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Paul McKay

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Everything posted by Paul McKay

  1. No it's not, the full title is "My ship is coming in (tomorrow)".
  2. There's a BBC Radioplay LP with a very slightly different take of this track too. The back cover of the "From the vaults LP" had mock up 45s of some of the tracks which may have confused one or two as to the availability of 45s.
  3. It's called "Would you believe!" Mark. Cheers Paul
  4. I've got this too. Bought on Ebay for the princely sum of £3.27 inc P&P. Seem it listed at £30-40, but not recently. Is it getting plays?
  5. WHilst DJing at Bisley last June I was asked by the promoters to do another 15 minutes to which I replied sure love to - but make sure you tell the guy following me. They of course said they would, but didn't He arrived 5 minutes later and was swiftly off to find the promoters and bring his mate who promptly said "I don't care as long as I get my full set". In the end all was sorted amicably but this could have easily ended up with a confrontation.
  6. We used to take it in turns to do the door at Soul in the City at both Nylon and Vivo's. As the numbers dropped at Vivo it became a bit of a chore as they insisted we had the door at ground level effectively 2 floors above where the night took place. Having said that it was great to meet and have an early chat with the patrons.
  7. I've got a demo of both too. Never seen issues.
  8. Neither side is included on the Stax Volt singles Vol 3 10 CD box set, so I would assume it didn't make release.
  9. That's right Ian. We ran from Dec 2001 - Mar 2007. Martin joined us shortly after we started up replacing Rob Chadwick who decided he didn't want to DJ any more. We had 5 venues altogether. Starting at McNab's near Cannon St then the Old Blue Last, where the crowd dropped off from 50 to about 15 - 20 regulars. Then the KFC ads started and we were asked to run a weekly night at Nylon the City night club and star of the Bar Wars TV programme. We managed to persuade the owners to make it monthly though and had really good numbers in until it closed in Dec 2005. Then we were off to Vivos just across Cheapside. where after a good start numbers began to dwindle once more. When Vivo's closed for refurbishment we moved, albiet briefly, to the Ditch bar in Shoreditch, a step too far away from the City it seemed as numbers fell once more the venue pulled the night not long after whilst one of their other nights decided to use the SITC name before we'd even packed up. Good times and great friends!
  10. I've got one of those with the pic sleeve. There's a scan of it on Soul Talk. I'll try to post it here later.
  11. I've got this Joe but not sure whether it's red/yellow or not. I'll check.
  12. I can send you Change my life tonight - PM me your email address.
  13. I've got most of the later Action 45s but have never found a copy of this one.
  14. Yes pretty much Span. Import Duty, VAT and a charge from the PO for the pleasure of charging you!
  15. Hi Simon Do you play "Don't run away" by Sandie Shaw as well?
  16. Gets a great reaction whereever I play it, lots of people don't know it still. Not easy to find in good condition as said earlier.
  17. Could be wrong but I don't think the Chilites were on this bill. Might have a programme somewhere. I'll let you know if I find it.
  18. That's really wierd Tony, because I remember that concert as one of the best I've ever seen! I guess I went along expecting to see Curtis Mayfield do CM rather tha the Impression stuff. I saw the Imps at a night club in Margaret Street W1 around this time too and they concentrated on the post ABC stuff if I remember rightly. They were still great though.

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