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Everything posted by Rictic66

  1. Hi I’ll have the tymes please. Here she comes. Need email for PayPal Paul Temple
  2. Pmd you. PT
  3. Hi buddy. Yes I’ll have it if it’s not gone. PayPal? Best Paul temple
  4. Great seeing all those pics of the many label versions and releases John. It must have been far and away the best seller for Beacon. Never seen the Star and Stork labels -which countries? guess you like the record!? And a house party - when’s the next? Paul T
  5. Just checked my SS demo and FYI the date should be 16.6.67. Sorry NFS - still remember his performance at Cleethorpes 2001 Youre right though whoever put that middle in did a good job. I’ve tried and failed so many times to line everything up - eg with tmgs often one side matches but not the other. PT
  6. I have a nice demo. Will check condition but think it’s ex. Do you have any similar value trades or if not what are you hoping to pay. Not certain I want to sell for cash only. Pm me if prefer. Paul T.
  7. Hi sent you pm a while ago but just seen it’s not opened. Have this on the two reissue labels either for sale. £20 Paul T
  8. Hi Ady. Found the LP and it’s a nice track - first time I’ve ever played it typically though DR does take it over a bit. It is on the uk TML 11096 LP track 4 written by Smokey plus Rogers and Moore. You can pick this up quite cheaply I would think . I don’t think it’s on a French ep though. If so it should have been in the Daniel delorme great book. I actually bought it off him with a couple of free posters when visiting his shop in Paris many years ago - got some great pic sleeve eps from there. USA records I think it was called. I could be wrong of course...and will now check other books and discography’s.happy hunting. Best paul
  9. Hi Ady. Any more clues? Ep name for example. I’ve just been through my French Motown stuff and checked Daniel delorme’s book “fabulous EP covers” and can’t find it. Best. Paul Temple
  10. I have a uk Atlantic minty demo somewhere. I’ll dig it out and pm you. Best Paul
  11. Yes I’m sure we’ve all done it. However you file things it’s not easy and if a few years go by it can be profitable...memories of High Fidelity and the constant refiling by label or artist. Anyway I retired after over 40 years of collecting not too long ago and found out while looking for Darrell banks open the door I had it on three singles and one lp. Same with many others. US, UK, and often European all filed in different places. Made me check lots of others - not quite while searching for something else but same outcome a nice surprise. Then it’s “which do I sell”. I sold my only when you’re lonely royalettes uk mgm demo as had a lovely foreign pic cover of same but then regretted it. Ha the vinyl insanity. Paul T
  12. Hi do you still have P Popp? Any Interest in trades? Best. Paul
  13. No Jades? Can't seem to get one. Best. Paul T
  14. Are you now sorted. I have a white demo bought for the lovely deep soul plug side wishing waiting hoping - great track. Let me know. Cheers. Paul
  15. Near minter not even spindle marks. United Artists UP 1186 1967 garnet mimms - As long as I have you / Yesterday from my personal collection. £300 PayPal fandf please PM me paul temple
  16. ok thx no its just another guy i am after- cheers
  17. can you send me a pic of timothy wilson pse best paul
  18. I'm after the jades if you have it stock or demo. Thx Paul temple
  19. PMd you. Paul
  20. Hi are you now sorted. I have nice copy for sale or trades. Paul T
  21. also have a minty GSF 5 Uk for sale or trade - great double sider. Us GSF goes for around £10 (JM has one), so Uk must be £15 at least I think. How about £17.50 incl post paypal preferred? Best, Paul
  22. Interested in trades for Edwin and Timi ain't gonna run no more? Assuming you still have them. Plenty uk stuff to trade and a few US plus al Wilson on Aussie now I know what love is. Best. Paul T
  23. Hi I'm interested in several. I'll,PM pt

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