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steve z

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Everything posted by steve z

  1. How many collectors know that
  2. KRs involved. None listed ...from someone living in BURY...........ATB Stevie
  3. Hiya. Not hearing a tune thats new to me from the 60's.ATB Steve
  4. Hi Paul an interesting topic posted ...I've heard lots of different reasons........Think yours is the closest ..........Who drilled them who decided they should be drilled? ATB Steve
  5. Hi Linda ........Isn't that a viral infection....Play it girl ATB Steve
  6. Hi Chalky ,Ballast aims to keep a Ship steady.......big hole little hole.Do You know why a drill hole determines deletion? ATB Steve
  7. Hiya ,also heard that the drill hole allowed the said tunes to be strung up in the hold Gotta say think its all Urban Mythology though However the Egyptions did burn Mummies to fuel the Trains ATB Steve
  8. Hiya Ian.........Everyone has equal status be them A Dentist ,Labourer, Painter,Lawyer, Salesperson,Scientist, Teacher,Mechanic etc etc........IMO . ATB Steve
  9. Hi Karen....I like and collect mainly Mid-tempo tunes be them from the late 50s to the mid 70s. So perhaps playing these tempo records out suits me and todays choice? Resident at the Greatstone and around about a further dozen invites a year at venues that allow me to play what I want Not many I might add ATB Steve
  10. Hi Dave .How are you ? Not seen you since Bury with John . Thanks for an honest reply to what I thought was a thread deserved of thoughtful answers. A few seem not to have been thoughtful replies. Todays collectors are possibly NOT tomorrows DJs? ATB Steve
  11. Hi now I'm unsure what you are after " best UNKOWN I have never heard" Please explain?ATB Steve. Have you posted a reply on the correct thread?
  12. Hi Karen,you have probably nailed how I collect I only DJ about 24 ish times a year. So I am by definition a collector who is mainly asked to DJ by fellow collectors who promote venues........? ATB Steve
  13. Hello Joe,Thanks for your fabulous insight within your reply.
  14. Well has to be stated.IMHO A DJ is ...............A .........Collector is ......... My belief is available...........ATB Steve
  15. Because Witty is the correct spelling
  16. UH ? FLIPPIN ECK Don't know what the people on here are whitty about ATB Steve
  17. Hi first poster.........Why???
  18. Hi Dave HOW DARE you my all time fave DJ still playing and enthusing about the top 500 ...only kidding of course........ATB Steve PS when are you close to Manchester next? ATB Steve
  19. Hi Jordi , couldn't resist.........did you mean LESTOR TIPTON?????????? ATB Stevie Z
  20. Hi those staying in tonight watching a worthy event. However some male team named Westout have been introduced as the "Best Boy Group" of the 21st century...........THE BEST BOY GROUP of the 60s would paste them .Especially as I heard them singing a cover ATB Steve
  21. Hi, sent a PM ATB Steve
  22. Hiya , is this then the second highest price paid for a "Northern Soul " tune?ATB Steve
  23. Well Mark,no tunes to play.........you put this out.........Lets hear your best Newies.HA HA ATB Stevie
  24. Hi Mark I will not go into the tirade of abuse you sent me on PMs... BUT I will say oldies all the time are what you play Play a tune for tomorrow or one you can safely buy. TRY COLLECTING.....ATB Stevie

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