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Everything posted by Wheelsville1

  1. Hi,please save the innocent bystanders for me. Cheers. Chris. Pm to follow.
  2. Great show last knight Karl,sums up why the 100 Club has lasted so long,because its always had a mind of its own.
  3. I will second that Ted,northern soul maybe,Soul never in a million years.
  4. This is horrendous,it sounds like they are trying to copy the beatles in a bad way.
  5. No,most are the right way round.There was a small quantity found several years ago of which several had the labels reversed and several had the b side label on both sides.
  6. I have the bell sound copy,i bought it for £20 when they turned up.Yes defo under played and under valued. Prior to the bell sound copies turning up in the early 80s,the west coast circa rosette copy was fetching £60 at that same time you could get the professionals for the same price. Food for thought.
  7. I agree Dave,the same happend when the Bobby Klines turned up.I remember people off loading their copies for £300.Its now around 2k. One record however that never really bounced back was Ann Perry,i don't know why as the east coast bell sound copies are totally legit.
  8. I dont know what people are flapping about,unless the quantity found is the same as Danny Moore of which i very much doubt then they will disappear. Take the Four Tracks,people on here said they would not touch them with a barge pole when they were £250 each,try getting one for that now.I bought a Cautions-No other way in mint condition for £600 when that small quantity turned up,you could add another £1k to that now.
  9. When people ask me what music i like, i just say soul music. I have not used the word northern for years.
  10. Darren Brown has one for sale at the moment at 2.5k with no one interested.I think a couple of foolish people paid that for it several months ago .As much as i love the record and have one myself,it is not worth any where near that amount.
  11. If my theory is just a theory and nothing else,it would be great if someone did find out the true identity of Earl Jackson.
  12. Maybe its wishful thinking on my part.
  13. Thanks for the reply,this is what i was thinking.
  14. When i listen to The Vontastics-Never let your love grow cold and Earl Jackson i hear close similarities to the lead singer of the Vontastics.Could they both be the same singer as Earl Jacksons true identity has never been discovered.?
  15. I read somewhere that Chris Clark was asked if she was Connie Clark and she said that she wasn't.
  16. You could ask him,he has had it for a while.I know Pat Brady had one last year in the same condition but i cant remember how much it was.
  17. I have just looked on his website and he still has it £300 m- condition.
  18. Se I dont know who has them Andy,but several dealers have had them over the last six months. I think Adey Pierce has one at the moment for £300.
  19. The reason the Mathew Barnett was cheap is that a quantity of copies have turned up in mint condition.
  20. I don't think it exists on a w/d,in the same way that Martha Starr-Love is the only solution does not on Thelma.
  21. He got several well known djs with it until the truth came out and then it was curtains for him.
  22. The Johnny Watsons were done by Pete Lowrie,he tried stinging me with one but i smelt a rat immediatley plus i have an appreciations which is far superior.
  23. Looking for Ej and The Echoes-Put a smile on your face-Diamond Jim white promo.Must be mint or mint- Pm if you can help. Thanks. Chris.
  24. I never knew that Graham,good to hear from you,hope you are well. Chris.
  25. Thanks for the reply,i also see similarities between The Devotions Do do de dop and Curtis's Little young lover.

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