a niter that night too, so put aside to enjoy opening and playing when all done.....my other half went upstairs saw unopened packages next to turntable and declared I wasn't normal... No one leaves records unopened when they arrive..... Glad I'm not alone.... Hope to see you both soon Karen
  18. Any chance of sound clip please not heard this - but have recently become a great lover of deep soul.. Karen
  19. In theory it's good to have a choice of venue to go to, but in practise very disappointing when you go to a venue and it's numbers are down Recently theres been a big increase in soul nites and niters, but not in people to attend them. Even with a good DJ line up, the dance floor isn't full, as not enough people in, then the night lacks a good atmosphere. When you have a lot of event's running on the same night - the numbers in attendance are always going to be watered down. Karen
  20. Just what planet do SOME blokes come from - Men are from Mar's & Women are from Venus must be true then Hi Mo, Bet your bottom dollar he was jeolous - most guy's thankfully not so small minded. See ya out soon Karen x
  21. Adam's Apple - Don't take it out on this world - Brunswick First heard this in 70's - not heard played out many many years till Horncastle early this year - sounded fantastic , good one to re-activate Nancy Wilson - End of our love or 3 before eight ????? Karen
  22. Fabulous show Mark n Dave - loved the story's could sit n listen to them for hours Dave - Tried real hard to find a copy of Ernest King not much luck - but where there's a will there's a way I always say Wish I could give you a wink in acknowledgement of having a copy of The Holidays C/U in my collection - sadly not, so come on what is it then Adored it - I want one toooooo. Keep up the good work Mark great show n enjoyed Dave's playlist - excellent some great old fav's bringing back memories of dancefloor happiness Karen
  23. Just can't get enough of this perfect, hauting deep soul recording by Oscar Perry - I found true love - Lee J If sound clip successful - taken it from John Ridley site as not got computer n turntable in same room yet to record from my copy yet. Having trouble with sound bite, not got time to sort I'm afraid bit busy - you can hear it on John Ridley's excellent informative site though Hope you enjoy as much as I do, looking forward to listening to everyones downloads above later this evening when got time to enjoy Karen
  24. Hi Marc, It's a Mastering Lab Studio Acetate I have, signed by Hayes Cotton - 70's version of Black Wings has my Angel. Love the 60's version though, Arthur was selling a mint copy recently couldn't afford it, very happy to have the 70's version Had "Love plays funny games" in my last collection, very good, obscure n quirky track. Hope you had a good nite at 100 club, me n Chalky went to the "Britt" had a good nite. Karen

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