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Everything posted by Scootboy

  1. An April release that I've ordered recently. limited to 300 copies
  2. The only album that I've bought the last months is this, I got it for the 7" inside
  3. The promo doesn't have Where Did You Learn To Make Love The Way You Do I mainly buy 7", I'll buy an album if it has a 7" inside I was happy this year, some good 7" releases, I really liked the Nichelle Nichols, sound quality is excellent, Ronnie McNeir's also excellent
  4. The only available copy of Sharon Ridley at discogs now is £400
  5. Last Friday, I managed to grab this 7" for £19 , mint condition, original price (still available) £40
  6. Me too, I got the RSD one but I'll also get the large hole copy, both sides are great
  7. Juno has the reissue with the large hole, same songs but different release
  8. The video clip is mine, what a tune, it was released four years ago
  9. Exactly
  10. Lovely voice, in some bits it reminds me Sandra Wright, it went straight in my 'to buy' list
  11. Look Closer is the best for me, if you like another song more, post it here
  12. Last post for today, in fact I should better stay away a few days from this topic because I just found out some wonderful new sounds, that will cost me a lot of money Luckily, I managed to get the following one really cheap, a fiver if I remember correctly, it has started to grow in value lately
  13. Petition time Two more great songs that I'm waiting for a future 7" release, same band, different albums, Some months ago, I said the same thing for Do Something and Never Loved You More and my wishes came true, well, keep on dreaming...
  14. Staying at the Daptone neighborhood, one of the most underrated songs from the last years, it deserves to become huge
  15. The other side is also brilliant so much emotion from a GREAT man
  16. This one,is not expensive (yet) to get but on the same time it is also not easy to find, both sides are great, made for Feel Good Everyday
  17. I was also bandcamp lucky, just uploaded this
  18. It only has the 2001 7" release,it doesn't say anything about any 7" re issue
  19. There is no clear information if (or when) it has ever been re issued, it is more possible that it has been repressed using a different type of disc, the Matrix / Runout on mine is the same as the original
  20. I like the instrumental, simple, straight and powerful
  21. The sleeve is easy to get copied, the clear difference that I can see is that mine (re issue or boot) has smoother dink, the original seems to have a noticeably step there
  22. Jesus Mine is reissue or boot, I don't know, I'm not sure, I can't find anywhere details about re issues

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