I noticed yesterday that a copy of the Four Tracks on mandingo sold for £1,100 on ebay. I wonder how many people who said they wouldn't touch it with a barge pole when copies of it turned up and could have bought it for £250 , wish they had.
Its been a good few years Dave since i saw his copy and i can't remember if the label was torn or if its pasted on top.I also don't think that there is an actual Radio City label copy.
Yes Mike,another song that emulates the detroit sound and so many think its detroit and yet its actually cincinnati is Herman Lewis who's kissing you tonight.
Yes Mike i know what you mean about other musicians emulating them. I always thought that the baritone sax on the appreciations i can't hide it was Mike Terry,but it is actually Willie Mitchell who brought the appreciations to detroit and none of the musicians on that track are from detroit.
Ive just spent all afternoon listening to Funk Brothers backing tracks,many i know but also many i dont and not one of them are motown. It makes me wonder if they ended up doing more moonlight tracks than actual motown tracks. Any thoughts on this. Chris.
Try contacting Dave Flynn,he goes under anoraks corner.He lives in tokyo and is married to a japanese lady.He is a really sound guy and he will give you all the help you need. Chris.
I have a Johnny Hampton,got it off Andy Dyson a good few years ago,not in the same condition as the one on Tims auction.It has always been very scarce,and especially in top condition.