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  • Top Soul Sound
    7th Avenue Aviators

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    Avid collector and randomly DJ

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  1. Been there a few time not seen anything Did see a massive record store in ST Lucia but it was suggested I dont leave the group as it not safe
  2. Bump Still looking
  3. After a copy of Gayle Harries Aint gonnaet it get me down on dcp Please PM
  4. one here for sale https://www.discogs.com/Capital-City-Star-Singers-What-Hes-Done-For-Me/release/6918251
  5. Hi Joe Im interested in the following have you still got it channel 3 the sweetest thing ‘’’wdj’’’’’ dakar 175
  6. Great record still cheap at that price will be on the up I expect all the makings of it being a £500 before long
  7. Still looking for this
  8. Flag this post 10. Stephen Hawking - Tear The Roof of the 'MuthaScience Records - 66666 Dam ive been playing this covered as metal micky
  9. I'm after a copy of this one the Fog Label ideally the italic print not the 2nd issue which has the square print Thanks PM me
  10. PMd ya too
  11. Got a good clean copy of the Webs on Pop-side had for many years but played it once or twice £200.00 This is also on Discogs
  12. I will take betty swan
  13. Yep I did pmd ya thanx for heads up
  14. After a copy of Quotations I don't have to worry (DiVenus) sensibly priced please

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