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Everything posted by Wheelsville1

  1. I dont know anything about them other than the fact that they were a white band,that may be why you havent heard of any of there names.
  2. I was told several years ago that someone tracked down joseph Websters daughter who had copies of the record but she was quite hostile and would not sell any.
  3. Looking for the above,must be mint or mint- Please p.m. me if you can help. Chris.
  4. In these crazy times when people are paying horrendous prices for common records that every man and his dog has owned e.g. epitome of sound. It would be interesting to see what a Profesionals would sell for.
  5. A perfect example of that chalky is Darrell Banks on uk stateside. It ran from 1966 to 1972 with the same catalogue number.
  6. I wasn't aware of that John,they were both great singers in there own right.When listening to Helens songs i don't know why they questioned her capabilities at all.
  7. Also dont forget Pain in my heart,this was used on the Bupa advert a few years ago.
  8. Yes it is another great one by her,she was known as the first lady of miami soul until Betty Wright came along.
  9. I think you are right chalky,if it became mainstream the price would shoot through the roof.
  10. Thanks John,i will have a look at Man From Soul.
  11. Cheers for that John lol.
  12. Yes,i think you are about right Dave.I would love to own a copy,willie clarke was a great writer and when he got with clarence reid they wrote some fantastic songs.
  13. Yes it was a bargain,this i a very scarce record.However the demand for it is not there,which is a pity as its a top draw.
  14. Whilst on the subject of a great miami soul record,i wonder what a copy of Helen Smith - The pot cant talk about the kettle would fetch. Also wrote by Willie Clarke.
  15. There is one on ebay M- £450.
  16. It was only a small paragraph onyoutube when i put in the seminoles i cant stand it. Ive gone back into it and it was Sal Prado who said it. Ive taken a closer look and you were also in the conversation.
  17. Thanks for the reply Robb,when i listen to the Seminoles- i cant stand it and then Eddie Holland- i couldnt cry if i wanted to,i hear similaritis in both. With what you are saying i believe that Dorothy Pierce was a cover for H D H. I believe also that Robert Bateman was extremly upset with the Holland brothers when they pulled the plug on going into business with him and stayed with motown.
  18. Thanks for the reply,i wonder if RobbK would know as this is always his forte.
  19. Ive just red an article where someone claims that Dorothy Pierce who wrote the Seminols -I cant stand it along with Orthea Barnes on mickeys and several other recordings,was infact a cover name for Holland Dozier Holland who were moonlighting and that Dorothy Pierce was actualy Brian Hollands mother inlaw. Has anybody else heard this? Chris. .
  20. These Rivieras were the backing group for Billy Lee (aka Mitch Ryder).
  21. I understand what you are saying,however we all know that the original is on vinyl with a moulded label.The one shown on ebay is clearly a stuck on paper label,hence being a styrene copy.There are far to many fools out there with lots of money and no knowledge.
  22. The copy that has just sold on ebay as other people on here have already said is without doubt definatley a boot. If people are foolish enough to bid without doing there homework first then so be it.
  23. Thanks for the reply Robb,i thought if anyone would know it would be yourself. Chris.
  24. Several years ago i read an article where it said that Jackie Wilson was possibly joining Motown when his early contract with Brunswick had come to an end. However Nat Tarnopol with the help of some rather dodgey people PERSUADED him to resign to Brunswick. Any thoughts on this? Chris.

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