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Everything posted by Scootboy

  1. I Junoed it earlier today Life To Me is so nice
  2. It seems that the reissue disc, has different shape
  3. Hi, I'm curious, do you know the difference? I also opened a new thread asking
  4. What's the difference between the original 7" 2001 release and the 7" re issue?
  5. I've never thought about this before
  6. 2018 retro Northern Soul
  7. Is this an official release? I had a feeling that it was a boot
  8. So far, I got four 7" - Darrell Banks - The Modulations - Sharon Ridley / Ralph Graham - Nichelle Nichols
  9. This one,starts to shine when the female vocals enter,after the first minute Most of the songs (if not all) posted here, I can easily 'northernsoul' dance them, if I get, a sufficient beer boost first
  10. Finally,it arrived (first one on the left)
  11. Just ordered the forthcoming Diggin Deep release, I have a feeling that it is going to be really BIG, both sides are huge
  12. This one has just been re-issued
  13. Nice song,when I listened it, somehow,I don't know why, I thought of this
  14. This one,is also interesting...
  15. This is a good retro/modern Northern Soul song
  16. Personal favourite, dancefloor filler
  17. Sometimes dreams come true,first 7" release, just ordered
  18. My sister will be in New York later this month, I'll add it on the list
  19. Good news for me, last copy with the apple (what a joke,everything else is exactly the same), completes clean without clicks.
  20. A-M-A-Z-I-N-G documentary, everyone must watch it
  21. Mid to late 90s when i was studying at the Uni
  22. There are many copies available,everywhere, demand is not so high this time, good news,everyone will get a normal valued copy, I just took this screenshot few minutes ago from Rough Trade, it made me laugh, ONLY 17 copies
  23. I also like this version

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