All of the above posts sound really good. It's one of life's great mysteries- what makes a hit a hit? Talent of course should be the most important element- unfortunately we know that is often not the case. Often times the record just taps into the zeitgeist- right place right time. Truth is DJs/playlists, record companies/pluggers, PR departments are the magic formula. I thought I knew most soul/disco/R&B artists- that is until the arrival of the internet- youtube & amazon in particular- not forgetting several other sites including e-bay. My 40+ years of musical education became supercharged from the early 2000's. It really hit me hard how much we the record buying public and soul fanatics had been at the mercy of that handful of people who held all the power- those hellish Smashy & Nicey DJs spinning the latest sounds that made it to the whiter than white playlists- remember back in the day even major soul superstars like Marvin, Stevie, Aretha, Diana & Michael often struggled to have their music heard on Radio 1. Jeez what chance did anyone else have? The record companies who decided whether to release great American records in the UK. The buyers who ordered the product for the big record stores. The game was stacked against the little guys- Even trying to find out about what was happening was a challenge- it was down to Blues & Soul, Black Echoes, James Hamilton's column in Record Mirror (available again on-line) and our own personal underground networks. Traveling to America was financially out of reach for the vast majority. We often never knew what the artist looked like and were shocked to discover years later that is some cases THAT voice belonged to a white guy! In my opinion there has never been a better time as far as accessing, discovering and collecting music is concerned. Time and fading memories can edit out the worst bits and create that longing nostalgia for a golden period that really does only ever exist in our minds- but it's great to cherish them- however accurate they might be. Listening to the music (and of course dancing to it) brings so much joy and pleasure and for just a few minutes we are all 18 again and the arthritis is gone!