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Posts posted by Sanquine

  1. When i where a youth,records like this where the big thing,is there no place on the north`n`soul scene for this anymore?,if not why not?,i`d dance to it :yes: ,one day i`ll fukc somebody`s weekend up,and bang it on,in the middle of one of me sets, :thumbsup: well it aint tailor made or owt` is it?.

    What do you like,maybe you shouldnt?,maybe add a mp3 so we can all have a laugh. :thumbsup:

    Your clip will be here in a mo` maybe. :yes:

    Recently someone did just that, middle of set, suddenly on the deck's goes "The mood Mosaic" :thumbsup:


  2. ===============

    Not sure it's particularly relevant Karen, but noticed that most of the girls who DJ/Collect, mentioned through the thread also dance do you think that may lead to females having a better understanding of what the dancefloor wants?

    Raised an interesting point there Winnie - gave Chalky n me something to disagree over tonite :shades::D

    A dancer whether female or male certainly has potential to make a good DJ in theory, (goes without saying that top DJ's not compared in this post), as they may know what does or dosen't work on the floor, after all they are the one's the DJ's aim to please. A DJ's dancefloor success would generally influence the booking's they get.

    Of course there is so much more to being a DJ though - having a good ear for the right sound at that time, able to adapt but not alter your style of DJing to work the dancefloor. Obviously the ability to put a set together so it flow's is above all imperative, as nothing worse than a mish matched set :D Confidence in what you play is also paramount - even if hall only 1/4 full or not many dancing as doing an early spot - they must show energy and passon for what they've got on the deck's nothing worse than seeing a DJ on stage looking fed up. Personally a DJ who is prepared to put time and effort into putting together a set that offer's something that little bit different, in other word's - putting their own signature on their set.

    So in answer to your question - Yes n No :D


  3. I can imagine it could be expensive if both partners collect... where do you go to lend money from when your out? Who gets what record, who see it first or who wanted it first..

    Good call Mischief - was thinking bout doing a thread on this very subject just out of interest.... Personally not good, have done this myself in the past - dosen't work in my experience. Problem's occur when one want's to sell (don't assume it's the woman). What happen's then, one of you lose's out as happened to me :shades:


  4. Hoped some of you guy's would be buying me drink's for the next few month's so I could save my money to buy more record's :thumbsup:

    Seriously, thank's for your replie's and glad mate's comment's were a one off wink.gif

    Nice bag Mischief - do they do one in red.. :lol:

    You've been very quite Chalk's...not like you wink.gif


  5. I was just going to say that if Karen went and made us all a nice cuppa tea, then us lads could have a chat amongst ourselves and hopefully come up with some ideas.


    How bout you lad's make me a lovely cuppa, while I look through your record's :D

  6. Having conversation recently with a mate - won't name n shame - have accepted his apology, drink's and effort's to make amends :rolleyes:

    Women shouldn't collect record's - a man's thing :lol: was basically the statement made.

    Can't post what I said, but having collected record's most of my life, was f----ed off to say the least - felt I'd gone back 25 yrs to the day's men didn't talk record's with women.

    Got me thinking - do some of you men secretly/openly believe record collecting to be a man's thing only....... come on be honest - but remember you may meet me one day and end up buying me load's of drink's too.. :lol:


  7. Guess John run's his business for the same reason's as the rest of us who run a business or go to work, to live. Just so happen's with time effort and good presentation as with everything, it has eventually paid off, bonus to John is his dream combining Income with pleasure has obviously come true. Something most of us can only sit and dream of though some will envy :(

    In the last few year's mainly due to scare storie's (bottom falling out of record collecting etc), a few people have sold - some in job lot's. Dealer's like John have got to a position where they are able to buy collection's, so a lot of big stuff flow's through their fingers. Put on auction the buyer dictate's the price not the dealer these day's. Some prefer it so they are guaranteed authentication of the record - rather than maybe take a risk and buy from Ebay etc....

    Think most of us have at one time or another used one of John's guide's whether price or boot etc... Let's move this thread away from one person - discuss in general again.... :lol:

    Though - whatever way you look at it - come's down to my original post - Credit card's - overdraft - loan's have all assisted in the high price's.... :yes:

    Best get some work done myself... wink.gif



    BAZ A.

    Agree totally - most people's life style's would change dramatically without it - but is relative to the reason for mad price's often paid - based on "I want it" whatever - will go to whatever - just stick it on overdraft/credit card etc.....

    If having to put hand in pocket for cash out of wage packet, as we used to do in the early 80's - more serious thought would be made before going that extra couple of £100 or more, infact no option but to stop at limit....

