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Everything posted by Brevy

  1. Pmd you pal
  2. Hi pal ill take the sheppards if you still have it .cheers andy
  3. Pmd you pal
  4. Bernard williams focused on you /it's needless to say great double sider
  5. Pmd you pal
  6. One in sales now . Kjw
  7. Pmd you pal
  8. Hi pal ill take the billy storm if you still have it
  9. Pm d you
  10. Hi there's 2 on john manship site bb and Swan 40 quid each.
  11. What a day from start to finish we'll done vance Pete and Linda
  12. One on in sales now joe dunlop list soulmountain £200 wdj.
  13. 8Hi Julian mines the same as yours but I also have a boot . The matrix reads on boot A23116_SP/ A23116_SPB
  14. 5 on discogs both labels £150 cheapest
  15. The commands hey its love/no time for you belter.
  16. Go to events Monaco on tour sat at leigh miners.
  17. Pmd you pal

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