Just been on youtube and watched the moloko familiar feeling video along with obviously the duffy video amongst others and just had a thought that is the scene actually being given (be it clandestinely) some credit by the mainstream, as the best underground music scene to ever have happened in the UK?
I'm sure if we were all a generation younger and the fact that this wonderful scene is now tainted by all us old gits loving it for the last 30 years plus, I reckon given the attention (at least visually dancing/clubwise if not musically) it has been given, it would be a massive happening underground fashionable scene again and if it wasn't for the generation gap (meaning youngsters don't want to go to clubs where their mum and dads dance) would be the biggest happening scene in the UK?
Have a feeling it wouldn't be as us purists would like it of course being an ex TOTW regular, but all the same think a younger generation have the potential to embrace it in a new way?
OK it would be a bitter pill to swallow for me and possibly feel that our scene was being plagiarised and very likely end up bitter and twisted about it, but who am I to deny a new generation?
Your thoughts?
Be especially interested to hear younger peoples thoughts on this.