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Dave truscott

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About Dave truscott

  • Birthday 09/02/1967

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Widnes cheshire uk
  • Interests
    Northern soul vinyl junky man utd guitar hearing new (old) ns sounds djin
  • Top Soul Sound
    Silky hargreaves keep lovin, melvin d i must

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  1. Loads of class 45s for buttons but still av to endure pour little heart out and other wishy washy 45s with no soul unforch
  2. Ye mate been lookin cant see one anywhere another one im after is ann sexton its all over but the shouting on wdj that seems hard aswell
  3. In good order cheers
  4. Is tempos vinyl or sty pal my mate has one and put on cd sounds vinyl but not seen one if u still got in nxt few weeks will b intredtd i have been bin bagged so hav to get own place and have spare cash cheers
  5. Anyone got mp3 copy cheers
  6. Hes done two on ramsel two of a kind and janette av a listen to two its fukin great
  7. Lovers reward big blue diamonds jamacan okeh on vinyl vg some pops but ok to dj with or till you get a minta dont know value of minta offers plz
  8. Will hatcher wants to come uk if anyone interested ive got his phone number
  9. Cheers bud
  10. Anyone know another version of tears same as lee roye and who sings it
  11. I was wondrin wethr to sell coz been skint over xmas it was 300 + coz rare as fuck and mint ive stayed in over xmas and sold collection b4 so changed mind mate soz bout that u should get calla copy for less than 100 they r not that hard wasnt takin piss mate sos agen

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