"Debbie T" ....One very special and popular Lady, in demand across the Nation. We are so lucky to have her feminine touch to Soul Music with us at Movin' on a Groove....
The next event is our seventh anniversary and we welcome the return of the master (no not the bloke out of Dr. Who) of the decks and all round nice guy John Britton. Definitely one not to be missed.
Putting the "NEW" in New Year..
We kick start 2025 with "PABLO", an original Stafford T.O.T.W Journey Man...In demand at a host of progressive and popular Venues, sure to please with a varied mix from our past....
Our first event of the year over with two very popular guests over at The 21 Wayne Dale Plummer and John Britton who did an incredible job for us.
Our 2nd event we have two very well known gents of the Soul scene that we are so pleased to have over at The 21, John Horsler and John Manship.
I'll spare both their blushes with introductions as we all know it's not necessary with these fellas.
Our first event of 2025 sees the return of John Britton & Dale Plummer (Wayne Parkinson) both delivered the goods when they last guested and the temptation was just too great not to have them on again (the fact that they are nice people as well) had nothing to do with it. I for one am looking forward to a great day, then again the 21 Bar is never less than great as those who support this event already know.
Wow! This year has flown by and we've had some brilliant guest D.J.'s, well, the brilliance doesn't let up as we welcome Kevin Jones to guest at the Ivory Bar, gonna be another great day so mark Sunday the 15th September in your diaries & let's get it on.
With the next Movin' just over two weeks away, we welcome Shane Cheesbrough, Shane was one of the guest D.J.'s at Linni's big 'O' Birthday bash back in January of this year, he blew us all away with his superb sets & is sure to be a big hit at the Ivory Bar, see y'all there it gonna be a great day.
To the next " Movin' On A Groove" we are proud to welcome all round good guys the Pinches Twins, Dave & Bri as guest DJ's, Stalwarts of The Original Doncaster Sunday Chill-out {Formally the Horse & Groom} and just about every where else too numerous to mention. It's gonna be great & I for one can't wait.
The next Soul-Fully Chilled sees the return of Jackie Jackson & John Postill both guests have supported us from the beginning & have great record collections & are sure to deliver the goods. So if you like quality Soul music, give your self an early Christmas treat & come along, this is an event that goes from strength to strength.
After a Summer break the next event is October 6th where we are bringing together Pat Bleasdale and Brian Flanny Flanders to The 21 Soul-Fully Chill-Out.
Two very well known D.J.'s/Collectors with a wealth of knowledge of the Soul Scene and having traveled the length and breath of the country and abroad D.J. ing.
Definitely one not to be missed, as it going to be another great day.
Eagerly looking forward to the next installment of the Soul-Fully Chilled session, with two guests that have been gracing the decks all over the place for years now, even more remarkable they are only in their twenties [although that has not been verified & may not be true}, however, what is true is that Martin & Mike [Charlie] know how to deliver the soul goods and we are in for a real treat, so put it in your diary the first Sunday in June, you know where it's at & it's a free event like all the best events these days.
Our April event sees a welcome return of the two John's. The greatly respected John Britton who's DJing credentials over the years are too many to list, but include the legendary Wilton 'Niter, Red Bar, York Soul Club & Soul Not Dole to name a few. John Postill by comparison is a new kid on the block [betcha it's a long time since you've been called a kid John], Nevertheless in a very short time he has proved beyond any doubt he knows where it's at when delivering a great set. I know these days there are a plethora of events to choose from, so note your diaries and check us out, you won't be disappointed.
Wow our 6th Anniversary where did that go, gonna be a good one as well, back by popular demand our guest DJ is a big Soul record collector and all round good guy John Britton who has DJ'd all over the place over the years including the Legendary Wilton 'niters, the Red Bar & Soul Not Dole to name a few. This one is not to be missed.
Our first event of 2024 [4th February] is going to be a cracker not only have we added Blake Helliwell to be one of our resident DJ's, we see the return of Susan Stutting & also welcome Ellen Morrall, Sue always delivers a quality set whenever & wherever she DJ's [too many venues to name], for Ellen it's a first time DJ'ing at this venue, however, she joins us after receiving rave reviews for her two sets at last Novembers Movin' On A Groove. So note your calendar, it's gonna be the place to be.