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Everything posted by Wheelsville1

  1. Rob i was not talking about its better to cry,i was talking about she never really loved me which is the flip side of There's a place in my heart Sport 108.
  2. I have just been reading the article its better to cry once more and the instrumentation to the flip side of this which is she never really loved me was done in Memphis,so who is playing the baritone sax on that?Same guy who is playing on I can't hide it.?
  3. This was the follow up recording after Aware,Its better to cry was recorded in Charlotte under the supervision of Moses Dillard,it is thought that he plays guitar on it and that The Tempest were the backing musicians.
  4. According to the article called Its better to cry,The Appreciations were taken to Detroit by Willie Mitchell and the whole session was supervised by him and also that he was the sax player.
  5. Hi Robb,The Appreciations were from Charlotte not Detroit.
  6. Yes,it is very scarce on the first press.All the look alikes are reissues with the small Archer stamp.
  7. As a collector who has always been very fussy about the condition when by a record,i am amazed at just how much NM or M- is used these days when alot of these records are no where near that grade.Any thoughts on this?
  8. You have a valid point,one thing i do know is that Don't waste your time has always been vary scarce.
  9. Thanks for the reply,i thought it was.
  10. Are the Shamettes who sang Don't waste your time,the same Shamettes who were the nacking singers for Sam The Sham? Chris.
  11. I have always thought that if she had a face like a sack of spanners,she wouldn't have got this far.
  12. I have always thought that Levanne was self centered and disingenuous,she was at the top of the world reunion last year and because nobody gave a shit and that she wasn't the centre of attention on the dance floor,she left early along with her side kicks.Now that people are seeing her for what she is , hopefuly there will be no longevity.
  13. More polished,hence lacking in the rawness of the one alone.I have owned the one alone for many years but have never botherd with some good in everything bad.Rarity has nothing to do with it,it just doesn't do it for me.
  14. Totaly agree with you,whilst some good in everything bad is better produced than the one alone,it lacks balls and to me is lack lustre.
  15. Hi Brad,i don't want to put a negative spin on things but your client is asking way too much for this.As you will know there have been lots of copies up for sale on here over the last couple of years and a more realistic figure is around 1,200 UK pounds.
  16. Absolute Top Drawer,keep em coming.
  17. Looking for this.Pm if you can help. Thanks. Chris.
  18. Thanks for the replies. Chris.
  19. Is it possible to find a copy that plays perfecet,or were they all pressed off centre? Cheers. Chris.
  20. This stunt was being pulled back in the 70s when bootlegers were getting Gfs sleeves and putting dodgey pressings in them, the same happend with The Yum Yums.
  21. Servicemen-Connie/Sweet magic.
  22. Looks like a boot to me too.
  23. Thanks Karl,much appreciated.

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