    Just pointing out a fact, not preaching / critising - been there, done it, got T.shirt as they say.... try to be cash only for me from now on - managed to keep to it for last year... :wicked:


  9. Looking back to your teen year's you could easy spend that entire weeks wage on a record or 2 - look at your salary now on a weekly basis pre out-going's mortgage food etc similar comparison? Yes the big stuff would take more than a weeks salary - but as prices have increased so have salaries - all relative and comparable to some degree.

    Having said that - lot of big in demand stuff - few copies - one off's etc will continue to attract and fetch big monies - as these are usually auctioned the buyer will always dictate the final price as they are paying the money....... :P

    Maybe we should look at one the real reason's, record prices have been able to go mad - Credit...... credit cards - loans and overdrafts - face it without them very few would be buying as much or paying the prices they do.... Would you have bought as much as you have and gone as high in the last 16 yrs if you had to pay cash direct from your wage :wicked:

    Stop and think how often do you pay for a record - higher priced stuff anyway without using credit card or if bankers card is it from overdraft - or cash loan put into bank etc etc in some way or another :lol:

    Food for thought with your breaky.. :wicked:


  10. Play the bit of black vinyl for godsake... or don't bother collecting.. no point covering with a card board sleeve and boxed... Admire (label), listen (vinyl) n enjoy (sound)... on a regular basis... that's what I do anyway's.. :thumbsup:


  11. Too many to mention :thumbsup:Sadly all 3 collections I've had. I was a mere 16yr old when I starting collecting RCA issues and MGM demos, sold when got married - then 2 joint collections which had to be sold, heartbreaking, had some good rare stuff and nice foreign and dare I say on here, R & B bits n bobs :thumbsup: ....

    Rebuilding my own collection again, which unless am gonna lose the roof above my head and have no food for the table - it ain't going no where..........


  12. yet again have more members coming under threats of legal actions for their posts on soul source

    in its time, this site has had many such threats and usually has dealt with them as they deserved

    however does seem that others are now following kev roberts attempts to threaten soul source members via legal action and are now doing the same , ie threating the actual members rather than the site

    as there is a laid down procedure on here if anyone has any complaints or problems with any post on here, have to say do treat such threats as serious especially when by non-members

    and while the actual threats may be laughable, will offer the sites full support, backing and advice to anyone who is faced with this underhand way of trying to influence just what is posted on here

    Threatening legal action in the hope to prevent people from being truthful/warning others or just stating facts in posts etc is a coward's way of dealing with things. :thumbsup:

    Should be man enough in my opinion to face up to the truth and consequences of their actions. Good to hear the site will offer it's full support n backing etc to anyone of us faced with this situation. :thumbsup:


  13. Have always considered cover ups a fairly succesful ploy in keeeping the bootlegers at bay.I know there are exceptions to the rule (Frank Wilson/Eddie Foster for example),but hey its always been a bit of fun trying to guess the true identity as well.There are very few if any (?) records that have never been un-covered eventually-So no harm done.

    Took the words right out of my mouth Martyn, just about to post a similar reply.

    Why shouldn't the DJ who after putting time, money and effort into discovering the record be able to have the exclusiveness of it in their playlist, keeping it to him/her self by covering it.

    Up to other's then to put their own time and effort into finding another copy, part of the fun is the guessing and searching till it is uncovered - surely :wicked:


  14. To be honest can't remember a time in my life when I haven't danced - though remember going to the teeny bop :lamsey: in my village then advancing to the teenage version when I was 10 ( my mates dad ran it so I was aloud though not old enough ). Dancing to stuff like The kid then by time I was old enough to go officially I 'd moved onto Nancy Wilson etc. Dancing came natural - always used my body to express my passion for the music :rolleyes:

    Though god only knows what I look like :thumbsup: but I don't care, when I get on that dance floor I just enjoy myself laugh.gif


  15. I'll play it at Middleton for you Karen tongue.gif

    Sounded fantastic out - good flowing dancer ( sorry missed your spot and maria had to kindly play it on your behalf ) really appreciate it - your a star :ohmy:


    Somewhere ........I have a copy of this.............I'm gonna start digging .........memory tells me that t'other side is pretty good too !

    Might be awhile before I find it though............................. :yes:

    Spotted it months ago on Pat Brady's site - dunno why didn't buy it at the time - just bought a copy this week - waiting for postie to bring to my door :yes: Iooking forward to flipping it - I'll let you know what I think thumbup.gif


  16. Just can't fault your taste!

    A Stunning deepie.

    Priceless I reckon! :shhh:

    I only have it on the"Texas" LP. Would dearly love a 45.


    Hi Sean

    When did you last see one forsale - would dearly love a copy too :lol:

    Priceless - Yes thumbsup.gif realistically - any idea of price :shhh: Pleasee...


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