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  1. Wheelsville1's post in Shamettes? was marked as the answer   
    Thanks for the reply,i thought it was.👍
  2. Wheelsville1's post in myths or twaddle? was marked as the answer   
    His name is Tom Creedon,to my knowledge he collected everything from Detroit,not just soul but pop garage etc.
  3. Wheelsville1's post in Reports of Ivy Hunter dead. was marked as the answer   
    Yes it is true i am sorry to say.
  4. Wheelsville1's post in What is crossover?? was marked as the answer   
    Baz has hit the nail on the head when using Jj Barnes as an example of cross over. When the term cross over was originally used,it was narrowed down to songs recorded between 1968 and 1972. Chris. 

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