Can you imagine the shock for the two guys sent to prison. This must be unprecedented for such a crime and I bet they thought they would get a small fine. From the articles I have seen it doesn’t say if all four were manufacturing as well as selling - Maybe the two who received suspended sentences were just selling, but in bulk. There are hundreds of people selling bootlegs on eBay and other sites who must be sourcing from a number of similar people who actually do the repressing and now will need to seriously reconsider their activities. Copyright infringement/license fraud is a massive business, but record booting is only a very small part, albeit increasing over recent years. It would be interesting to know which of the media/music companies were active in this case or whether it was mainly driven by the BPI. I will try and get a copy of the Court case files as we have very little detail so far.
I have never booted a record but of course have bought many over the years as most of us will have. Why have an original £1000+ record on your 1958 juke box for example.... Of course we all would like to think decent royalties have been paid to the artists and their estates hence praising the likes of Kent, Grapevine and other legitimate companies. In reality this doesn’t happen as much as we would like for many reasons of which booting is one and at last may be taking a downturn.