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Mark Jones

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Everything posted by Mark Jones

  1. Go straight to it here https://www.bbc.co.uk/radio/aod/networks/sh...soul_and_motown
  2. "Thou shalt not wear baggy trousers, badges and vests after 1979 especially when over 40" (God does this get my back up...is it just me?)
  3. ooohhh...it's my avatar! Got mine for 400 notes recently...always seems to be this price on the rare occasion you see this ace record for sale!
  4. Just been on youtube and watched the moloko familiar feeling video along with obviously the duffy video amongst others and just had a thought that is the scene actually being given (be it clandestinely) some credit by the mainstream, as the best underground music scene to ever have happened in the UK? I'm sure if we were all a generation younger and the fact that this wonderful scene is now tainted by all us old gits loving it for the last 30 years plus, I reckon given the attention (at least visually dancing/clubwise if not musically) it has been given, it would be a massive happening underground fashionable scene again and if it wasn't for the generation gap (meaning youngsters don't want to go to clubs where their mum and dads dance) would be the biggest happening scene in the UK? Have a feeling it wouldn't be as us purists would like it of course being an ex TOTW regular, but all the same think a younger generation have the potential to embrace it in a new way? OK it would be a bitter pill to swallow for me and possibly feel that our scene was being plagiarised and very likely end up bitter and twisted about it, but who am I to deny a new generation? Your thoughts? Be especially interested to hear younger peoples thoughts on this.
  5. Ha ha...the two blokes smoking are mates of mine Sal (Garry Crook) and Nobby (Marc) Holland from Shrewsbury....this will give the wrinkly buggers a laugh! Have "touched" it up a bit with Adobe Photoshop....thanks for the pic!
  6. All very true...must admit I went to the Northern Nationals in Melbourne a couple of years ago and it was really refreshing to see people in their 20's and early 30's (only a very young 43 myself I might add!) dancing to what is a (relatively) new refreshing scene down under and considered quite fashionable and happening and not just full of old gits like us!
  7. mmmm....remember paying £90 for my issue of Howard Guyton at about the same time...and what do you know...it's still bloody £90!
  8. usually around the 100 notes mark but can be lucky got mine for £50 on easybay
  9. Well I suppose on a personal level I'm glad it's turned up in numbers (did hear 24 but also heard 100!) as it's brought the price range to something I can just about afford. After all it is a record I've wanted for over 20 years and never thought I'd be able to afford a copy. Guess what you pay is always relative to the time and somebody will always get it cheaper (ok I'm trying to make myself feel better now )
  10. Bugger I'm all deflated now, that euphoria didn't last long....well 13 minutes to be precise....nice whilst it lasted though!
  11. Chuffed to bits to get one of the copies that Mr Spivens has found....only £460. Never thought I'd get it that cheap. Yes I know market is saturated at the moment with these but they'll soon dissapear into collections never to be seen again! Just had to have one and what a snip at £460! Then again maybe I'm jumping the gun a bit as not in my hands yet!
  12. I got a demo of that in the attic
  13. sure I heard this at Nantwich
  14. Mate of mine in Shrewsbury, the late Stave Plimmer (the guy who took me away from just listening to oldies) did me a tape in about 1986 (at a guess) which I've managed to copy to mp3. Unfortunately 22 years on can't remember all of the artists/titles on the tape (not that I knew them all at the time either and still don't) so as I know on here as ever I will have answer within minutes so will post a few off the tape below! Bloody refrosoul is down..bear with me!
  15. Well to be fair if it gets people under 40 into the Northern scene its's gotta be a good thing. Went to the Northern Soul Nationals in Oz and it really was refreshing to see and chat with people under 40 into the scene...bearing in mind i'm 44 this year myself!! Younger people make it feel fresh and new....let's not knock it!
  16. I seem to remember in my distant memory either when listening to a Searling show or Mr Evison show on Signal Radio a track by one of either Johnnie or Johnny Taylor (suspect Johnnie Taylor...nice southern modern track around late 80's early 90's) called "Headline News" (no bugger all to do with Mr Hatcher before you ask....as much as I loved the guy no disrespect intended)...think it was on malaco...can't find out anything by googling...any ideas? Thanks in advance!
  17. Oh and you forgot the car stickers....were these a first? Mine are still intact...never owned a car worthy enough to wear them!
  18. Thought I'd add a copy of a flyer....before the days of microsoft...what a venue...this and TOTW...happy times! Can't belive history says 80's was a bad time for the scene...not when I was there...awesome!
  19. No but I'd like to be there just to watch the soul crowd linch the DJ!
  20. Well like I said we'd all choose different genres...if it was my choice I'd just wanna hear TOTW tunes along with other modern and mid tempo tunes...then again it's this broad church we have that makes the scene what it is. I'm sure this was talked about during the days of Mecca/Wigan split so this ain't exactly a new discussion I'm sure lol
  21. mmmmm...sounds ok but don't go to soul do's to hear ska myself...different scene totally imho, but understand where you are coming from as I like to hear a broad range of toons in one room myself. Basically I think everyone has their own ideal soul night (not one person would choose the exact same night/music choice I reckon) and for me it would be me on the dancefloor all night with my gentically cloned self DJ'ing too Well a richer clone so he can afford a few toons I can't!
  22. I just never tire of this class record! Pretty amazing as probably heard it more times than the snake!! Hang on...what a bloody daft comaparison...think I'll shut up
  23. can listen to it here at Mr Manship's https://www.raresoulman.co.uk/searchartist....NELS&Format=#

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