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The shake

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Everything posted by The shake

  1. Which Johnny Jones 45 is it?
  2. Hi, are these originals? Andy.
  3. Been after an original for a short while now. Anybody selling? Andy.
  4. Ok mate. Will do
  5. Helen Shapiro - Shop Around/He knows how to love me (Columbia Holland). Brilliant double-sider on a dutch release. A bit crackly on the intro on both sides, with some surface noise on the "He knows" side. No middle, good for dj'ing hence the price of 40 GBP (not inc. shipping from Holland).
  6. Thanks, I didn't know anything about this box set. Looks really good. Cheers!
  7. Not northern I know, but has anybody got a copy of The Poets -That's the way it's got to be (Decca)? Can't seem to get a copy anywhere. Andy.
  8. Thanks I'll have a look
  9. Yes it was. Late 90s I think. I have copy somewhere.
  10. Nobody loves me like my baby. Anybody fancy parting with a copy? Andy.
  11. On the back of the cover it has an Iranian address, so I presumed it was from there. All the tracks are from the film. And to be honest they're not much cop. Only the Gil Bernal track is great.
  12. Yeah it's nice. A bit poppier isn't it.
  13. No mate. Great title though!
  14. Thanks. You're right about that flip side. It's great!
  15. I was wondering if anyone can shed some light on this. It's an Iranian ep of The Heat of the Night soundtrack. It features a top northern tune by Gil Bernal - It Sure is Groovy! I've looked and can't find this tune on 45 anywhere. Anybody got any info, price etc. Cheers, Andy.

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